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Movies that show ds9 brave, noble, and well behaved boys and men?

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We are limited on movies that show boys and men being brave, noble, exhibiting chivalry, respect, strength, embracing their manhood, being the protector, well behaved, etc. Maybe we are just ignorant and don't know where to look. My ds loves Narnia and Peter is a great example of all those. (We've only seen TLTWATW) DS is 9 and we do not want violent or bloody movies. We don't necessarily want just warrior type movies either. A nice balance would be good. We would love suggestions for other movies. It seems period pieces and movies made from classic literature are best, but even those seem to show boys behaving badly and being foolish and picking on the girls, etc. Plus, we don't really know which ones are good. I know misbehavior is realistic and a little is fine and showing the consequences is fine, but sometimes that is all that is shown. We want more highlighted on the good instead of the foolish. I think you get the idea. :) We would love any suggestions that fit our ideals. :) Thanks!

Edited by Dianne-TX
proofreading and found missing words
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We are watching The Little House on the Prairie TV series (checked out from the library). Not only is Pa the best TV role model EVER, he is not too hard on the eyes either. My boys are totally impressed with Pa, and begging to watch more episodes.


Oh, yeah! We've watched the Christmas movies and the series premiere movie. Which ones are your favorite? Some of the episodes can be so suspenseful or tragic.

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The Water Horse would fit in your non-warrior type category. A gentle movie in which the main character is a young boy who has a grand adventure and shows strength of character during difficult times.


I also thought of old Andy Griffith shows that feature Opie and Leave it to Beaver.




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The Hobbit (animated version). I'd recommend The Lord of the Rings, but you don't want violence.


How about Hercules: The Legendary Journeys? The action is pretty campy, not too violent, and Hercules is, well, Hercules.


Ooh, Kenshin would be good, too. NOT the movies (violent), but the series. It's anime, historical fiction.

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Oh, yeah! We've watched the Christmas movies and the series premiere movie. Which ones are your favorite? Some of the episodes can be so suspenseful or tragic.


And, just remember about the one Little House that has a r*pe. (Well, remember not to watch it...) It's only parts of the movie... and doesn't actually show it... but it was scary as a kid..




You are right about suspenseful! I watched these as a kid with no problem, but as an adult I kept running out of the room. We just finished season two, and there was a scary one about Ma with a bad infection and you were convinced she was going to cut her leg off! Turns out that the moral was that God had taken care of her by showing her exactly when to cut open the infection, but whew! My kids are old enough to handle it and loved it.


It does blow my mind that it used to be on TELEVISION! I mean, they all go to church, pray, the pastor is shown as a good guy, everyone is moral, etc. How times have changed! It would never make it today, what with all the Gossip Girl/ Desperate Housewives/ Reality blah blah.


Season two also deals with racism, debt, taxes, bullies, selfishness, greed, death of a parent/spouse and some boy-girl issues (Laura likes somebody and uses deceit to try and get them which backfires). The topics are brought out without glorifying them (or even showing them for the most part). What I like is that it deals with the reality of sin and external events beyond our control, and shows us how to meet those with courage, hard work and faith. I agree that it is for sure rated PG though! Hadn't thought about that, sorry!

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October Sky (true 1950's story about a group of West Virginia high school boys who win the national science fair)


Pursuit of Happyness (based on the true story of a homeless man struggling to raise his son and become a stock broker. Stars Will Smith. This movie made such an impact on my children)

A Man Named Pearl (A documentary about a South Carolina black man who was not allowed to purchase a home in an area of his small town because "blacks don't keep up their yards." He became quietly obsessed with his yard. It is fascinating to see the profound impact he has had on his town. This film is filled with good people. Wonderful and inspirational. You will feel good for days)


Madison (Another true story. This one takes place in my home town, Madison, IN. It's on the Ohio River and hosts hydroplane races every year. The town has the only city sponsored boat in the circuit and the Miss Madison has always raced against big named boats like Budweiser and Atlas Van Lines. This is the story of the man who was behind getting the town to sponsor the Gold Cup, fixing up the run-down Miss Madison and in the end driving it across the finish line to win in 1971. Great Dad and son relationship story. Stars Jim Caviezel. Shot on location, so enjoy the scenes of where I grew up!)

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It is military, but I loved my guys watching the Hornblower movies. A&E productions from the late 90s. The first four are my favorites. Honor, character, truth, nobility, work ethic....love 'em. The fourth movie in the group is about the French revolution and was hard for my nine year old...just intense, not really bloody...but it's been a year or two. YMMV.


Ioan Guffudd is a treat for this momma's eyes, too. ;)

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I tried to write descriptions that were not big spoilers. Sorry if I revealed too much for your liking...

Jesus of Nazareth - My favorite story of Christ.


Facing the Giants - A high school football coach focuses his team on Christ both on and off the field.


Flywheel - Made by the same church which made Facing the Giants. Story of a used car salesman who changes his ways to turn his life around.


Johnny Tremain - A silversmith's apprentice joins the Sons of Liberty during the Revolutionary War.


Brian's Song - True story of pro football player Brian Piccolo's struggle with cancer written by his teammate Gale Sayers. Based on Sayers' book "I am Third." Personally, I like the new version better than the original one, but both are excellent, IMO.


A Christmas Carol - You're probably already familiar with this! Some versions will be too scary for a 9yo, so be sure to screen first.


Liberty's Kids - Learn history from these engaging stories which include children as key participants.


Ben Hur - Story of two boys who grew up in Jerusalem at the time of Christ, one Jewish and the other Roman.


Bridge to Terabithia - Touching story of the friendship between a young boy and girl. They are about 9yo in the story.


Eight Below - A man tries to save sled dogs stranded in Antartica.


Invincible - True story of a walk-on player who earns a spot on the Philadelphia Eagles NFL during the tough economic times of the 1970s.


Meet the Robinsons - A fun story of a bright young inventor.


Miracle - The true story of the Gold-Medal 1980 US Olympic hockey team.


Radio - A high-school football coach includes a local mentally-challenge boy to assist with his team.


The Ultimate Gift - A young man must complete several tests of character to receive his inheritance.


Some violent ones:


Amazing Grace - Story of William Wilberforce, who was the driving force behind the elimination of the slave trade in England. Not too violent, but there is some frank discussion of slavery included. I've let children see this below 9, but you may wish to screen it first.


The Karate Kid - Boy moves to LA and learns Karate from a master to deal with bullies.


The Princess Bride - We love this story, but there are some disturbing scenes of violence. I let my kids watch but only if I am there to skip two or three scenes. While it shows a man of character (well, mainly), it is also an extremely funny movie.

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I tried to write descriptions that were not big spoilers. Sorry if I revealed too much for your liking...


Jesus of Nazareth - My favorite story of Christ.


Facing the Giants - A high school football coach focuses his team on Christ both on and off the field.


Flywheel - Made by the same church which made Facing the Giants. Story of a used car salesman who changes his ways to turn his life around.


Johnny Tremain - A silversmith's apprentice joins the Sons of Liberty during the Revolutionary War.


Brian's Song - True story of pro football player Brian Piccolo's struggle with cancer written by his teammate Gale Sayers. Based on Sayers' book "I am Third." Personally, I like the new version better than the original one, but both are excellent, IMO.


A Christmas Carol - You're probably already familiar with this! Some versions will be too scary for a 9yo, so be sure to screen first.


Liberty's Kids - Learn history from these engaging stories which include children as key participants.


Ben Hur - Story of two boys who grew up in Jerusalem at the time of Christ, one Jewish and the other Roman.


Bridge to Terabithia - Touching story of the friendship between a young boy and girl. They are about 9yo in the story.


Eight Below - A man tries to save sled dogs stranded in Antartica.


Invincible - True story of a walk-on player who earns a spot on the Philadelphia Eagles NFL during the tough economic times of the 1970s.


Meet the Robinsons - A fun story of a bright young inventor.


Miracle - The true story of the Gold-Medal 1980 US Olympic hockey team.


Radio - A high-school football coach includes a local mentally-challenge boy to assist with his team.


The Ultimate Gift - A young man must complete several tests of character to receive his inheritance.


Some violent ones:


Amazing Grace - Story of William Wilberforce, who was the driving force behind the elimination of the slave trade in England. Not too violent, but there is some frank discussion of slavery included. I've let children see this below 9, but you may wish to screen it first.


The Karate Kid - Boy moves to LA and learns Karate from a master to deal with bullies.


The Princess Bride - We love this story, but there are some disturbing scenes of violence. I let my kids watch but only if I am there to skip two or three scenes. While it shows a man of character (well, mainly), it is also an extremely funny movie.


Thanks for your suggestions and for taking the time to write all your descriptions. :)

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