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Christmas gift ideas for my sister-in-law who is homeschooling next year...


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I drew my sister in law's name for Christmas and she plans to homeschool next year (girl-4 years old, boy-18 months old). I weave baskets and am making her a basket but I thought I'd put some 'homeschool' helps in it. Do you have any favorite books (for her, not my neice) on homeschooling, homeschooling in the early years, curriculums, etc. I will probably spend about $20. I thought I'd order some of the catalogs and put in there too since they are free.


Thanks for your ideas in advance!



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My first recommendation would be The Well Trained Mind. By far the most used resource that I own!


Several more rec's:


Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Curriculum Choices

Latin Centered Curriculum

Well Educated Mind (so she has a guide to work on her own self education while her kids are still young)

Educating the WholeHearted Child

Any of the Sally Clarkson books: My faves: Seasons of a Mother's Heart

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Seconding Jim Trelease's The Read-Aloud Handbook.


A new copy of The Well-Trained Mind is outside your budget; perhaps you could pick up a used copy on the sale board here.


I think the catalogs would be a great idea. Some suggestions: Peacehill Press, Rainbow Resource, Michael Olaf Montessori, Timberdoodle, Sonlight, Book Peddler, Mindware, Hewitt Homeschooling Resources, Emmanuel Books, and Queen Homeschool.


And here's a link to a free issue of Home Education Magazine.


I hope your sister-in-law enjoys her basket!



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"The Old Schoolhouse" magazine has a deal running until Dec 9 for a year's subscription for $7.95.

Here is the link:



I also really enjoyed the book "You're Going to Do What?!"



I also enjoyed the book "So You're Thinking About Homeschooling"


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I know you said you wanted it to be for the mom, but you could also include a few preschool file folder games for the mom to get excited about teaching her kids. There are websites where you can print off some cute ones and it wouldn't cost very much to put them together. Just an idea to add to the basket.

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How about a list of all the great on-line resources? Links to websites to help her get started. Links for activities for her DD. That would be free, and very helpful. I know I spend a lot of time searching for just the right website, so a pre-made list would be helpful.

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I LOVE all your suggestions! You are all so wonderful to help me. I've been homeschooling for 7 years now and sometimes it's hard to go back and remember what I loved when they were that young. It's been great (and fun) reading all your suggestions. I love the book suggestions, internet resources, free catalogs (I've already contacted several), and the aspirin. Do you guys have any other cute ideas like the aspirin for a homeschool survival kit--I know she would laugh at those and the basket idea is evolving as I read your suggestions.





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How sweet you are! Really. There's nothing like support, especially from an in-law. ;)


Does she know what method she has in mind yet? Classical, Charlotte Mason, Traditional...? I would find a book with the method in mind and add some additional things as the ladies have already suggested... inexpensive supplies and the like. As others have already recommended for Classical, The Well-Trainded Mind, for Charlotte Mason, A Charlotte Mason Companion, and for a traditional approach, How to Homeschool: A Practical Approach. This title appears to be out-of-print or at least hard to find. It was the first book I found at our local library and gave me the courage and know-how to begin.



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Your support will mean so much!


I second:


FIAR (or maybe Before FIAR - this was so gentle and fun for that age!)

List of websites, categorized

List of great books about homeschooling (you have a bunch of great selections already), which may be found at the library



How about a big binder with tabs labeled by subject for all the research she'll be doing into future curriculum purchases...and one labeled "inspirational" with a few pages from you.

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I LOVE all your suggestions! You are all so wonderful to help me. I've been homeschooling for 7 years now and sometimes it's hard to go back and remember what I loved when they were that young. It's been great (and fun) reading all your suggestions. I love the book suggestions, internet resources, free catalogs (I've already contacted several), and the aspirin. Do you guys have any other cute ideas like the aspirin for a homeschool survival kit--I know she would laugh at those and the basket idea is evolving as I read your suggestions.





Children's Miracle Music




Gingerbread cookie kit for a fun day with the kids when they don't want to learn anything else.:tongue_smilie:

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--The Charlotte Mason Companion

--Real Learning: Education in the Heart of the Home by Elizabeth Foss

--Nice classical music cd (can be either for the kids or for her to listen to in bubble bath at end of a long day. The candles would be good for this too.)

--Simple art supplies, sketch book and info on nature walks/nature study

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I second the vote for Slow & Steady, Get Me Ready. This book helped me to "remember" to do this or that with my children. I put colored paper clips at the spots for each child, then move them up as they age. HOWEVER, if your SIL has a lot of common-sense and mothering know-how on her own, she could certainly get by without this one. Good to have, though, just to help "jog" the memory, as in, "Oh, yes, I wanted to practice that with this child."


Something I would like in MY Christmas basket (LOL) --




Jessie Wise's CD on "If I Could Do It Over Again." It's only $5 (or $4 for the download), and I bet it has a basketful of good advice for those of us just starting out..... Now, who's going to pull my name this Christmas? :glare:

Edited by Sahamamama
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