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Least expensive grocery store??

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My grocery budget just got very tight. $75 a week for two adults, 1 preteen, 3 teens, 1 kitty, 1 dog. In lean times I have had to stick with that limitation before, so I know I can do it.


I usually shop at Kroger, but I know some mom that think Wal Mart has rock bottom prices. I know someone else that thinks Super Target has the best prices. I sometimes stop by Publix, but they seem to be higher on most items.


In your opinion what is the least expensive grocery store?


(I wish I knew how to do a poll post.)

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Guest Cindie2dds

Well, we don't have much of a selection here. Walmart is the cheapest. We have about four Walmarts, eight HEB's and an IGA, Brookshire Bros. and a Dollar General.


What I wouldn't give for an Aldi!

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I really like to shop at Publix.


Some of their stuff is a little bit more expensive than Wal-Mart, but not by much. Publix has lots of Buy-One-Get-One-Free offers.


Also a lot of Publix own brand stuff is really quite good, where as with Wal-Mart own, I would not touch it with a barge pole.

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Around here we have Food Lion, Lowes, Harris Teeter, and Walmart. I typically shop at Walmart. However, I check the sale papers for the grocery stores every week, particularly for meat sales. On other items, I find that as a general rule, if something is 50% off or BOGO at the grocery store, then it's a cheaper price than walmart. If the sale is not that good, then walmart's price is usually the same or still better. Also Walmart does price matching except for percentage off and BOGO sales.

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I really think it depends on your shopping habits. We just got a new Super-Walmart eight miles from my house. I was thrilled thinking I was going to see a dramatic drop in my grocery bill. I was very, very careful and ended up spending about twice as much as I usually do. Not sure how that happened, but I was not happy.


A friend told me she shops at Wegman's (we got one of those last year) and found the prices to be comparable or lower than other grocery stores in our area. Well, that shocked me, because the first time I went into Wegman's I was overwhelmed by the sheer size of the place and all the expensive items they carry. This past week I decided to try out my friend's advice and only buy Wegman's store brand and items on sale. Of course, I ended up having to buy some things that were reg. price, but I was totally shocked to see that my bill was about half what I paid at Wal-mart.


Now, I don't buy the exact same things every trip so this is not a scientific comparison of prices by a long shot. But, even so, I generally keep a similar sized list with similar items from trip to trip. I was truly amazed that I spent that little at a store I thought of as being ritzy and high-priced. I even bought lots of fresh fruit, veggies and a nice amount of meat. I did look very, very carefully for the lowest price for things and it took a bit more work at times.


I'm not sure any one store is truly the lowest priced - you just have to be careful where ever you go.

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Generally, Wal Mart's regular price on an item will beat out any grocery store price. But Wal Mart doesn't run the same sales (BOGO, 10 for 10, etc) that most grocery stores do.


If you really need to stick to a strict budget, you'll stretch your dollars most by checking the ads for your local grocery stores and making multiple trips - only buying the loss leaders at each store and buying the rest at Wal Mart.

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We just tried Publix for the first time. We usually go to Wal-Mart, because in our town we only have Wal-Mart and Piggly Wiggly. Publix is a little further, but we spent $130.00. $30.00 of that was supplies to make lasagna. We bought dish detergent, but not laundry detergent. We bought hand soap (on sale for $.70 each). Our usual grocery bill is over $200.00. I think we'll stick with Publix.

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I have come to believe that it all just depends on the stores in your particular area. Here, I can choose from Wal-Mart, Super Target, Publix, Kroger, Southern Family Markets, and Star Market. From that list, I shop exclusively at Publix, Super Target, and on rare occasions, Wal-Mart.


I find that, in general, Target and Publix have really good prices.... Publix will win hands down if they have a BOGOF sale, and even more so if I have a coupon--- they double the coupon if it is $.50 or less. I do find Publix to be way more expensive on items that are not BOGOF, so I'll buy those at Target. Wal-Mart is just too noisy, too crazy, too time-consuming to shop there, and their prices aren't all that much better than Target or Publix's BOGOF sales to get me to shop there regularly. HOWEVER, I will bite the bullet and go when I have things I need that Target and Publix don't carry (light bulbs in a particular wattage, etc.). Oddly enough, when I started to price things in each store, I found that the Target was below Wal-Mart on the items I used regularly.


The bottom line is that you should start making a list of the things you buy and 'price' them at the stores you have available. Take in to consideration double coupons and BOGOF sales. The tough thing about Wal-Mart is that they keep messing with their prices, so one week something may be a better deal than, say, Target, then the next week it will be more. Yet another reason on my long list as to why I don't like to shop there!


I wish you luck. It's hard to keep on top of 'the game' when there is so much to consider, and those of us who have to scrimp and pinch find no humor in 'the game' played with all the sales, coupons, price hikes/reductions, etc.

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If you have access to a Commissary then they will have great prices. Otherwise, a super Walmart is going to be your best bet. Not only do they have the lowest non-sale prices, but they match competitors' prices as well, so instead of stopping all over town for B1G1 and 10 for 10's, you could just take those sale ads to Walmart and get all of your groceries in one place.


Unless you have an Aldi's. They have really low prices! So does Sav-A-Lot.

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Their store brand items are higher quality IMHO than other store brands and the same price or less. Their produce is the same. At Wegmans, I can buy a bag of apples and every one of them will be good, that's not the case at Wal-Mart or Super Target. I love looking at all the exotic, pricey produce there, but as long as I only look, I save money. We do buy some produce there that we love and that other stores don't seem to carry any more like leeks and parsnips.


For meat, I buy hamburger from friends that run a uncertified organic farm, chicken from Costco, and other meats at a local grocery store when it's 50% off.

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I agree with most of the opinions given. I personally do shop Publix for BOGO's with coupons which give me great deals. I shop the ads for Kroger week to week and also Big Lots for mainly organic bargains but they have other good deals on food if you don't need organic all the time. We have a store called Ingles here that has great store brands but is a good distance to drive so that factors into the budget. We are getting an Aldi's nearby soon and the only thing I know about that store is that Clark Howard, our local/nationally syndicated cheap shopper, recommends shopping there. I will check it out. I think coupons have helped me recently on things we normally buy. I mainly buy meat at Sam's. I feed 3-4 grown or growing men and can't afford meat from any other store. I also find Sam's cheaper on Apple Juice, Tortilla's, Rotiss chicken (bigger), organic salad greens, toilet tissue, olive oil, canned tuna, canned chicken, raw nuts, butter, eggs, half and half, yogurt and goat cheese to name a few things we personally buy. Each family is unique. I cook from scratch, make my own bread, drink raw milk, and buy free range ground beef from our dairy farmer 50 lbs. at a time @ $4/lb. We try to eat organic as much as possible and I belong to a vegetable co-op that gives me a box of locally grown organic vegies each week for about $20 delivered. As you see, I shop a good deal outside the local market and carefully when I go to market. We have a dog (eats homemade food) and cat who is old and loves tuna and half and half. I stock up when Publix has Bogo's and Big Lots has their twice a year 20% off. We eat a meatless (usually beans or burrito with refried beans, cheese, brown rice or taco salad) about once a week. It is a challenge but I do spend a bit more than $75 weekly but strive to keep it as low as possible. I pick and freeze blueberries in season to have all year. It is a full time job to do this and homeschool also. I am amazed myself at just writing all this down. I pray for God to bless my cart before I go to grocery and he has never failed in my 40 years of marriage raising 5 kids and now homeschooling a highschool grand daughter. It can be done if you are creative, frugal and willing to do your homework.

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Kroger is great for discounted meat (ask the meat department manager where it is and when they mark-down the meat- the tags have a code on them, too. L1= first markdown, L2= second markdown, L3= third and final markdown; obviously, L3 is cheapest, but L1 is freshest). They also have a good price on fruit and veggies. Here they have better deals than WalMart on pre-packaged items, so if you can plan your meals around whatever is on sale, that would help.


WalMart tends to be cheapest on pre-packaged foods. They also can have good prices on discounted meat and cheese, but you'll need to ask the meat and diary managers when they get their deliveries so you can snatch stuff up before it's gone. I don't buy fresh fruit and veggies from WM because it's usually not good quality. (Not at ours anyway; I know others have other experiences.)


Do you have a Big Star near you? (I'm in north MS, so I'm thinking we may have some of the same stores.) They have great loss-leader sales; just check the fliers for these. The quality of their fruits and veggies is iffy - if it's on sale, it's usually good; if not, it isn't.


Dollar General has great prices on pasta and mixes (cornbread mix, pancake mix, etc).


Also, if farmers markets are still operating by you, ask if you can buy bulk at the end of the day. Many farmers will sell fruits and veggies by the case at a discount if they were unable to sell it at the market and it saves them from having to haul it home and dump it. Just make sure to ask discretely so you don't inadvertently submarine their regular business. :D


Also check international food markets. They can have amazing deals.


For bread, see if any bakeries near you have thrift stores or see if there is a Wonder Bread thrift store near you. Those are usually cheaper than the discounted bread at Kroger or WalMart and they usually (although not always) have whole wheat bread.

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I shop Save-a-lot (an Aldi's family) for pantry items that I will buy in generic brands.


Albertson's for meat b/c they have the best sales; particularly at the end of the month. ($1.66 boneless chicken breast; $1.88 80/20 ground beef; $2.99 suchi)


Wal-mart or Aldi's for milk, eggs, bread, cold cereal ($0.68 doz eggs, $0.89 loaf of 100% whole wheat bread, $1.28 box generic)


Fruit stand locally for best produce prices -- hands down! I save $50/week on produce, compared to Publix days


Publix only for BOGO. Otherwise, they are definitely more expensive.


Here's the Wal-mart issue:

1. I tend to spend more b/c I buy junk I wouldn't normally buy.

2. I buy in bulk there, so my total is higher

3. I may also grab non-food while I'm there.


Finally, you can often find great deals at the Dollar Store or Dollar General for paper goods. Toothpaste $1/tube! You'd be surprised!


ETA: The total round trip driving for all of this is no more than 10 miles round trip! Albertson's is 5mi. and the rest are all within 1 mile! I can walk to produce, Wal-mart, Save-a-lot, Aldi and Publix if I ever needed to. That also saves $$$



Tina :)

Edited by johnandtinagilbert
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I think it depends on your area.


I know a lot of people think Wal Mart has the lowest prices, but I have gotten a lot of items at other stores for less. For instance, our local Giant Eagle has great sales on meat. I got a whole center cut boneless pork loin on sale for $1.67 lb., cut to order. They often put ground ROUND on sale for $1.99 lb (Wal Mart's ground chuck is generally over $3.00 lb).


Another local store puts Dairyman's milk on sale for a great price. Wal Mart copies the sale price, but it's on their Great Value milk. I really do think the Dairyman's tastes better.


All the stores are in a relative cluster where I live so I don't spend a significant amount of time or gas on travel to go to another store. I have about 4 stores that I shop at depending on the item and it's cost and weekly sales.

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Thank you all for your replies. We live 30 minutes out of town, so shopping at different stores really isn't going to make up for the gas prices to drive into town more than once for shopping. I can't imagine grocery shopping at more than one store in one day.


I did pretty good today at Kroger. I spent more than $75 but I was out of almost ALL cleaning supplies and those are usually higher at Kroger, but it was late and I was TIRED. LOL Actually I did get some good deals at Kroger today. :)


We DO have an Aldi in town, but I've never been there. I keep forgetting about it. I'll check it out next week!


Thanks everyone!

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Thank you all for your replies. We live 30 minutes out of town, so shopping at different stores really isn't going to make up for the gas prices to drive into town more than once for shopping. I can't imagine grocery shopping at more than one store in one day.


I did pretty good today at Kroger. I spent more than $75 but I was out of almost ALL cleaning supplies and those are usually higher at Kroger, but it was late and I was TIRED. LOL Actually I did get some good deals at Kroger today. :)


We DO have an Aldi in town, but I've never been there. I keep forgetting about it. I'll check it out next week!


Thanks everyone!



Definitely check out Aldi. And, have you considered making your own cleaning supplies? I know if you google it, you'll find dozens of recipes.

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My grocery budget just got very tight. $75 a week for two adults, 1 preteen, 3 teens, 1 kitty, 1 dog. In lean times I have had to stick with that limitation before, so I know I can do it.


I usually shop at Kroger, but I know some mom that think Wal Mart has rock bottom prices. I know someone else that thinks Super Target has the best prices. I sometimes stop by Publix, but they seem to be higher on most items.


In your opinion what is the least expensive grocery store?


(I wish I knew how to do a poll post.)


Walmart is hugely cheaper than any of the chain grocery stores around here--I find sometimes as much as $1 per item. Their produce here is excellent quality. I'm fussy about it as we eat lots of fresh fruit and veges. Sam's or Costco is the best place for bread and milk. (Just don't buy too much else. I'm not sure there are real class services.) Walmart doesn't have sales, but they will match prices on other stores' sales.

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You go to the different stores and compare prices on the things you buy most often. Then, you shop at different stores.


Around here, Wal-Mart probably has the lowest prices overall, but I do a lot of shopping at Randall's (part of Safeway chain). They are sometimes lower with sales and doubled/tripled coupons.

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