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Kindle- Do you have/want one??

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My hubby really wants to buy me one, but I just don't think I want one. It is my cheap-sunglasses argument. I used to have really expensive sunglasses and worried about losing them or scratching them. Now, I have a comfy pair that work and I just toss them in my bag and don't worry if they get lost because they were $10 not over $100. Right now, the book I am reading is in my Giant, ever-expanding mom-bag. If I had a Kindle, that is where it would be the most useful, but it would have a short lifespan in there. OTH, I get most of my new books from Amazon, and I am reading a bunch of books that are public domain that could be on the Kindle....... But at the current price, I wouldn't be comfortable throwing the Kindle in my mom-purse, and I don't want to carry around things that make me apprehensive.

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My dad got my mom one for her birthday. She was very disappointed that she couldn't put free library books on it, but only books she actually purchased from Amazon. I don't know how that'll work, considering the fact that she refuses to say "Online" and "Credit Card" in the same sentence. :confused:


I heard Barnes and Noble or somebody is coming out with one that can be used with library books, too. I'd personally wait and go for that option so that I wouldn't be tied down to Amazon.



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I don't want one. I love the feel of a real book. Turning the pages, the smell of of a book, not having to squint at a screen, not having my eyes hurt from the backlight from a screen, etc. So, No. I don't ever want one.


But the screen isn't backlit, and it's pleasant to read. It feels nice in your hands. And you can adjust the text size so you don't have to squint at small print.


Did I mention I really want one?

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I don't want one. I love the feel of a real book. Turning the pages, the smell of of a book, not having to squint at a screen, not having my eyes hurt from the backlight from a screen, etc. So, No. I don't ever want one.


My ds thinks I'm a traitor to even think about wanting one; he prefers books- especially leather bound :001_smile:

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I have the Kindle for the iPhone. I've read two books on it. Problem for me is that me, my mom, my sister, and my grandmother read a lot of the same books. One of us buys a book and we pass it between all of us. It saves us a lot of money. So the Kindle isnt really worth it to me for that reason. But if I paid full price and bought a lot of books from Amazon, then it would definitely be worth it. But I'm the type that likes to pick up the $4 or $5 books at WalMart and read them. I cant find those on Kindle.

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although I still don't buy many books on my Kindle. We get the NYT on Kindle, Project Gutenberg books, Newsweek and other free Amazon books for Kindle. My Kindle books that I purchased can also be downloaded onto my ipod touch - so if someone else in my family wants to read the same book at the same time we can do it with these 2 devices.

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I don't want one. I love the feel of a real book. Turning the pages, the smell of of a book, not having to squint at a screen, not having my eyes hurt from the backlight from a screen, etc. So, No. I don't ever want one.



But, with my luck, all books will become obsolete within the next 10 years and I will have to get one.:glare:

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I didn't think I wanted one....until my dh got me one for my birthday. I had all the same arguments- I like the feel of a book, don't like reading from a screen, don't want to spend a fortune on books (well, for me anyway:D).


I Love It!!!!


He got me a cover for it, which makes it feel like a book, I can and have downloaded tons of free books - H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, etc, and the screen is incredibly easy to read. Battery last quite a while too. I can slip it in my purse and have a mini library with me wherever I go.


Yeah....ask for one.

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Nah. I'm all for gadgets (I am crazy about my iTouch), but I love the feel, the smell, the experience of reading a book. Some of my most beloved copies are well-worn and tattered and when I pick them up there is something familiar about them that I don't think a Kindle could duplicate.

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want one!!


I used my friend's the other day, and I have to say it felt a lot like a real book (she has a leather cover for hers, which probably helps).


If you want one to download library books to, the Sony Reader is compatible with all types of e-books. However, I don't know of a wireless one that works with net-Library, so if you want that option, you have to download to your computer and then sync with your device. I'd much rather shop from the device (Kindle) but that's just me.

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I asked for one last Christmas and it finally arrived in March due to backorders. I LOVE MY KINDLE!!! I have spent very little on purchasing books as there are lots of things that are free.


We travel a lot and it was one of the primary reasons for getting the Kindle. I just load it up with books and am only carrying one thing. Even DS loves MaMas's Kindle as I always have some sort of book on there that I can read to him when we are having to wait somewhere.


DH loves the fact that I'm not coming home from Costco with a box of books once a month that then wind up everywhere. This summer I cleaned out all my old books and we actually sold 4 bookshelves that had been overrun with books.


Yes, occasionally I still by a regular book. However, it is usually one I need for some research and I like to be able to flip back and forth with lots of post-its and notes. I can do that on the Kindle, but am still old-fashioned with those type of books.:tongue_smilie:

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I've got an iPod Touch; did you know you can download a Kindle app and buy (and read) Kindle books on it, as well as a lot of other books? You can also store and enjoy music, video and audiobooks, as well as play games. Where there's Wi-Fi, you can also surf the web, check your email, etc.


Just another option.



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I don't want one. I love the feel of a real book. Turning the pages, the smell of of a book, not having to squint at a screen, not having my eyes hurt from the backlight from a screen, etc. So, No. I don't ever want one.


This is how I feel. Reading on a screen and reading an actual, physical book are two very different experiences for me. I much prefer the real book.

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I got one for an early Christmas present and I LOVE it. It is true that it can't do *everything*; i.e., yes, I still need to get library books, or some books are not available in kindle format, and some books are not practical in kindle format. HOWEVER, I think it is wonderful, because I can have many books with me anywhere. I got a cover and so it is similar to having a slim, leather-bound book, but it potentially is hundreds of books. Kindle books are much less expensive; classics are one dollar or free.


I love that it has a dictionary built in. If a word comes up I don't know, I can look it up and not miss a beat. I love being able to highlight and save sections for my own reference and there they all are, right in my notes section.


I have been looking to digitize many things around here and having a Kindle fits into that plan perfectly.

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I got one for Mother's Day, and it's great. I usually only read books once, and after a recent move and lugging all the books around that I'll never read again but can't just get rid of either, I definitely appreciate that the Kindle will prevent book clutter.


I hate spending money on books when there is a library in town, but I hate that I can never seem to read library books on my own schedule. They don't have what I want when I want it, they get what I want when I'm in the middle of some other book, whatever. And there is some gross stuff on library books. So yeah, I think I'm done with the library as a source of reading material.


At about $10 per book, the Kindle allows me to read most books cheaper than even their paperback counterparts, and I can actually read a brand new book and not wait a year before it comes out in paperback and is therefore affordable.


I tend to hoard books because I am afraid I will run out of reading material at an inopportune time. Well, right now I have about 10 books on my Kindle that I have wanted to read for some time. This is great for when I'm not really in the mood for something and want to switch to something else. Especially when I'm traveling! The Kindle weighs the same whether you have 1 book or 50 loaded onto it. And yes, it is super easy to purchase a new book at just about any time. I usually keep my wireless off to extend the battery life, so all I have to do is go to the menu, turn on the wireless, search for a book, and it is sitting there in my Kindle within a minute. I get a receipt from Amazon in my email the next day, just like if I had any other order.


Oh and the battery life is amazing. I've gone for a month without having to recharge. As someone else mentioned, it is not backlit. It is easy to read, and I have played with the font size some. You can't do that with old fashioned books!


Also, I think the voice feature would come in handy if I had to drive longer distances by myself...who needs books on tape?


I like that no one really knows what I am reading when I read in public. I don't have to worry about what people think of me based on what I like to read.


And finally, mine is just so pretty. I got an awesome skin that is just beautiful, and I also got a neoprene sleeve (that came with a free booklight, which is something I never thought of getting before but which has come in handy for sure!).


Did those reasons help you at all? :)


I guess if you were to ask me for a criticism...I read a non-fiction book that was heavy on footnotes. The Kindle edition was formatted so you had to click on the note in the text and go to another page for the text of the note. I much prefer my footnotes to just be at the bottom of the page so I can scan down then back up to the text!

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