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Looking for a job AND an adventure?

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Shameless plug for my school.... We just posted our openings for next fall. I know there are many on the boards who need employment and I assume you were NOT thinking of seeking it outside of the country. BUT if there is a little voice in the back of your head saying "maybe" and you want more info, let me know. Here are the open positions for next year:




and I would be happy to answer any questions you have. It would be so fun to have more WTMers here!

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Religion requirements apply to non-teaching staff as well? Dh isn't quite as Christian as he used to be.


(Life's a bit boring here, I need a BIG dream as an antidote, heheh.)


Here is some info that can answer your question: http://www.dalat.org/jweb/DISDocuments/NewStaffForms/for%20print/Statement%20of%20FaithFORPRINT.pdf


This is our statement of faith HOWEVER we are "non-denominational" which means that theological variances are accepted (IOW, we don't split hairs over infant vs. believer's baptism, etc.) but you DO have to be a professing Christian. Notice I said "professing" not "perfect". If it were necessary to be a perfect christian I certainly would not be here! :D

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I do not understand why the link isn't working. Here it is again: http://www.dalat.org/jweb/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=118&Itemid=160


If that doesn't work,here are the positions we need:


Full Time Positions

High School Math Teacher

High School Science Teacher

High School Science/Math Teacher

Humanities / Bible Teacher

Middle School English Teacher

Middle School Counselor / MS Academic Coordinator

Technology Specialist

Residence Life Nurse


Part Time Positions

Community Service Coordinator (.25 position)

ES Music / HS Choir Teacher

HS Spanish Teacher

ES Computer Teacher


Part-time positions CAN be combined into one full time if we found a qualified person.


More info: they pay for....


-work visa

-plane tickets for your whole family

-moving expenses


-free tuition for your children

-a nice salary (we live better than most Malaysians!)

-additional money if you have kids (a child allowance)

-medical/dental insurance



Not to mention the weather is beautiful, the food is excellent and we have every modern convenience. It is a great place to live. Oh, and you CAN homeschool here. In fact, we have a staff member who works with local homeschooling families for testing and what-not.


Any more questions???

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Seriously, how much experience is required? Like, for the MS English teacher--does one have to have "official" classroom experience? An ed degree? This just sounds SO intriguing! :bigear:


There are mutliple options:


-traditional teaching certificate and bachelor's degree

- teaching experience in a Christian or private school (with or without certification)

- college degree in related field (like journalism, writing, publishing, etc.) but no teaching experience


etc. We really look at each candidate individually. What is your background?

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It depends on the position. We have a lot of leeway since we are a private school. For instance, my dh is not a certified teacher but he has worked in computers forever and he is now teaching computers here.


Hey Heather, Are HVAC technicians needed?? LOL. My dh is plumber/ hvac tech and maybe I could talk him into a whole new life in malaysia. It sounds nice. I have been a book keeper for 25 years. Does the high school have a business track? Just wondering out loud.



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Hey Heather, Are HVAC technicians needed?? LOL. My dh is plumber/ hvac tech and maybe I could talk him into a whole new life in malaysia. It sounds nice. I have been a book keeper for 25 years. Does the high school have a business track? Just wondering out loud.




unfortunately no. For positions that are not teaching or adminsitration, they hire locally...they cannot get work visas for those other positions because it is considered that we would be stealing jobs from locals. Sorry :(

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Ok, my dh and I would seriously consider this. He's a tech guy but more software side than hardware side so not sure he fits the tech position really but his first question was this:


How would I get my unicycle gear ? ;-) OKAY dear, they have mail service, lol


His second question:


Is it safe there? (he is thinking of the church bombings I told him about recently)


Do you really like it there??? My mom would kill us for even applying but it sounds so neat!

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Ok, my dh and I would seriously consider this. He's a tech guy but more software side than hardware side so not sure he fits the tech position really but his first question was this:


How would I get my unicycle gear ? ;-) OKAY dear, they have mail service, lol Yes we do!

His second question:


Is it safe there? (he is thinking of the church bombings I told him about recently) Yes, Penang island is like this bubble that is somewhat detached from the rest of Malaysia. And the hubbub has died down from that initial weekend. It is quite safe here (guns are illegal and drug dealers get the death penalty...they don't mess around here!). We actually feel safer here than where we were living before.


Do you really like it there??? We LOVE living here (read my blog). There are minor annoyances now and then (like I really miss Target) but the school pays really well and we have a higher standard of living than local Malaysians and higher than we had in the U.S. Plus, we have great churches, great food, great weather. Honestly, we plan to stay here indefinitely!

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Heather, there is a good chance you will hear from my husband, Scott. He would be applying for the technology specialist position. He currently owns his own IT company working with small businesses, but would definitely consider putting his business aside to give our family the experience of living outside the US for awhile.

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Wow, Heather, you should get a Finder's Fee, from the looks of things you might get LOTS of applicants from the boards!


Actually, I am just curious to know whether the school is growing, or if there's been turnover... is it typical to have that many slots available each year in a school? In my mind's eye, you are at a village school, but I think I'm getting a reality check, is it more cosmopolitan?

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Wow, Heather, you should get a Finder's Fee, from the looks of things you might get LOTS of applicants from the boards!


Actually, I am just curious to know whether the school is growing, or if there's been turnover... is it typical to have that many slots available each year in a school? In my mind's eye, you are at a village school, but I think I'm getting a reality check, is it more cosmopolitan?


LOL...it is quite cosmopolitan. Penang is VERY developed. We have about 430 students and growing. And this turnover is very typical in the international school system especially since that really only equates to about 4 couples leaving. But when the husband teaches math and the wife teaches science and they leave, now you have two big holes to fill.


It would be awesome if I single-handledly filled all the openings! :D

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Shameless plug for my school.... We just posted our openings for next fall. I know there are many on the boards who need employment and I assume you were NOT thinking of seeking it outside of the country. BUT if there is a little voice in the back of your head saying "maybe" and you want more info, let me know. Here are the open positions for next year:




and I would be happy to answer any questions you have. It would be so fun to have more WTMers here!



What about Mennonites or Catholics? Would they be welcome there? And, if yes, can I forward this on to a colleague of mine who is an employment counselor? There are more than a few underemployed/unemployed teachers around here.

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Hope you don't mind Heather, but I posted the link on an expat forum here too.


There are hundreds of International Schools here, and it is that time of year where teachers contracts are coming to an end, and the next years changes/turn overs are planned.

There are a few teachers from here, they may be interested.

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I know of 2 teacher friends who are currently working in ps in CA -- one is Special Ed/Art teacher (20+ years) and the other is Kindergarten (6 years). My only concern for them is how do they handle the home they own while overseas? Rent it out? CA real estate stinks and they really want to move out of state. They are lovely people we've known and worked via ministry.

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Ok, my dh and I would seriously consider this. He's a tech guy but more software side than hardware side so not sure he fits the tech position really but his first question was this:


How would I get my unicycle gear ? ;-) OKAY dear, they have mail service, lol


His second question:


Is it safe there? (he is thinking of the church bombings I told him about recently)


Do you really like it there??? My mom would kill us for even applying but it sounds so neat!


Tess! I would be so happy for you all if you found something. I know the worries have been going on for some time. Will continue to pray for you and D!!! Moving to another country is an amazing experience!

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What about Mennonites or Catholics? Would they be welcome there? And, if yes, can I forward this on to a colleague of mine who is an employment counselor? There are more than a few underemployed/unemployed teachers around here.


The school is nondenominational so you have to be a professing Christian. So I assume both of those would be fine!

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Hope you don't mind Heather, but I posted the link on an expat forum here too.


There are hundreds of International Schools here, and it is that time of year where teachers contracts are coming to an end, and the next years changes/turn overs are planned.

There are a few teachers from here, they may be interested.



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I know of 2 teacher friends who are currently working in ps in CA -- one is Special Ed/Art teacher (20+ years) and the other is Kindergarten (6 years). My only concern for them is how do they handle the home they own while overseas? Rent it out? CA real estate stinks and they really want to move out of state. They are lovely people we've known and worked via ministry.


Yes, most people rent their homes out while they are gone (but some sell).

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A mutual friend just posted about your job openings on her facebook wall. She described her friend who is the principal of the school, and I thought, "Hey, that's Heather in NC!" Too funny.


Anyway, I passed this info along to some other friends of mine who are just leaving work at a mission school in Swaziland. I'm not sure what their plans are, but you may just get some applications from them.

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A mutual friend just posted about your job openings on her facebook wall. She described her friend who is the principal of the school, and I thought, "Hey, that's Heather in NC!" Too funny.


Anyway, I passed this info along to some other friends of mine who are just leaving work at a mission school in Swaziland. I'm not sure what their plans are, but you may just get some applications from them.


Wow, FB certainly has made the world smaller! :D

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Shameless plug for my school.... We just posted our openings for next fall. I know there are many on the boards who need employment and I assume you were NOT thinking of seeking it outside of the country. BUT if there is a little voice in the back of your head saying "maybe" and you want more info, let me know. Here are the open positions for next year:




and I would be happy to answer any questions you have. It would be so fun to have more WTMers here!



I could totally see myself in a role as a dorm parent. Nevermind, as a single parent I do not qualify.

Edited by swellmomma
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My dh is interested! Would having a large family rule us out? Does the teacher have a preset curriculum or does the teacher get to design their own? He is interested in tech and or computers. Guess we're familiar with dorm life a bit already! LOL


I don't really know about the large family question. If only your husband works then you would only get child allowance for 2 kids, and free tuition for two kids. If you worked also then you would get child allowance for 4 kids and tuition for 4 kids. Other than that you would have to ask the director. I know a couple of families here with 5 and 6 kids but I think 6 is the most anyone on staff has.

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  • 3 months later...

Heather, if you get an elementary position open up, let me know. I almost have my Master's degree, I have five years experience teaching public school, four years homeschooling, and would LOVE to teach in a Christian international school. Due to my husband's fibromyalgia, he is staying home with our kids, and I am headed back to work. I know you probably already have positions filled for the fall, but if anyone backs out or they need a 1st-6th grade teacher, let me know! Thanks!

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Heather, if you get an elementary position open up, let me know. I almost have my Master's degree, I have five years experience teaching public school, four years homeschooling, and would LOVE to teach in a Christian international school. Due to my husband's fibromyalgia, he is staying home with our kids, and I am headed back to work. I know you probably already have positions filled for the fall, but if anyone backs out or they need a 1st-6th grade teacher, let me know! Thanks!


Yes as of right now we have filled all our positions for next year except one (a high school science position). But if anything opens up I will let you know!

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