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Warning--this is a full-on rant

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I'm posting this here so I don't take out my frustration on my family. I'm really frustrated.


So we have this new lady doing our money deposits back in the US because our regular lady went on maternity leave (which is a miracle and we are so thankful for their blessing) in November. She has been struggling getting our deposits in on time. Now, usually that would be hard, but, we could make it work. Lately, it's just really a hardship for us.


We get down to our last, seriously I'm not even joking, $2 in our bank account just before our deposit goes in. It's been tight because we rely on donations to keep us here doing our work. Bad economy= tight finances for the missionary.


Anyway, we were so excited to find out that we got a large donation in the mail yesterday. It was going to be put into our account today since this is our normal day. But, the lady didn't get to church to put it in. Which means we won't get the money before Wednesday at the earliest. She has a legitimate excuse, not like she skipped or anything. But, I'm irritated. We are literally down to what we can use until Tuesday when I FINALLY had a ride to the City to shop in a real store and a bulk-shopping place. We only have enough cash on us to buy our drinking water tomorrow for the week and that's it. NO MORE MONEY. Even when the deposit goes in, I don't know when I'll get to the City again because we don't have a car. It's just disappointing.


It's like if your boss or dh's boss decided not to pay you all for an extra day or two.


If you got through all of this complaining, my hat is off to you. I appreciate the time you took to read it. I'm done now.

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I can not even imagine being in this situation. Have you told her how much it really affects your family when the deposits are not made in a timely fashion? If not, you really need to do so. If she can't do this, do you have other options?


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Honestly, I don't think she does. I mean, a lot of people don't. They can go to a really nice, organized, fully stocked grocery store anytime they want and get anything they need. I'm blessed to have the market and the small little stores we have, but, I love to get to the City and shop in a REAL grocery store with stocked shelves, organized nicely, clean, and with a real car to drive it all home in. Nice thing is, I'll be over it by tomorrow. It's just disappointing right now as I try to figure out dinner for the next few nights when I thought I only had one more day to make due.

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Dayle, you are the better woman for putting up with this. It would be the same if an employer decided to move payday around from month to month.

Can you contact someone by e-mail and *request* to have a deposit made before Tuesday since you will be in town on that day?


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My husband has had his paycheck messed up 5 times now with his new employer - like missing half each time. It's very frustrating. It's no biggie for the pay department...but makes you wanna cry when you are going to be late on all your bills because they can't get your paychecks straight...


I understand where you're coming from! It is very frustrating.

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We only have enough cash on us to buy our drinking water tomorrow for the week and that's it. NO MORE MONEY.


It's like if your boss or dh's boss decided not to pay you all for an extra day or two. .



Where I live bosses will tell you on payday, "I don't have any money. Call me next week." That could go on for weeks! It is really hard. We have had to credit food at our local grocery. Since you are missionaries, maybe store owners will be willing to credit you food and water.


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Where I live bosses will tell you on payday, "I don't have any money. Call me next week." That could go on for weeks! It is really hard. We have had to credit food at our local grocery. Since you are missionaries, maybe store owners will be willing to credit you food and water.



Not here, unfortunately. But, what I need to remember (and I sometimes loose sight of) is the fact that there are people just right next door to me who are worse off. I know that this week, it will change. They don't.


Time to gird up, stop complaining, and figure it out!!!! It'll be fine.

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Continue reading at your own risk.


I'm posting this here so I don't take out my frustration on my family. I'm really frustrated.


So we have this new lady doing our money deposits back in the US because our regular lady went on maternity leave (which is a miracle and we are so thankful for their blessing) in November. She has been struggling getting our deposits in on time. Now, usually that would be hard, but, we could make it work. Lately, it's just really a hardship for us.


We get down to our last, seriously I'm not even joking, $2 in our bank account just before our deposit goes in. It's been tight because we rely on donations to keep us here doing our work. Bad economy= tight finances for the missionary.


Anyway, we were so excited to find out that we got a large donation in the mail yesterday. It was going to be put into our account today since this is our normal day. But, the lady didn't get to church to put it in. Which means we won't get the money before Wednesday at the earliest. She has a legitimate excuse, not like she skipped or anything. But, I'm irritated. We are literally down to what we can use until Tuesday when I FINALLY had a ride to the City to shop in a real store and a bulk-shopping place. We only have enough cash on us to buy our drinking water tomorrow for the week and that's it. NO MORE MONEY. Even when the deposit goes in, I don't know when I'll get to the City again because we don't have a car. It's just disappointing.


It's like if your boss or dh's boss decided not to pay you all for an extra day or two.


If you got through all of this complaining, my hat is off to you. I appreciate the time you took to read it. I'm done now.


:001_huh: so difficult and frustrating. You're right to be miffed.


When I was 9 I remember eating a whole lot of bread and potatoes because my folks didn't get their monthly desposit (missionaries also). Back then communication by mail was the only method and was sloooooowwww. A month for a letter to get to it's destination and a month to get a reply with the money. It was also December.

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