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How much do you spend on your dc's friends' gifts?

How much do you spend on your dc's friends' birthday gifts?  

  1. 1. How much do you spend on your dc's friends' birthday gifts?

    • $30 +
    • $25-29
    • $20-24
    • $15-19
    • $10-14
    • $5-9
    • Homemade or Dollar Store
    • Other or don't buy gifts for dc's friends

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I hardly ever go over $20, but really it depends how close we are to the person. I have a few people who consistently invite my kids to their kids' parties because we are the only friends they know who also have children. I hate to say it, but because my kids aren't as close to theirs in either age or relationship, they do get cheaper gifts. Good gifts, but slightly cheaper. When my kids wants to pick out the gifts for their best friends, I am willing to spend a little more.

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I said $0 because as a rule we don't exchange gifts at all.


But then I remembered that we are often invited to birthday parties, and for that I usually spend $10, or if it's a BFF maybe $20. But we don't exchange Christmas gifts as a rule. This year we'd like to bake some goodies for a few friends.

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I aim for about $15 but it depends.


I have twins, so if both of them are invited sometimes we go with one gift in the $30 and sometimes with two gifts in the $15 range.


And I'm trying to help the kids learn to think about the person for whom they are buying, and sometimes they find the "perfect" gift and it costs less. It seems like a bad lesson to teach them that it isn't expensive enough :001_huh: so if it's something they really think the bday child would like, I will go with it.


And I've been known to go slightly higher for a close friend and a well-chosen gift.

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I put $5-9 because I buy gifts ahead for birthdays when they are clearanced out... so I usually will get a nice $15-20 gift for about $6-8 or so. I have a little stash of boy & girl gifts ready for those last-minute party invitations.


This what I used to do before we moved. I could estimate how many parties my dd would be invited to in a year. I would stock up when things were on clearance. Now that we live in SC, my kids haven't been invited to all that many birthday parties, so I don't have a stash. Generally, I will spend $10-15 in a pinch for a gift.

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I've become a fan of experience gifts, rather than material ones. Every year, the girls' friend chooses a summer art camp class, and I pay for the three of them up to take the class together. Well worth the cost and nothing to clutter the house afterward (except for a piece of artwork).


Erica in OR

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We took the older 2 to a birthday party yesterday. I felt bad that we hadn't gotten a gift and just gave him $20 in a card ($10 from each of my sons).


Turns out several boys gave him $10 too so looks like we were right on target! :D



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