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We found a new place to live

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:party:I got the call today! I applied to rent a place in a tiny village in the northern part of my province, and they called today to say they have approved us! I go Saturday to view the property and pay the deposit. I am so excited. No cross country move for us, we can stay in our province for the same amount of rent and keep out homeschool funding, health benefits etc. The place is a 5 bedroom mobile(3 bdrm with an addition that has 2 more) with screened/heated porch, big yard, across from a school with big playground. It is cclose the same sq feet we currently have, but all on one level which will hopefully make the noise level better(the kids like to yell to each other from separate floors rather than walking up to the other person).


Fingers crossed that when I view the place I love it enough to pay the deposit. We would be moving end of the month if we take it.


As for the SW stuff, the file will get transferred to the city closest to the village(about 30 minutes) and they will monitor to be sure we are settled and have supports up there and then close it.

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So will this get her out of your hair? (you'll get someone else, right, but hopefully someone more reasonable?)



Correct. She is pretty muchout of my hair now, the file gets transfered to a new worker on Thursday. After that last meeting when she had threatened me and made such unreasonable demands the other worker that was there with the affliated program reported her to her supervisor. The demands of gym membership, ps, weaning etc have all been dropped off my file. The new girl I have been working with with the affliated program is actually quite nice and is doing what she can to help us. She is finding a program to do therapy with Austin rather than just another shrink to push more meds. I have done everything else already on my list and she is reporting nearly 3 times a week to CPS that I am maintaining my side of teh deal etc. The old SW has not been around since last meeting, and will not be again. It will be transferred to a regular caseworker who will check in once a month with me to see if I need anything and confirm with the other girl that things have been stable etc.


During our meeting today Austin went into a rage, and they could see what he is like when that happens, and that it does not take much to trigger him. SHe was also able to see how I deal with him and commented several times how impressed she was, so she has made a note that a) leave me alone, but b) find him a therapist as mentioned above that will focus on things other than meds to help him.

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Correct. She is pretty muchout of my hair now, the file gets transfered to a new worker on Thursday. After that last meeting when she had threatened me and made such unreasonable demands the other worker that was there with the affliated program reported her to her supervisor. The demands of gym membership, ps, weaning etc have all been dropped off my file. The new girl I have been working with with the affliated program is actually quite nice and is doing what she can to help us. She is finding a program to do therapy with Austin rather than just another shrink to push more meds. I have done everything else already on my list and she is reporting nearly 3 times a week to CPS that I am maintaining my side of teh deal etc. The old SW has not been around since last meeting, and will not be again. It will be transferred to a regular caseworker who will check in once a month with me to see if I need anything and confirm with the other girl that things have been stable etc.


During our meeting today Austin went into a rage, and they could see what he is like when that happens, and that it does not take much to trigger him. SHe was also able to see how I deal with him and commented several times how impressed she was, so she has made a note that a) leave me alone, but b) find him a therapist as mentioned above that will focus on things other than meds to help him.


That just makes my day!! :grouphug:

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