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Will take curriculum. Might even pay media postage

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To all those who don't want the hassel of selling -


I will take it off your hands.


Dh is between jobs again.

I can't count how many families I know that could use some help. Off the top of my head, I'd say 12. I know there's more.


I am actually doing "okay" for now.


But many others can't even contemplate buying curriculum for next year. I imagine reading all the usual talk of next year plans and this years hits/misses and the many who have stuff going unused is hard for some in need to read this year.


So if you would care to help some Okies, I will offer my address and promise to not sell or hoard it. Rather, it would please me greatly to help see another family benefit. Anything I can't give away here, I will personally deliver to Book Samaritan to pass along as they see the need.


I can't promise paying for media mailing. It depends on how much it is. Remember my dh is currently unemployeed and we never have been rich. No tax receipts either.

But if I have the funds to help, I will gladly do so and presume Divine Providence or karma or whatever you want to call it will lead me to have no regret about doing so.


Oh and please don't be offended if you have posted about the hassel of selling. I don't intend to offend. I agree it can be a pain.


Ok now I'm feeling like an idiot writing this. I've been blessed many times by strangers over the years. I don't have money, but I do have willing hands and would love the opportunity to pass some generosity to some fellow homeschoolers.


Hitting submit before I chicken out!

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To all those who don't want the hassel of selling -


I will take it off your hands.


Dh is between jobs again.

I can't count how many families I know that could use some help. Off the top of my head, I'd say 12. I know there's more.


I am actually doing "okay" for now.


But many others can't even contemplate buying curriculum for next year. I imagine reading all the usual talk of next year plans and this years hits/misses and the many who have stuff going unused is hard for some in need to read this year.


So if you would care to help some Okies, I will offer my address and promise to not sell or hoard it. Rather, it would please me greatly to help see another family benefit. Anything I can't give away here, I will personally deliver to Book Samaritan to pass along as they see the need.


I can't promise paying for media mailing. It depends on how much it is. Remember my dh is currently unemployeed and we never have been rich. No tax receipts either.

But if I have the funds to help, I will gladly do so and presume Divine Providence or karma or whatever you want to call it will lead me to have no regret about doing so.


Oh and please don't be offended if you have posted about the hassel of selling. I don't intend to offend. I agree it can be a pain.


Ok now I'm feeling like an idiot writing this. I've been blessed many times by strangers over the years. I don't have money, but I do have willing hands and would love the opportunity to pass some generosity to some fellow homeschoolers.


Hitting submit before I chicken out!



What a lovely thing to do! I don't have curriculum sitting around now, but I think you're doing a very nice thing. Good luck!

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Very nice of you to do this. :)


My husband is laid off right now, too, so I'm trying to sell, sell, sell. We're okay right now, but my DS has another camping trip coming up and we have achievement testing to pay for soon; so I'm trying to sell whatever I can incase we have to spend that money for bills or food. My girls' birthday is this month, too...


Oh well, at least the job held out through Christmas. He usually gets laid off in November.


I will add you to my prayers. :grouphug:

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My husband is laid off right now, too, so I'm trying to sell, sell, sell. We're okay right now, but my DS has another camping trip coming up and we have achievement testing to pay for soon; so I'm trying to sell whatever I can incase we have to spend that money for bills or food. My girls' birthday is this month, too...



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Specific grades? Subjects? I have some shelves I need to clean off and some old curric in my bedroom that might be of use...


I'm sure someone would be very grateful for whatever you can offer.


I know I was personally shocked at how expensive high school materials are.


The cores of math and language arts are always of primary importance.


Often it's the non-cores that are the first to do without when money is tight. Foreign language, manipulatives, and art come to mind ... Someone who squeeked out for the cores, might be thrilled to be able to give their kids some of the non-core materials.

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That's right!:iagree: I also have an Educating on the Cheap page on my blog. The link is in the right sidebar. But IMHO, there's just no comparison to holding a book in your hand. ;)


Not to mention it can be really hard to go the truely free route. It often needs a high speed internet connection, which low funds might cut. It's a lot of time and effort at a time when a family might be really exhausted and stressed already.

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I'm sure people would also *love* to give specifically so that they feel more comfortable shipping books off to someone they do not know. :)


Or get lists of what people have to give and then allow those you'd like to bless to maybe choose from what's available? That way people don't send tons of stuff that will sit around your house and those who are needy don't have to just accept "whatever"!

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If I hear a mom say she cannot afford xyz math for her 10 yr old, then I will certainly take note. But mostly what I hear is not that specific. It's more along the lines of, "I can't think about books and curriculum right now bc dh is out a job."


If someone would feel more comfortable with Book Samaritan (which I talked on the phone with tonight and can assure is still active) paperback swap (you get credit and don't pay shipping until someone wants it) or just post a list of free to good home and mail out that way - I would absolutely be just as happy.


I just know there's families that could use books and apparently there's folks here with books to spare. I am willing to gladly be another easy way to get rid of the books as easy as possible. No multiple trips to post office, lists, or emailings. :)

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someone here did PM me asking for help with 1st grade and kindergarten materials. they have a little one that is ready to learn to read and another that needs first grade materials. I don't know her personally, but I'm sure that if someone PMs me with a willingness to fill this need, I'm sure we can work something out to get it to her.:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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As I get books, I've been thanking the sender, if I know who it is, and then I delete any related PMs to keep my PM box from getting full.


If you sent me books and did not get a thank you, it is either bc I couldn't read the sender label or I couldn't match up sender name to board name. It's been raining and snowing a lot here and some of the labels were pretty smeared and torn up by the time I received them. Thankfully the books have all been in fine condition! Only one box might not have made it yet to my knowledge. I'm hoping it's just taking some time to arrive.


If you want to know if your box has arrived, send me a PM with what you sent and I'll thank you for it if I remember getting it.


It's been great fun to give it away!


Weird thing to note...


I thought I'd have to make some arrangements to get these to homes, but the majority of the time, either before or right after I've received something, I've had a conversation with someone who had almost exactly (or exactly!) that particuliar need. If it wasn't so obviously a good thing, I'd be a bit creeped out by it! Most materials have found a home within 24 hours of my opening the box.:D


Thank you!

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As I get books, I've been thanking the sender, if I know who it is, and then I delete any related PMs to keep my PM box from getting full.


If you sent me books and did not get a thank you, it is either bc I couldn't read the sender label or I couldn't match up sender name to board name. It's been raining and snowing a lot here and some of the labels were pretty smeared and torn up by the time I received them. Thankfully the books have all been in fine condition! Only one box might not have made it yet to my knowledge. I'm hoping it's just taking some time to arrive.


If you want to know if your box has arrived, send me a PM with what you sent and I'll thank you for it if I remember getting it.


It's been great fun to give it away!


Weird thing to note...


I thought I'd have to make some arrangements to get these to homes, but the majority of the time, either before or right after I've received something, I've had a conversation with someone who had almost exactly (or exactly!) that particuliar need. If it wasn't so obviously a good thing, I'd be a bit creeped out by it! Most materials have found a home within 24 hours of my opening the box.:D


Thank you!


I was thinking about you just this morning -- we will be moving home this weekend, and I am going to get the curric in piles to send to you. I have your address STILL in my PM box. Thanks for this update. :)

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