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Not another SNOW thread! OH YEAH, BABY--1-2 MORE FEET DC AREA!!!

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I wanted another snow storm on the west coast. At this point, it looks like we are heading into an early spring. We've even had days recently where it is warm enough to go without a coat all day. This has been an entirely too-short winter!


Have fun in the winter wonderland.




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I said in another thread I think I'm going to cry. Our street is only half plowed, the plow just couldn't push all the snow. I don't know if we'll even be dug out by the time the next snow hits. I'm still sore from all the shoveling, have more shoveling I could do, and now more tomorrow!!


:confused: :eek:

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We've got about 500 people down the street in the Mason Neck area (where Gunston Hall is) without power, and it's not expected to be fixed until...Weds night, when there will be another 10-20 inches of snow on the ground! Lots of trees down. We are having a friend's son spend the night again tonight b/c their house is COLD!

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I'm praying and thinking about all of you. I would suggest shoveling only what you have to unless you are in good shape. Be sure and take lots of breaks unless the snow is light and fluffy. This kind of weather takes out many, many backs and shoulders. You can make pathways, shovel parts of driveways, leave your car closer to the road whatever. Now if it's heavy on your roof that's another story. I hope this is the last of it for you.

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Certainly thinking of all of you! This is not fun... My old neighborhood was without power for 36 hours, they got lucky and power was restored in time for the Superbowl.


At the same time I am grateful we didn't have this kind of storm last winter when I was there on my own with the kids. I already had enough on my plate, I can't imagine having to deal with this on top of everything else!


Wishing the forecast is all wrong and you only get a sprinkling!

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I finally got around to clearing the driveway today. I calculate that I moved 10,000 cubic feet of snow. Without a tractor, it wouldn't have happened.


The roads are actually MUCH better than they were in December. I think due to the cold weather this snow has remained light, allowing the snowplows to do their jobs.


I'm finding myself having difficulty believing this latest forecast. Somehow, the fact that we JUST had a big storm makes me think it won't be big this time around. Here's hoping...


The part about the forecast that bothers me is that Doug Hill said "Unlike the last storm, this time we will be getting higher winds." So regardless of how much snow we get, there may be more power outages. Fortunately, it appears that it won't be in the single digits this week.


Enough rambling...hang in there everyone!

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I finally got around to clearing the driveway today. I calculate that I moved 10,000 cubic feet of snow. Without a tractor, it wouldn't have happened.


The roads are actually MUCH better than they were in December. I think due to the cold weather this snow has remained light, allowing the snowplows to do their jobs.


I'm finding myself having difficulty believing this latest forecast. Somehow, the fact that we JUST had a big storm makes me think it won't be big this time around. Here's hoping...


The part about the forecast that bothers me is that Doug Hill said "Unlike the last storm, this time we will be getting higher winds." So regardless of how much snow we get, there may be more power outages. Fortunately, it appears that it won't be in the single digits this week.


Enough rambling...hang in there everyone!


I don't know, I can believe it. Maybe it's because I grew up in a snowy place, but I don't have any problem believing we could get 2 storms close like this. Besides, I've watched them doing their typical pattern of staring out with a low accumulation total and steadily going up. Yesterday it was only going to be 5 inches, earlier it was 8-10 inches, now tonight it is 1-2 feet. Since they're following their typical pattern I'm guessing it's for real.


There are 2 storms that will both end up combing right over the DC/Baltimore area. I think they were hopeful that wouldn't happen, but now have resigned themselves to another big one.

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My mil, in Springfield, called tonight practically in tears. She is almost 80 years old and has very bad knees. She rarely drives even in good weather so she is completely beside herself. We live about 50 miles away and our roads have not been plowed yet so we're no help. AACCKK! She does have very sweet neighbors all around her who are keeping her sidewalk, steps and driveway clear. I just hope her power stays on.

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I don't know, I can believe it. Maybe it's because I grew up in a snowy place, but I don't have any problem believing we could get 2 storms close like this. Besides, I've watched them doing their typical pattern of staring out with a low accumulation total and steadily going up. Yesterday it was only going to be 5 inches, earlier it was 8-10 inches, now tonight it is 1-2 feet. Since they're following their typical pattern I'm guessing it's for real.


There are 2 storms that will both end up combing right over the DC/Baltimore area. I think they were hopeful that wouldn't happen, but now have resigned themselves to another big one.

I'm probably just in denial at this point. And this coming from someone who LIKES snow!


The weather radar on channel 7-2 is showing it snowing here right now. But we don't see it out the window. Perhaps it is evaporating before it reaches the ground.


Currently, DC has had 45.1 inches of snow this winter with the all-time record set in the 1890s of 54.4 inches. That means if DC gets more than 9.3 inches more, this will officially be the snowiest winter on record. I guess that answers the question about whether we are used to this kind of snow or not. We are NOT!

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ACK. I can't believe we're getting more... my whole body is still killing me from shoveling us out this weekend. My neighbor came over halfway through with his snow blower and let me use it, otherwise I may have keeled over!


Our neighborhood is mostly plowed, but I have lots of friends who are still completely snowed in. crazy.

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Well, just got back from 4 days hiding from the snow in Hampton Roads. DH had to shovel the driveway out before we could even get into the garage. I trekked through it to get the kids into the house to feed them.


Before the oven was even warmed up, I looked out the window and most of the neighbors were in the driveway helping DH shovel and break up ice. Guess we'll just brave this one, but it's really effecting my SAD, and vitamin D is not helping. I need sun.

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One thing has me thrilled--

I live in the woods and have a teeny case of SAD--and we have so many trees down that we may actually have enough sun in the spring for a garden!


No great loss w/o some small gain.:D


(I like trees, I really do...but I like light, too! lol)

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My morning started with a washer and dryer going full speed! We were glad to not be without power on the last storm, but I am concerned that we may not be so lucky this time. I'm stocked up on wood, have been baking bread, and am brushing up on my "how to cook over a fire" skills.

Bring on the snow - we are READY!:D

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Am I in denial in Charlottesville? Somehow I just can't get too geared up for this one. We lost power Friday - Monday morning with the weekend storm and I'm hoping that every tree that could possibly come down already has. They actually brought in helicopters to help the guys to get the trees off the power lines. So ... I'm doing laundry, have plenty of food to cook over the fire, dh is out getting paper products, and am roasting a turkey and making some oatmeal raisin cookies. Any weather gurus want to make a stab at what's going to happen around here?

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