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How to boost the immunity of a 2yr old

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My 2yr old dd has been having the worst time getting 100% well again. For 3 months now we have dealt with ongoing runny nose/stuffiness, H1N1 and now she has some stomach bug causing vomitting and diarrhea. It seems she is not getting a break between illnesses, as soon as one starts to go away she is hit with the next one.


She is still breastfeeding which I am sure is helping somewhat, I am certain she would be much sicker with all of this if she was not nursing still.


I would like to help boost her immune system so she can finally get over all of this and be here normal healthy self. Any ideas?

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Vitamin C, Vitamin D, probiotics, and Sambucol would be the first things I would do. Whole Foods sells chewable Vitamin D supplements and Sambucol. They are finding that a lot of bugs enter the body through the gut and probiotics fill in the "holes" that the germs can pass through. And I take kids' chewable Vitamin C tablets and break them in half and give them to the kids.


And then remind yourself that exposure to bugs strengthens the immune system. :D I hope she's feeling better soon!

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And then remind yourself that exposure to bugs strengthens the immune system. :D I hope she's feeling better soon!


That I can agree with. I was always sick as a kid, some very serious illnesses in addition to normal ones, and now I am rarely sick. Heck I didn't even catch flu when all 4 kids had it. In the end I know she will have a great immune system, but I sure hate to see her be sick for so long. She doesn't act sick the whole time (playing happily in between messy diaper changes and vomitting for example today) but she sure isn't herself kwim.

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2 of my 3 kids had a run of illnesses like that at 2 (the other one never got sick but now has leukemia, go figure). It did not seem to matter how much I helped their immune system or how much I protected them from germs they just got sick for 3-4 months non-stop. The good news is that now those 2 hardly ever get sick! I can't remember the last time they were sick.

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Vitamin C, Vitamin D, probiotics, and Sambucol would be the first things I would do. Whole Foods sells chewable Vitamin D supplements and Sambucol. They are finding that a lot of bugs enter the body through the gut and probiotics fill in the "holes" that the germs can pass through. And I take kids' chewable Vitamin C tablets and break them in half and give them to the kids.


And then remind yourself that exposure to bugs strengthens the immune system. :D I hope she's feeling better soon!


:iagree: with this. Also, the rec by a PP to cut down on refined sugars. Make sure she is getting enough sleep. You can also add a high quality cod liver oil to her diet (vitamins A & D). Eccineachea taken for short periods at a time will also help, especially when taken early on in an illness. Oscilloccocsinum is good to help boost immune fuction when taken at the first signs of cold/flu (not stomach related so much, but it can't hurt). Don't forget to have her drink lots of fluids.

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We went through this.


I had to force my child to eat better. All he wanted was Pediasure. I took it away and he started eating Ramen noodles, cheese, Kix cereal and a few other foods. This was a big improvement for him. He was definately healthier. I could see a difference in about 10 days.


Then he descided to go on a Cheese and crakers-only diet. He was a cranky mess. We couldn't keep going on like that. I forced him to eat a little bit of whatever I cooked. His skin looks great now. He has a lot more energy. He gets sick less often. When he gets sick it much, much milder.


I never wanted to force my children to eat, but it was for the best.

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We went through this with my 6 year old when he was about 2. He was sick all the time because I had been home with him since birth and then I put him with a sitter twice a week. He was sick every week with something new. Then, he got RSV and while it should NOT have affected him the way it did, he had a really bad case. He ended up at the ER because the cough was so deep and bad. He would cough to the point where he couldn't breathe. The docs thought it was whooping cough!


After that round of illness, I pulled him out of the sitters and stayed home again. He hasn't had more than a routine illness since. Maybe your dd would do well to just stay home for a week without exposure to outside things (if this is possible for you) just to give her time to totally recover.

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We went through this Sept through November with various kids. I started up their vitamins again - same things as already mentioned. They also take an elderberry supplement. It's an anti-viral. We also started eating only organic foods again (we used to and then I stopped in an attempt to save money).


Good luck! I know how hard it is to see them so sick!!

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Oregano Oil, add a drop to food everyday and also apply it externally on baby's feet, 1 drop diluted in 1 tspn carrier oil (like olive or coconut oil). This stuff works so well!


Turmeric and ginger in food and tea will help her belly, and mint, too. Make sure she drinks as much as possible to prevent dehydration.


Avoid refined sugar and corn syrup and GMO foods, these all lower the immune system.


Green powder is an easy way to get more nutrients into kid food. I add it to smoothies, homemade popsicles, and blend it up with dried fruits and nuts to make sweet balls. They like the sweets, but also get lots of vitamins and minerals in the green powder.

Edited by Devotional Soul
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Agreeing with previous posters: vitamin D (for BOTH of you!), probiotics, limited sugar and refined flour...


Vitamin D at a daily dose of 1,000iu per 25lbs of body weight (so if you weigh 150lbs, you'd get 6,000iu a day -- and if she weighs 20lbs, she's get 800iu a day)... And probiotics daily for both of you.

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Let them eat dirt.:tongue_smilie: I'm only being half-way facetious. My middle kid, who was born a premie and pos-tox for meth, when he was a toddler was always putting everything in his mouth. Whenever I'd let the kids play outside, he'd always end up with a mud goatee and he literally put live snails in his mouth. He's never sick. He may get one cold a year. I have no idea why. We eat reasonably healthy, they do take a multi-vitamin but... I just attribute it to the fact that he ate dirt as a toddler.:D (I'd like to add, I never encouraged the dirt eating, and we did try to discourage it, but what are you going to do? Follow the kid around all day long?)

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Cut back on refined sugar, which is an immune suppressor.


:iagree: I realize you're probably not feeding your 2 yo cookies and cupcakes and such, but I've noticed that many toddlers get unlimited access to fruit juice, and people don't seem to realize that fruit juice is just sugar water! It is refined (the fiber has been removed in the juicing process, and many of the vitamins have been destroyed by pasteurization), and is not much different from soda pop, imho.


I would severely limit starchy foods, breads, pastas, etc. and avoid all sweets for awhile. It really boosts the immune system if you lower your carbohydrate intake and eat plenty of healthy fats. Here's an illustration. A few months ago I was eating the standard American junk food diet, and when I got a cold, I was in bed for four days, my throat hurting so bad for three of those that I could barely talk, and very sick for seven days altogether (body aches, horrible congestion, etc.). As soon as I finally started to get over the cold, I got a sinus infection, and was sick with that for another week. Now, I am back on my healthy diet, and I got a cold from my dd last week. I had a bit of a runny nose for two days, my throat was sore for a three or four hours one day, and that was it. I was not bed-ridden, completely able to function normally, and didn't really feel that bad at all. Sugar really does suppress the immune system.


And I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record :D but here I go again: cod liver oil. It's got lots of natural Vitamin D and Vitamin A as well as essential fatty acids for boosting the immune system. You can get flavored ones that even a toddler will take -- in fact, best to get them accustomed to it while they're young. I got no resistance from my dd when I started giving it to her around that age, but older kids usually seem to object.

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We have been through some major battles like this before. The only thing I found to help is Elderberry and a gluten free diet. You can buy Sambucol for kids or make your own tea out of berries. Occasionally I have to put down my foot and just not allow anyone in or out of the house, to give the sick kid a chance to fully recover before being hit with another virus.

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Let them eat dirt.:tongue_smilie: I'm only being half-way facetious. My middle kid, who was born a premie and pos-tox for meth, when he was a toddler was always putting everything in his mouth. Whenever I'd let the kids play outside, he'd always end up with a mud goatee and he literally put live snails in his mouth. He's never sick. He may get one cold a year. I have no idea why. We eat reasonably healthy, they do take a multi-vitamin but... I just attribute it to the fact that he ate dirt as a toddler.:D (I'd like to add, I never encouraged the dirt eating, and we did try to discourage it, but what are you going to do? Follow the kid around all day long?)


Too funny!:lol:

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