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White Elephant gift suggestions? under $15

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I thought white elephant gifts were things you found around your house that were no longer useful. Like a rotary phone or old lampshade. That said, I did go to one event where someone gifted a package of Depends. Oh, and I remember going to another event where Elvis on velvet showed up every year.




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If you are going for funny: our big hit gag gift was a bag of items from the Dollar Store. I got some huge plastic 'bling' necklaces, a bright furry scarf, a bright furry hat, and lots of similar/matching items from the toy section. You could put together any kit like this- they have giant glasses, a giant toothbrush, all sorts of funny toys. Just pick a theme. :)


If you're not going for funny, you could do a Dollar Store bag of cleaning items, or something else. Or check your drug store for small gift items. Keep an eye out at clearance sales for things that you think would make a good gift. (water fountains, a colander or pot with kitchen items in it, candles/potpourri, gourmet candies you can store in the freezer until it's time to give the gift).


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I absolutely LOVE white elephant gifts...well, the funny kinds, that is. A few years ago I did a google search and there are lists of ideas out there, so you could try that.


We've seen lots of gifts over the years, here are a few ideas: an old trophy bought at the thrift store (for ladies sharp shooting), a huge stuffed porky-pig w/leather jacket (this one was hilarious....simply because my grandma had sent it to me for my birthday...as a REAL present!), huge container of mayo, a Bubble-gum maker cast-off from Christmas, a framed picture of you/your family (this is only funny if the people you're exchanging with wouldn't necessarily want to put out a picture of you...like they are just friends and not family), an old black & white TV, a stool sample kit, a chia pet.


Have fun!

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One year at a staff Christmas party I took a 2 liter bottle of diet coke. It was left over from a party we'd had at our home a couple of weeks earlier. I had no idea people would go crazy over a bottle of diet coke--it was the most coveted gift!

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My understanding of white elephant gift exchanges is that the gift should be something from your house that you no longer need or want. It could be a gag gift or an item that does not appeal to you but might be valued by someone else. Unopened jars of bath salt if you are shower person, for example. You could also fill a decorative (or give-me) mug with candies, cookies, or cocoa mix.

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Oh, I forgot to mention, one time we went to a white elephant gift exchange and ended up with a one galloon paint can full of pennies. We took them to the zoo and my kids had a blast putting them in one of those coin funnel donation stations. We then fill the can with pennies over the rest of the year and gave it away at the next party.

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