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Urgent Care or wait until tomorrow?

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Tonight ds slipped and fell on wet tile and slid into a corner of a wall. He has a HUGE lump on his shin. When I say HUGE, I mean, HUGE!!! It wraps around his leg HUGE!! He walked out to the car after it happened. But, now, after Advil, he doesn't want to walk on it. Could he have fractured his shin? Should we go in tonight? Or can it wait until tomorrow?


Ugh. Boys.

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Why do they do these things on Friday night? Try the elevate and ice for 20 minutes every hour. If it's not better take him in the morning. That's what I would do. I'm a nurse and I almost always wait. Usually it's the right decision. :D I'll say a prayer for all of you. Let us know how it goes.

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I think you can wait if you think he can sleep. Is the pain bad when he's not on it?


When ds broke his arm (both bones, just above the wrist), the ortho wanted to use an instant imaging machine while setting it but the only one of these machines avail was in OR and the hospital was inundated with car accident victims that night. So we kept waiting for an OR spot & his arm wasn't set until >24h after the break. It was just immobilized and they gave him morphine IV for pain. They told us that it was ok to wait & there wasn't a HUGE urgency to get it set.


So even if it's a break, it can wait so long as he can sleep & tolerate the pain.


I would try some homeopathic arnica. (yes, I know the science on homeopathy is non-existent. I call them 'woo-woo' pills and take them anyway ;))

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Is the skin on his leg tight? Is his leg and foot cold/cool to touch? Any numbness/tingling or bluish discoloration? If he has any of these problems, then I would take him tonight. I also think if it is not better after elevating and ice after an hour, I would take him in tonight especially if he still does not want to walk on it IMHO. You could always call your family doctor as well to see what they say. Take care with the ice since if left on too long or applied directly to the skin, then it can cause damage. WebMD.com has reliable medical info and instructions for ice application. As a nurse, I am concerned since he does not want to walk on it and since the lump goes all the way around the leg and I would probably be inclined to take him in tonight but I am definitely not a doctor:)

Edited by priscilla
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Why do they do these things on Friday night? Try the elevate and ice for 20 minutes every hour. If it's not better take him in the morning. That's what I would do. I'm a nurse and I almost always wait. Usually it's the right decision. :D I'll say a prayer for all of you. Let us know how it goes.


This always happens to my family!! Friday night. Ugh. He's had ice on it since it happened off and on. Thanks for the prayers! He can use them!


I think you can wait if you think he can sleep. Is the pain bad when he's not on it?


When ds broke his arm (both bones, just above the wrist), the ortho wanted to use an instant imaging machine while setting it but the only one of these machines avail was in OR and the hospital was inundated with car accident victims that night. So we kept waiting for an OR spot & his arm wasn't set until >24h after the break. It was just immobilized and they gave him morphine IV for pain. They told us that it was ok to wait & there wasn't a HUGE urgency to get it set.


So even if it's a break, it can wait so long as he can sleep & tolerate the pain.


I would try some homeopathic arnica. (yes, I know the science on homeopathy is non-existent. I call them 'woo-woo' pills and take them anyway ;))


The pain when he's not in it isn't awful, he says. Good to hear that waiting, if it's broken, is okay!


I'll have to see if our health food store has the arnica. I have a friend who swears by them. Maybe I can get some from her!


Is the skin on his leg tight? Is his leg and foot cold/cool to touch? Any numbness/tingling or bluish discoloration? If he has any of these problems, then I would take him tonight. I also think if it is not better after elevating and ice after an hour, I would take him in tonight especially if he still does not want to walk on it IMHO. You could always call your family doctor as well to see what they say. Take care with the ice since if left on too long or applied directly to the skin, then it can cause damage. WebMD.com has reliable medical info and instructions for ice application. As a nurse, I am concerned since he does not want to walk on it and since the lump goes all the way around the leg and I would probably be inclined to take him in tonight but I am definitely not a doctor:)


His foot is cool to the touch. No numbness or tingling or bluish color. The skin is tight because of the swelling. (Did I mention how big it is?! :lol: I need to clarify though - the swelling goes 1/2 way around his leg. It doesn't go around to the back - but it's swollen on the sides.) He's had the ice for quite a while and still doesn't want to walk on it. Ugh. Is there something they can do tonight for a break that they can't do tomorrow (assuming we wait)? I guess that's my question - would it hurt to wait?


No advice except to call and be sure they have x-ray after 5pm.


I'll send some prayers:grouphug:.


Thanks! Thought of that - they do! We actually found an urgent care place instead of the ER nearby.


I think we'll give it until after dinner and see how he is.

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Some communities have an "Ask-a-nurse" or "First Nurse" service. One can telephone and confer with the nurse whether one needs to come into the doctor or hospital, and if there is anything one may do at home in the meantime for the situation. They also send a note to your doctor so that your doctor is kept aware of the situation. This service is FREE.


I have called for mental health issues for a friend, vomiting for dd2 when she was a tiny infant, and for a major burn that I received at work when I was an uninsured teenager. As a new parent, I joke that we have First Nurse on speed dial!


If you are unaware of this service in your area, here are your options.


1) Check the yellow pages for physicians/clinics/hospital. The number may be listed there.


2) Telephone the hospital and ask if they have this service. They may just transfer you to the emergency room for an on-phone consult.


3) Call our local First Nurse. You'd be calling Ames, Iowa, but it IS an option. (515)239-6877


Best of luck.


--Laura in Iowa

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His foot is cool to the touch. No numbness or tingling or bluish color. The skin is tight because of the swelling.



Cooler than the other foot?


The concern is whether he is having bleeding or pressure in his leg that is compromising his circulation. A simple fracture can wait. Compromised circulation cannot.


I'd go.

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Does it look like this?


If he's bleeding under his skin, which is what a bruise is, but I mean really bleeding (hematoma) then you should take him in tonight. Normally, the thigh is the most dangerous spot for this, but I would be worried about losing too much blood :(


Sorry to be the worry wart.

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Cooler than the other foot?


The concern is whether he is having bleeding or pressure in his leg that is compromising his circulation. A simple fracture can wait. Compromised circulation cannot.


I'd go.

:iagree: Both feet should be equally warm to touch. Be sure the ice or a cold room temperature is not skewing your assessment though.

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Another vote for homeopathic arnica. 30c should be easy to come by, but I would probably go for 200c if you can find it. We use it here for bumps and bruises, and I will say that the results seem miraculous. I have seen immediate stopping of blood flow from wounds, bumps that go down before your eyes, and bruises that disappear overnight.


Sending healing vibes!

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Some communities have an "Ask-a-nurse" or "First Nurse" service. One can telephone and confer with the nurse whether one needs to come into the doctor or hospital, and if there is anything one may do at home in the meantime for the situation. They also send a note to your doctor so that your doctor is kept aware of the situation. This service is FREE.


I have called for mental health issues for a friend, vomiting for dd2 when she was a tiny infant, and for a major burn that I received at work when I was an uninsured teenager. As a new parent, I joke that we have First Nurse on speed dial!


If you are unaware of this service in your area, here are your options.


1) Check the yellow pages for physicians/clinics/hospital. The number may be listed there.


2) Telephone the hospital and ask if they have this service. They may just transfer you to the emergency room for an on-phone consult.


3) Call our local First Nurse. You'd be calling Ames, Iowa, but it IS an option. (515)239-6877


Best of luck.


--Laura in Iowa


Thanks!! We are waiting at this point to call our doctor later tonight. If he's iffy, we'll call them! You are awesome!


Cooler than the other foot?


The concern is whether he is having bleeding or pressure in his leg that is compromising his circulation. A simple fracture can wait. Compromised circulation cannot.


I'd go.


Okay - our house is chilly. We just had him put both legs on a heating pad. Both legs are the same.


You know me, the worry wart. :D I'd take him in. Only because you emphasized how huge it is. But seriously, why in the world do kids always get sick/injured right after the doctors office business hours are closed? :confused:


Yup! Worry wart here too! Really???!!! I'm thinking of keeping track of this an suing them when they're older!! Ugh.


Yes, it is HUGE. Still. Poor boy. He is still only using one leg. No weight on the injured leg.


Is it huge in a swollen sort of way? Or is it huge in a big purply bruise sort of way. If it is the latter, then it could be a hematoma - basically a bruise under the skin where the blood has collected. That will dissipate over time.


The point where he made contact is purple. The rest is HUGE and skin colored.


Does it look like this?


If he's bleeding under his skin, which is what a bruise is, but I mean really bleeding (hematoma) then you should take him in tonight. Normally, the thigh is the most dangerous spot for this, but I would be worried about losing too much blood :(


Sorry to be the worry wart.


Holy cow!!! No!!! Thank God!!! I'm so glad it doesn't look like that. He has a cut where he actually hit the wall. Then, it's bruised around it - maybe 2 inches round (actually, oblong, with 2" being the shorter part and 4" being the longer part). The rest of the swelling (halfway around his leg) is normal skin color.


:iagree: Both feet should be equally warm to touch. Be sure the ice or a cold room temperature is not skewing your assessment though.


We did just put on a heating pad on his legs. The feet are equally chilly, but warming up! (He likes the heating pad!!)


Another vote for homeopathic arnica. 30c should be easy to come by, but I would probably go for 200c if you can find it. We use it here for bumps and bruises, and I will say that the results seem miraculous. I have seen immediate stopping of blood flow from wounds, bumps that go down before your eyes, and bruises that disappear overnight.


Sending healing vibes!


Okay, I'm headed over to my friend's house now. It definately can't hurt!!!

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Holy cow!!! No!!! Thank God!!! I'm so glad it doesn't look like that. He has a cut where he actually hit the wall. Then, it's bruised around it - maybe 2 inches round (actually, oblong, with 2" being the shorter part and 4" being the longer part). The rest of the swelling (halfway around his leg) is normal skin color.


Okay, I was worried when you said it was bad, really bad, iykwIm.


My first thought was, the poor kid is bleeding is out!


Shew, alrighty then, you're probably fine ;)

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Another vote for homeopathic arnica. 30c should be easy to come by, but I would probably go for 200c if you can find it. We use it here for bumps and bruises, and I will say that the results seem miraculous. I have seen immediate stopping of blood flow from wounds, bumps that go down before your eyes, and bruises that disappear overnight.



:iagree: We have had the same results - can't even believe the bruises and bumps it makes go away! I give it every 15 min. for the first hour. It doesn't work as well once the bruise is established, but still can't hurt. I carry it in my purse!

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If you do bring him in, it might pay to go right to ER, unless your urgent care has an x-ray machine right there. Otherwise you go to urgent care, they look at it, decide they need x-rays (and all places are closed, of course) so they send you to ER anyway.

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It's NOT broken!!! Phew! If it'd been broken, he'd have been in a cast at Disney and on our cruise!


The doctor said his bruise was "impressive!" The swelling still goes around to the sides of the leg and takes up about 3/4 of his shin. He still won't put weight on it.


We're SO relieved it's not broken!! Thanks for asking!

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It's NOT broken!!! Phew! If it'd been broken, he'd have been in a cast at Disney and on our cruise!


The doctor said his bruise was "impressive!" The swelling still goes around to the sides of the leg and takes up about 3/4 of his shin. He still won't put weight on it.


We're SO relieved it's not broken!! Thanks for asking!

Thank you for the update. :) Glad it's not broken!

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So glad it is not broken! A cast on vacation would not have been any fun!


When are you guys going to Disney? I'm jealous!! We went at the beginning of November, but I'm ready to go again LOL.


We're leaving January 5. We'll spend 7 days at Disney. They boys are running in the Family 5K and I'm running in the half marathon. Then, we'll drive to Cape Canaveral and stay at a hotel near the port. The next morning we're giving all the kids shirts with a Disney Character on the front. The back of the shirt says "My parents surprised me with a Disney Cruise today!!" Dh's shirt and mine say, "I surprised my kids with a Disney Cruise today!" We'll have the camera rolling and see what they say! I'm SO psyched for it. We've kept it a secret for a year now!


Oh - and I KWIM about being ready to go back. The magic there just never gets old!!

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Great news and what a wonderful vacation.



We're leaving January 5. We'll spend 7 days at Disney. They boys are running in the Family 5K and I'm running in the half marathon. Then, we'll drive to Cape Canaveral and stay at a hotel near the port. The next morning we're giving all the kids shirts with a Disney Character on the front. The back of the shirt says "My parents surprised me with a Disney Cruise today!!" Dh's shirt and mine say, "I surprised my kids with a Disney Cruise today!" We'll have the camera rolling and see what they say! I'm SO psyched for it. We've kept it a secret for a year now!


Oh - and I KWIM about being ready to go back. The magic there just never gets old!!

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