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If you had $200 to spend to supplement SOTW 1....


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...what would you buy? I'm not sure yet how much I'm actually going to spend, but just for the sake of discussion :)


I'll have a 4th grader and a 2nd grader (with a 4 year old tagging along, as always). I'll get some books from the library, but our library's not so great. Books, activity kits, CDs, whatever...tell me all your favorites please!

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I haven't seen it or the AG, but from reading here, I think I'd choose the "best picks" books, if they weren't available in your library, and spend the rest on craft materials. I would rather the kids mosaic the floor of their cubby house than make a "mosaic" with tissue paper.




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I'd go to the VP catalog and pick out wonderful historical fiction. My dd has LOVED so many books they sell... Viking Adventures, Roman Mysteries, some girl-friend series, etc. There are just so many good historical fiction books for this. Watch the sale/swap boards and buy used. VP will price match Rainbow, amazon, etc. if you place your order by phone and ask. Their catalog is AMAZING.


Other favs? Usborne Time Traveler, a mummy kit that came in a paperboard box (forget what it's called, VP sells it), Cat Mummies, anything heiroglyphics, Spend the Day in Ancient Rome (Greece), Good Times Travel Agency...

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I'd get one of the Usborne encyclopedias and a globe, first. I'd buy a lot of the "You Wouldn't Want to Be" series of books. I'd get the Aliki book about Greek Gods and Goddesses, D'Aulaire's book of Greek Myths, and a version of each of Homer's epics plus a version of the Aeneid. I'd also look at a book of Roman Myths or at least the story of Romulus & Remus. I'd also try to find a good biography of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Cleopatra.

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I would get the activity guide. I has SOOOO much stuff in there (mapping, coloring pages, comprehension questions, further reading suggestions with descriptions, and crafts for every chapter plus some chapters have extras like games). My daughter doesn't like the Usbourne Encyclopedia but likes to lapbook and such. Evan-Moor's History Pockets Ancient Civilizations (Gr. 1-3) meshes well with the book. Other than the AG and the HP, I would get craft supplies and maybe print out some narration pages for each chapter. HTH!

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I would get the activity guide for sure. The Internet Linked Encyclopedia of World History is also nice. Then I would take the catalogs for VP, SL and the book list from TOG and pick and choose depending on what you can find at your library. Ours has an online option so I can sit down with catalogs and check if they have a book or not. It would really upset me if I lost my catalogs... :)


(Many of the historical fiction for these lists are on the 4 for 3 lists on amazon.)

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I 2nd the Activity Guide and D'Aulaire's Greek Mythology for sure.


So far as the rest, I'd pick best-of books. . . focusing mainly collections of folk tales/myths/etc to get a big bang for your buck.


You can do arts/crafts/coloring pages from the AG for "free" with routine household stuff and find more resources free online. . . So, I'd focus on book purchases that are not available at your library. Once you get your hands on the AG, you can spend some time at your library (or searching their catalog online if possible) and identify which topics seem to have better (or worse) coverage in library books, and purchase to fill in the gaps.


Once you get your AG, I'd search the FS board here regularly . . . folks often post really long lists of very inexpensive books (1-2$) and you might find a lot that way before having to invest your own $$.

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One thing I wish I'd bought when we did SOTW 1 was the audio CD set, to mix it up a bit instead of having me read aloud all the time. We've used the CDs for SOTW 2 through 4 now, and it's been a useful tool for us.


Another vote for the activity guide, and to use any of your leftover funds to buy supplies throughout the year for the activities that interest you and your kids.


Erica in OR

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I have a whole bunch of ideas that I photoblog about everyday for SOTW1. Hieroglyph kits, Ancient Egypt Treasure Chest, mummy/pyramid kits, dozens and dozens of books...



I think the item I'm most excited about this month was exactly $200, but can be used for history, science, and so much more - a Discovery Education streaming subscription.

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Here are some more ideas:


Dig! Discover Display kits---this is just one I found, but Rainbow Resource carries lots of different ones.



Ancient Egypt Treasure Chest



Ancient China Treasure Chest



This series of books are informative and hands on also:


Ancient Egyptians and Their Neighbors: An Activity Guide



Ancient Isrealites and Their Neighbors: An Activity Guide



Of course, the activity guide and encyclopedia recommended in the activity guide.


And then throw in some read-alouds, get the picture books or easy readers your library has, and you'd be good to go.


Enjoy SOTW!

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I just bought the Usborne I-L Encyclopedia of the Ancient World which is recommended by VP for their study of the ancients. This covers Egypt, Greece and Rome. Although we haven't actually used it yet (next year), it looks like it goes into a good bit of depth with each of these civilizations.



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I have a whole bunch of ideas that I photoblog about everyday for SOTW1. Hieroglyph kits, Ancient Egypt Treasure Chest, mummy/pyramid kits, dozens and dozens of books...



I think the item I'm most excited about this month was exactly $200, but can be used for history, science, and so much more - a Discovery Education streaming subscription.


Wow, your blog is the most helpful thing I have found while trying to plan SOTW for my K'er. Thank you so much for the great ideas and pictures!

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The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia. It is great for the memorization lists, and a little reading for my 2nd grader. I know we will use it a lot more in the future too (thinking of your 4th grader here.)


A globe, and wall maps


Any Dover history coloring books that interest you, and lots of good books.


For ancient and middle ages biographies, we have LOVED all those by Demi. Beautiful pages and they give a lot more info than the SOTW chapter alone.

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Thanks everyone!


I bookmarked your blog, Satori--very nice!


Well, I put a bunch of stuff in my Amazon cart and was surprised to discover just how fast I can go through $200 :eek:. I haven't actually bought anything yet, but I've got some of the "You Wouldn't Want to..." books, Black Ships Before Troy, a book of Roman myths, a pyramid excavation kit, a couple of Jim Weiss CDs, and a few other things in there. I didn't mention before so as not to unnecessarily complicate my post, but I did Ancients with my oldest when he was in kindergarten, so I have a good many books left from that (some of which we used, some of which I saved for the next time). So I already have several books that have been mentioned here, too.


Thanks again for all the suggestions--I'm getting excited about next year!

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