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IF you are a LOST fan... Who is/was your favorite character?

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For a totally fun loving, great to hang out with, kind of guy Hurley, for a best friend Juliet, for a facsinating conversationalist Daniel (not that I would eer actually understand anything he said), and for a love interest post season 3 Sawyer (not really for the looks so much as the attitude and well ok, the dimples don't hurt either). Desmond is pretty easy on the eyes and of course sounds great and Sayid gets the engines reving every now and again. I like Miles sarcastic wit and I love Rose and Bernard.


I really don't like Kate, Jack, Locke and I have a viseral dislike of Ben.


Everyone else is ok.

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We bought the series and we're nearly finished with the 2nd season, so my opinions are based on the characters as they are now (they might turn out to be giant jerks - I have no idea, lol).


My very favorites are Rose-and-Bernard. I love their entire relationship.


And Hurley. What's not to love about him?


And Eko. I adore his character - totally fascinating. I don't have a good feeling about his longevity in the series, though - because I didn't see him in the latest Entertainment Weekly magazine. :glare:


I used to like Claire, but she's really on my last nerve with her screaming and whining and overreacting to every. single. thing.

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IT's tonight! It's tonight! It's tonight!


:D Jack reminds me a little of Carter on ER--only because he's filled with angst and tries to do the right thing most times. He's definitely grown on the show--but I wouldn't really want to know him, just want to know what happens to him.


I love Hurley. He speaks the truth when others won't. He also asks the questions the audience wants to know, and wants to cut thru the BS of the other characters. And yes, he does have the zinger lines!


Apparently, things change b/c of the bomb--I saw the first 4 minutes, and the previews. I saw Kate and I thought Juliet, and maybe Jack at some sort of "council" around the fire that looked like Jacob's place, where they will be "judged." Should be interesting!

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I, too, have a rather long list. :D Sawyer is my all-around favorite. But very, very close seconds (yes, all are seconds) include Juliet (LOVE her; heartbroken over last season), Daniel (again, more heartbreak for me), and Miles. Miles reminds me a lot of Sawyer. :001_smile:


But DH and I just rewatched some of season 5, and I had forgotten how wonderful the scene with Rose and Bernard is. They are a wonderful couple! And the way Bernard offers Juliet tea...goosebumps.

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We still hold a grudge against the creators for killing Charlie. How could you do that?? It was such a waste too! Completely pointless. :) We also love Hurley. You just have to love Hurley. I can't stand a smart***, so in the past I couldn't stand it when Sawyer was in the scene but I'm fascinated it's so different now. Now, Jack's annoying (not in a smart*** way) and Sawyer's the one we're cheering for. Ben's a complete slimy weasel and always has been. Yuck!


I hear we'll see Michael and Libby this season. I assume it's through flashbacks or things like when we saw AnnaLucia when she pulled over Hurley when he was driving Sayid.


Added: I forgot to add I really like/liked(?) Juliette and we all liked Daniel. But final vote is we talk about missing and resenting the loss of Charlie the most.

Edited by PinkInTheBlue
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