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No fair to have a hunky Husband thread without a Hot Hive Momma thread!

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Ok, Here is one of me in my Christmas Carol costume. It was a beautiful day a couple of weeks ago and I had just got done with a taping for the local TV station, so my daughter decided to shoot this shot of me.




Hon, you are drop dead gorgeous. That's a beautiful picture as well. I am sure both you and your children with always treasure it.

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LOL! Yes it works at any age! I have a cyber mentor who is a mom of 7 and she did not start working out until her mid 40's and she is in better shape than me! P90X is a 90 day program that comes with a nutrition guide, program guide and 12DVDs! It's supplied by a company called Beachbody. P90X is on as an infomercial and QVC really often. It really works! I've used other Beachbody programs (Slim in 6, Turbo Jam, Yoga Booty Ballet, Hip Hop Abs and RevAbs) They are all awesome programs that get anyone into shape! And besides, who has time to go to the gym when you have kids and hs to take care of;)

I sound like a salesperson :lol:


I really need to dust off my Beachbody workouts. I'm not a fan of Tony Horton but I do like the ones by Chalene Johnson and Debbie Siebers.

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My avatar looks SURPRISINGLY like me! I have hair just as short as this, although I wear glasses...the "Mad Men Yourself" app doesn't have rimless glasses though, and I do NOT wear pink horn rims :) (BTW I don't watch Mad Men, either, but I do think the era is VERY chic and stylish)


I love the idea of using the Mad Men Yourself pic as an avatar! Hope you don't mind that I borrowed it :D

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I can't believe how old I feel looking at all of these younguns!

Thanks but no envy! It took a LOT of WORK and eating right to get back. I'm a believer in ALL of the Beachbody workout programs I started using after my first was born 7 yrs. ago. Exercising is the only way I stay sane and have enough energy to keep up with all of the kiddos:001_smile:
Some of us are stretched beyond recognition no matter how much skinny muscle is under it.
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Can't see it... Do I need to be your FB friend in order to? Hint, hint... :D


Oh, woops. I thought it would work! I'll attach it from the computer instead.


As to your hinting, I'll friend you if you can find me! Instead of using my surname, I've used my SCA name. So, how are your internet stalking skills? :tongue_smilie:



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My avatar is me, though that's a remarkably unflattering picture.


Then you'd better not post another or you'll blind us with your beauty. It's a great pic, every time I see that pic (which would be how many times a day? :lol:) I think "that's a great pic."



Rosie- agreeing that we are all sexy, but really wondering about your taste in guys ;) But after looking at that pic of my dh with my brother, I bet you're saying the same about me, hehehe.

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I don't know how to make this smaller, so y'all get to see the dirt on the front porch siding, too.




You ladies are all very good-looking and brave and not so blushy-and-frowny in front of a camera as me. Also, none of you appear to have antennae like mine. I bet you didn't even have to photoshop it out. Gah, curls. There's always a rebel so matter how much goo I use.


I didn't know Isabella Rosellini posted here. ;) You look so much younger here than you do in the movies.

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