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You know I beat myself up and pulled my hair out last year trying to stay "caught up". This year I purposely haven't set any bench marks. So, no I'm not behind! :tongue_smilie: Just take a deep breath and let it go! :chillpill:


I knew from the start that we wouldn't finish STOW in one year, I just don't have the time. I hope to get through FLL1 and 2 this year. We are on target for that. Spelling, I wanted my son to finish SWO-A over the summer....LOL Not! We will get it done before our semester break though. I do want him to be at grade level in spelling, language and writing by 3rd grade. If that means summer school for us then so be it. Science, I have no time frame for that. Math, I would like to finish by June...should be doable, but I haven't broken it out to find out if we are on track. I just don't need the added stress. We'll just keep working until it's done.


ETA: Just noticed how many kids you have. Keep up the good work and don't worry, it will work out in the end and you'll mange.

Edited by Tam101
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Is anyone else behind already this yr.:001_huh: Or are you the June Cleaver of homeschool?

I can not catch up to save my life!!:confused:


I had to extend our calendar this year for 2 days so far...we are doing them before our Christmas break. I always try to be half way done by Christmas. Hang in there...life happens!:grouphug:

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Is anyone else behind already this yr.:001_huh: Or are you the June Cleaver of homeschool?

I can not catch up to save my life!!:confused:


If it makes you feel any better...my 15yo is attending a very small and very challenging classical charter school this year. They are only partway through chapter 2 in Physics. They have no plans to finish the book this year because they are adding other things. Behind is relative. Maybe you'll work half days during the summer this year to make you feel more caught up?

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Well, last week was our first full week of school for this school year. :001_huh: Does that tell you how behind we are? I was diagnosed with cancer at the beginning of Sept. and there was no way we could do full days of school. We have done lots of read alouds and math and reading (for the kids) on our good days but that has been it.


The cancer is behind us now so I am hoping to get back into more of a routine. I refuse to think about how behind we are. We are just doing the next thing. :001_smile:

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We were right on track until we all came down with h1n1 for a week. Now we are behind, but I have some "flex" days built in next week that we will use to get back to where we should be before Thanksgiving. I am glad I scheduled that flex week remembering that we typically have a week long illness around this time of year.

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Well, last week was our first full week of school for this school year. :001_huh: Does that tell you how behind we are? I was diagnosed with cancer at the beginning of Sept. and there was no way we could do full days of school. We have done lots of read alouds and math and reading (for the kids) on our good days but that has been it.


The cancer is behind us now so I am hoping to get back into more of a routine. I refuse to think about how behind we are. We are just doing the next thing. :001_smile:


:grouphug: Wow! What a tough way to start the school year! I am so happy for you that it is behind you!

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This has been a really rough fall for us.


In late August we learned we had asbestos in our basement, and it was crumbly and dusty and we have lived with it for ten years. :eek: We had to drop everything and deal with this problem, pronto. What should have been a 3-week project has morphed into a 3-month nightmare due to the incompetence of the guy who poured our new concrete floor.


In the middle of that, I had a terrible sinus infection for 6 weeks, and for at least 3 of those weeks was so sick I could not cope. Dh and dd suffered with it as well.


And it was soccer season. Nuff said there.


We have plowed on, gasping for breath and struggling to keep our noses above water. Yes, we are behind. I started jokingly referring to our little home school as the Uneducated Hillbillies Association. We try to just remember the work that HAS been done, and try to do better as we move forward.

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Thanks! I have all 6 kids sick now. I think my oldest and maybe youngest might have the h1n1 flu. I have bee ready to just throw in the towel. I can seem to get it together:lol:


:grouphug::grouphug: I was there for the last two weeks. But, only 4 sick kids and one sick dh. Then, I got sick. We've been fever free for 24 hours now!!! I pray you get better soon.


The cancer is behind us now so I am hoping to get back into more of a routine. I refuse to think about how behind we are. We are just doing the next thing. :001_smile:


Yippee!!!! Congrats on beating cancer!!! But, what a scary time it must have been for your entire family. :grouphug:


We were right on track until we all came down with h1n1 for a week. Now we are behind, but I have some "flex" days built in next week that we will use to get back to where we should be before Thanksgiving. I am glad I scheduled that flex week remembering that we typically have a week long illness around this time of year.


Glad to hear you are better!!!


We also had probable-h1n1 for the last two weeks. So, technically, I guess we're behind. But, I never set up a schedule for us. I just do the next lesson. The only thing I want to make sure we finish each year is our Sonlight Core. I'm not worried about staying caught up in the other subjects. My kids are ahead of grade level in math, so that's not an issue. Just by doing four lessons/week, we are able to finish a math book each year easily.


We're technically "behind" in grammar (my 8th grader is doing 6th grade grammar), but, realistically, I never learned the things that my older boys are learning! We use R&S and I think that's advanced! So, I think we're actually ahead of the PS kids.


And, do you ever remember finishing a book in school growing up? We certainly never did!


Just keep on keeping on!!

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I can not catch up to save my life!!


I have decided I will always be behind in something. We did the minimum in LA and math in Aug/Sept but chomped through half of our science. Now that it is drippy and gusty out, we are "making tracks" in math and reading. I'm a "focus" person and would rather do GWG, e.g. daily or twice a day for a month and then slack off to only once a week, (with reminders in every day life) for a month or two, and then go back to a sprint, again.


I even like one bowl meals....big bowl of stew or salad rather than an entree with potato and two veg.

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I'm behind. I could catch up if I drove them into the ground by Christmas, but I'm just trying to get bits and pieces done.


We had ER visits and surgery, sicknesses and family drama that I won't go into, but took time away.


I HATE being behind. I really do and as much as I try to relax about it and put it into context, I still get stressed. I'm doing my best to not take that stress out on them with a rushrushrush mantra.


This is me, learning to :chillpill:. I CAN go all year. Really. I know this. But I like to take a long midwinter break and now, I think I'll feel too guilty to do that.

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I am behind according to my planning. I do have some extra days built into our school year and we do school year around so I have just made up my mind this morning that I'm not going to let it worry me anymore. My uncle died on Thur we came down with a nasty cold on Friday and his funeral service was yesterday. That means we have missed a total of 4 days of school. Thank God we are well now and my husband is off today so it will be a light day for us!

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Schooling year around has helped with the "being behind" syndrome. Many of my "bad days" health wise (I have fibromyalgia) end up being half days for our school work. So the next day we catch up with the other half. We will probably do school during many of the weeks that others are taking the whole week off - including Christmas week. But we will take one or two days off that are meaningful to us.


And yes, I'm a faithful follower of the "do the next thing" philosophy.

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You know I beat myself up and pulled my hair out last year trying to stay "caught up". This year I purposely haven't set any bench marks. So, no I'm not behind! :tongue_smilie: Just take a deep breath and let it go! :chillpill:



I am always behind. It is the new norm. We get there eventually. I like to just enjoy the trip.:D


:iagree: If this means that we do nothing but English for 2 days straight to get caught up, then so be it. We do what we can when we can and move on. I have enough stress already, don't need to add this on top.

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BTW...do you adopt SN kids or all they all bio kids? Just curious. If I'm out of line asking, tell me to shut up :)




You are not out of line. No they are not adopted they are all bio. I keep thinking maybe one will come out completely normal :rofl: then I realized "what is normal" ;)

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Well, last week was our first full week of school for this school year. :001_huh: Does that tell you how behind we are? I was diagnosed with cancer at the beginning of Sept. and there was no way we could do full days of school. We have done lots of read alouds and math and reading (for the kids) on our good days but that has been it.


The cancer is behind us now so I am hoping to get back into more of a routine. I refuse to think about how behind we are. We are just doing the next thing. :001_smile:


Well I don't know about anybody else but I wouldn't look at you as behind I mean it's not like you were just unorganized or lazy or unmotivated!:001_huh:

Prasie God that your cancer is behind you!!:001_smile:

Edited by tonygirl
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Is anyone else behind already this yr.:001_huh: Or are you the June Cleaver of homeschool?

I can not catch up to save my life!!:confused:


This year I'm feeling more like the Peg Bundy of homeschooling. :001_huh: Can't quite get it together myself--we're okay, but, I just don't have the drive I usually have and any little thing distracts me.:glare:

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This year I'm feeling more like the Peg Bundy of homeschooling. :001_huh: Can't quite get it together myself--we're okay, but, I just don't have the drive I usually have and any little thing distracts me.:glare:


EXACTLY!! But not sure if were ok though:001_huh:

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I was behind before I even got started. :001_huh:


My life this year has been a huge rollercoaster and I just want to get off...just for a little while. :tongue_smilie:


Since March of 2009:


-MIL moves into our home

-suprise pregnancy at age 40

-miscarriage 8 weeks later

-cousin almost dies in OR (aorta burst)

-MIL breaks arm; requires surgery & PT for 3 months

-another cousin killed in Afghanistan


This is just a "short list" -- this doesn't include things like washer dies; car in the shop with $600 bill; and balancing the rest of life.


I try to just put one foot in front of the other...

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I was behind before I even got started. :001_huh:


My life this year has been a huge rollercoaster and I just want to get off...just for a little while. :tongue_smilie:


Since March of 2009:


-MIL moves into our home

-suprise pregnancy at age 40

-miscarriage 8 weeks later

-cousin almost dies in OR (aorta burst)

-MIL breaks arm; requires surgery & PT for 3 months

-another cousin killed in Afghanistan


This is just a "short list" -- this doesn't include things like washer dies; car in the shop with $600 bill; and balancing the rest of life.


I try to just put one foot in front of the other...


I am so sorry that is ALOT to deal with. My dh's step brother lives in OR I believe and he was stabbed in teh aorta this summer weird small world !

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The way I avoid this guilt is to schedule 28 4-day weeks. All work is divided into 112 intensive days so we have plenty of time to take off. Next year I'm thinking of scratching the idea of weeks also, just 112 days so I can stop thinking in terms of 75% weeks or half weeks.


I never really feel behind because as long as they're learning more than the public school kids, I have no guilt. Low standards are hard to fail!

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