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If you are planning on getting rid of or donating any baby girl items soon . . .

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would you consider sending it to me for my son if I pay the shipping. His baby is due Dec. 30 and he has nothing. He is not really capable of caring for himself much less a baby so I am trying to gather what I can. I have feelers out everywhere and I am combing thift and consignment stores here. I don't have much money and like I said he needs everything: crib or bassinet, car seat, stroller, baby swing (I know not strictly neccessary but oh so helpful), blankets, clothing. You can PM me if you can help and any help would be appreciated. Oh, and if we can bump this for a little while so more people can see it that would be helpful too. Thanks.

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I never had a baby girl (dsd was 5 when I met her), so I've nothing to offer. But thrift stores are a great place to find good quality baby things for little money. Man, I wish I had known that when I had Zee! I could almost cry to think of how much people spent on brand new things for his baby shower...


Is there a crisis pregnancy center in the town they live in? They should be able to get quite a bit of assistance there I would think.



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Let me see what I can find. I think we have some boxes of clothes still. A local Pregnancy Resource Center would be very helpful for the equipment and they often get clothes as well.


If he can't take care of himself who is going to care for baby?


Well, to tell the truth, I am not exactly sure right now. He will probably be in jail and I am pretty sure the girl is not capable of taking care of the baby either so I am seriously considering seeing if they will let me take her in for awhile until they can get their life together.

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Well, to tell the truth, I am not exactly sure right now. He will probably be in jail and I am pretty sure the girl is not capable of taking care of the baby either so I am seriously considering seeing if they will let me take her in for awhile until they can get their life together.


If you are willing to raise your dgc, have you considered the possibility of adopting her? Be sure to get legal guardianship if you decide to just raise her. After raising our dgd for 7 years we went to court for legal guardianship so she could be home schooled. The court informed us that dgd was, by legal standards, an abandoned child, being without parent or legal guardian, and as such could be removed into state custody. We immediately filed for emergency guardianship and adoption.

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If you are willing to raise your dgc, have you considered the possibility of adopting her? Be sure to get legal guardianship if you decide to just raise her. After raising our dgd for 7 years we went to court for legal guardianship so she could be home schooled. The court informed us that dgd was, by legal standards, an abandoned child, being without parent or legal guardian, and as such could be removed into state custody. We immediately filed for emergency guardianship and adoption.


I would love to do that but the parents actually want the child and I am hoping that after a bit of time they will get their lives straightened out and be able to take care of the baby themselves.

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Hubby just got rid of all the baby gear that we were willing to part with. I'll second (or is it third?) the recommendation of going to a crisis pregnancy centre. They usually have clothes, etc.


Post on the freecycle list in your area. Explain the situation, and you'd be amazed at the response.

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I agree with the Pregnancy Center. Just recently I found out all that they do. The parents attend classes and build up points to "buy" the items they need. If both parents attend classes, they get double points. The donations the preg. center receives are used for their "store". There is a new store and a used store where the items are fewer points. It sounds like the classes might be good for them as well since they are needing to get their lives together. The center also provides ongoing help too, although I'm not sure what all that entails. I also do not know if all preg. centers are created the same.


I also agree with the freecycle idea. People offer all kinds of stuff on there. It goes quick, but if you post a want, you might get a lot of offers. The rules in our area, I believe, are that you have to offer three items before you post a want. But, it might help you clean out some of your things too.


Also, if you are a part of local homeschool support group, ask for items there, too.


I hope and pray your son and the baby's mother can get their life squared away.

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