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So, is he really sick?

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We went out to eat tonight. Previously, DS7 got sick after eating at this restaurant. He didn't want to eat there tonight, because he thought he'd get sick again. We explained that restaurants don't habitually make a person sick every time they eat there; that he was probably sick already and just happened to eat there at the same time. I think he continued to worry about it anyway.


So, after dinner, his tummy started to hurt. He's thrown up 4 times so far. It was Azteca. We all ate similar food. I'm sure all of our beans and rice came from the same batch, etc. No one else is sick.


Is he really sick or is it just psychosomatic?

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...that he's so convinced the restaurant made him sick last time, that he made himself sick... Self-fulfilling prophecy. I say this with all the sympathy of someone who's been there, done that. I was a bit older than your son when that happened to me. We ate at this place that had the best ribs. We all got ribs. Little me ended up sick -- throwing up. I was convinced the restaurant made me sick. I was so convinced of it, that whenever I ate there for years, I'd throw up afterwards. My parents tried logic on me to no avail. The funny thing, for me, was that it was a small chain of restaurants and it was only the location closest to use that "made me sick." I could eat at any of the others in the chain perfectly fine.


I still am that way with Olive Garden (of all places!). I ate there one time, came home and spent the night throwing up. Logically, I know that it was conincidence. I've eaten at Olive Garden a few times since then and every time I "get" an upset stomach (though I haven't thrown up since that first time). I know it's all in my head but that doesn't stop me from "being sick" every time we eat at Olive Garden.


Don't know what to tell you to help your DS. But I wouldn't worry too much unless he's still throwing up in the morning.



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Throwing up sounds like it isn't in his head. Quesy stomache might be in his head, but not throwing up. Does Azteca use Msg? That triggers some people. Or lactose, if he has other problems with cheese. I would look for some common thing that might trigger the problem. Or it could be bad coincidence. But, after throwing up four times and being sick the last time he was there, good luck in getting him to return.:001_smile:

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The first time he had their hot dog, which is an all beef hot dog wrapped in a tortilla with cheese and seasoned fries.


This time he had rice, beans, and a mini mexican pizza (corn tortilla with beans and seasoned ground beef).


He eats hot dogs, fries, tortillas, beans, mexican rice, corn, beef, cheese, etc. on a regular basis. I even make beans with manteca, so I know it isn't the lard. Their kid's plates aren't spicy, and certainly not any spicier than I sometimes make things at home. He eats KFC (big MSG offender) and other msg foods without a problem.


The only thing that is the same between the two incidents is the physical location and the tortilla chips. He eats corn and tortilla chips at home without a problem.


So, any ideas?


The last time he threw up was around 4am. He thinks he's better now that I told him he won't be able to go to a birthday party later today.

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I don't know, but I wouldn't have taken him back there to eat until he was ready. A few years ago my mom got sick after eating at a restaurant....when we'd out together, we just chose somewhere else until she was ready to try that restaurant again.

Hope he's feeling better!

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There was a day when I was a kid that I had some sort of stomach issue. I don't know if it was some sort of food poisoning or what, but my my digestive system was having a hard time. Anyway, while I was laying on the couch in the living room watching a movie, my mom baked a particular type of Christmas cookie that she made every year. To this day (18 or 19 years later), my stomach still gets into knots when I smell those cookies baking. It's just the smell because if I'm not there when she makes them, I can actually eat one or two and still feel perfectly fine. I usually don't eat them, but I have in the past with no issues.


I've actually called them the "puking cookies" for all of these years. :tongue_smilie:


So anyway, I'm not trying be sick every time I smell those cookies, but I just can't help it. Smells and memories are both very powerful things. The body physically reacts to them. I doubt your son tried to make himself sick, but he probably doesn't really have a serious illness either.

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Vomiting is the fastest way to train a person or animal to stay away from certain foods (info care of one of my psych profs in college). Odds are it is psychosomatic unless other people start to get sick. I personally get sick if I eat Jell-o. I know it all stems from years and years ago getting sick after eating it, but knowing it and allowing the nasty stuff to cross my lips is two totally different things.


I have a child that thinks he is supposed to puke any time he is sick. We try to avoid telling him he is sick but rather tell him things like his ears/throat/nose are sick. I keep some kids chewable Pepto Bismal on hand and give one to him as soon as he starts his complaining his stomach is bugging him. If he perks up within seconds of him chewing it, I know it was in his head.

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