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Are my kids the only ones who HATE to.......

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.....................go out?! :confused:


It's not a weather thing (cold/hot), they prefer to stay home and play. Inside.....Outside.....wherever they have begun whatever it is they are doing. They will freak out if DH and I tell them that we all have to go out someplace. They like visiting, will enjoy going to a restaurant and will really enjoy it if we are meeting another family there, but 99% of the time, if we announce we have to go someplace, well, it's ugly. :angry::angry::angry:


They are fine once we are on our way, relatively speaking, keeping busy with DS', books, coloring, or just looking out the window.....but the initial announcement is ALWAYS met with :mad::mad::mad:.

Any other kids do this? I loved going out when I was a kid -- my kids hate it!

Edited by MariannNOVA
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These are my kids exactly, Mariann! They LOVE to be home! They crab if we say we're going somewhere, but are fine once we're on our way.


Maybe it means we go out too often?


I would agree with this.....but frequency or infrequency of 'field trips' as I call them, seems to have nothing to do with their resistance -- and, granted, lately we have had to do really unenjoyable stuff like look at kitchen appliances, get paint chips, etc, but any inkling of 'we have to go out' is met with scowls and howls.




Maybe it means you have a really cool house? :D Personally, I'm like that, and I never was before this last home. So, I think of it as a compliment to my home.


Well, we are living in an extended stay hotel while our home is repaired -- and they have been like this in the hotel (which is SO small, SO cramped and has no appeal - to me, at least), in our house.....which, trust me, has a great yard, but the rest, well, not exciting to me. When we were in a fabulous house, they didn't want to go out - but, I didn't want to go out either so I do get that point of view.


And, now, me, being nosy -- where in coastal NJ do you live? I am from Suburban Essex County and have lived everywhere from Short Hills to Princeton to Ocean City to Linwood (with a couple of places in between).


My son recently went thru a stage like this. After trying to be patient about it, I finally told him that we would stay out an extra hour SHOPPING (he hates shopping) if he didn't stop with the attitude. He's all better now. :D


Now, see, that's what I want to say to them! :001_smile:



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My kids don't like too much time away from home, but, they love the outings as well! It cracks me up because when we were home this summer for 5 weeks, after about 2 weeks, they kept saying that they were happy to be in MN but they missed home. :001_huh: It's not like we get back to the US on a regular basis! I was so surprised!

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My kids are very much the same way ~ in particular, my eldest & youngest. My eldest is really bad about it & won't even go to his friend's house across the street, which I find a little strange. Nevertheless, I can't fault them too much because I've been pretty much the same way for the the past year or so. I find that I hate leaving the house & will avoid it as much as possible, though I really have no idea why.

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My older two kids don't really want to go anywhere other than Grandma's House, a restaurant or the library (and not so much the library anymore since they each have their own computers now).


Sometimes they fight over running errands with Dad, but that's not so much about going somewhere as it is about spending one on one time with Daddy who is rarely home because he's been working A LOT.


My youngest is happy to go anywhere that involves a drive in the car.

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My son is the same way. When he has a day away from home, he comes home exhausted, and just needs to hang out at home to restore himself. His "best friend" constantly wants ds to come over, spend the night, do whatever activity, and he canNOT understand that DS just wants to be home, and that he even wants to be home without company.

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We could be planning to go to the ice cream shop and the park and she would throw a fit.


For her it was the transition.


Giving her time to realize we were leaving helped and bringing along a bit of whatever she was playing with. Also, giving her the consequence of staying home with Dad while just Mom went, helped a LOT. She wanted to be with Mom all the time.


Gum is a good one!


Good luck!

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My dc have a tough time with transition when they 1) have to move fast or 2) are interrupted in an activity.


If we have to go somewhere first thing in the morning (anytime before lunch), whenever it's possible, I let them know the night before by kind of giving them an overview of the next day. If we have to go somewhere later in the day I try to let them know at least a few hours in advance.

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Some little children have difficulty with transitions, but once they muddle through that, they have fun. Are your children miserable on all outings aimed at their interests, or are they OK once they get there?


I see :blush5: from the answers here that it is the TRANSITION -- which has always been a bump in the road for them.

They are fine when we get there - wherever 'there' is; -- actually, they are fine as soon as they are finished whining about having to leave.

this has been helpful -- I do 'script' them in advance, which has helped a little, but you've helped me see (all of you) that it is the transition that is the difficulty.

THANKS! :001_smile:

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My kids enjoy going places and don't complain but I'm that way also. My dh is the homebody.



:auto::auto::auto: THIS is my DH! ME: :001_huh: 'Where are we going?" DH: "Out there, somewhere." :leaving:


Makes me nuts :banghead: -- I'm very balanced, I think, about going out and staying home. Well, :glare:, maybe I lean little more on the staying in side.

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