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I am so angry about blogspot.com....

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I don't know much about blogging and I'm sure it's hard to monitor everything that is added on blogs. I was just visiting my dd's blog and clicked the top where it says "next blog". There was all kinds of graphic pictures of s*x acts of every kind! I was sick at my stomach to think that my children could have seen this.

I know I must have been naive to think that a blog site used by mostly homeschoolers could be safe. My question is....what do I do? I did report it, but I mean is there another safer blog place or is it going to be like this every where? Do I need to start considering some of those security filters?

Any thoughts on what I can do to allow my dd to continue to blog without worrying about her seeing this sort of garbage??


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I don't know much about blogging and I'm sure it's hard to monitor everything that is added on blogs. I was just visiting my dd's blog and clicked the top where it says "next blog". There was all kinds of graphic pictures of s*x acts of every kind! I was sick at my stomach to think that my children could have seen this.

I know I must have been naive to think that a blog site used by mostly homeschoolers could be safe. My question is....what do I do? I did report it, but I mean is there another safer blog place or is it going to be like this every where? Do I need to start considering some of those security filters?

Any thoughts on what I can do to allow my dd to continue to blog without worrying about her seeing this sort of garbage??


You might want to consider a smaller blogging service. HomeschoolBlogger might appeal to you.
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I've tried a few blog services and I always go back to blogspot...it's just so easy to use and customize and edit. I have one at homeschoolblogger and it isn't very user friendly. The issue really isn't a blogspot issue, it's an internet issue. I'd suggest some kind of filter, and I wonder if it's possible using firefox adblocker if you could block the 'next blog' button so she couldn't get to a random blog?

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Don't click on the "Next Blog" feature?


I think with any of the major blogging sites you'll find blogs with that content. You can report them, but I don't know if they're very responsive to that.


If it's a dealbreaker for you, you might want to try the site Crissy suggested, trading easy posting for safer content.

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As far as what you can do instead, I would maybe suggest using a template for her blog that doesn't link to other blogspot websites. You can add your own for a little more effort, although I think in order to have one without the blogger navigation bar, you might have to actually pay some money. That may be worth it to you, however. Other than that, I would definitely report abuse, even though I'm not sure what their policies are. I've been mostly impressed with google websites in general.

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but it will take tweaking a bit of code. This tutorial link will show you how. It is not that hard if you follow the directions step-by-step.








I'll have to check this one out. I found a different blog, but his directions just weren't working for me. :tongue_smilie:

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Here, use this. Its from Blogger and its really easy. Thanks for posting about this - Dh just went through and removed them all from the dc's blogs.


ETA This code takes the nav bar off for you, too. You can still customize, but you have to do it not via the "customize" tab in the nav bar. Dh is looking up the one he uses for his business site; it lets YOU see the nav bar, but not any visitors...


ETA again: He said to copy and paste this code instead if you want to be able to see the nav bar. Put it in the same spot as the above code goes:


#navbar-iframe:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}

Edited by LauraGB
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For an even easier fix (if you feel like messing with the HTML code sounds scary) try finding free templates that she likes that already don't have the "Next Blog" feature. The template for my blog is by Deluxe Templates and doesn't have the "Next Blog" feature. Poking around some of the other templates on the site it looked like most (or maybe all) of them didn't have it.

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Here, use this. Its from Blogger and its really easy. Thanks for posting about this - Dh just went through and removed them all from the dc's blogs.


ETA This code takes the nav bar off for you, too. You can still customize, but you have to do it not via the "customize" tab in the nav bar. Dh is looking up the one he uses for his business site; it lets YOU see the nav bar, but not any visitors...


ETA again: He said to copy and paste this code instead if you want to be able to see the nav bar. Put it in the same spot as the above code goes:


#navbar-iframe:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}


I'm clearly showing my lack in the blogging skills department, but where do you paste this code?:o



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I'm clearly showing my lack in the blogging skills department, but where do you paste this code?:o



Not really - I don't blog and I've never done it, lol! But the rest of my family has accts. If you follow the link, there's a cool video that walks you through the process - super easy. If you want to be able to hover and see the bar yourself (no one else will), copy and paste the code I added INSTEAD of the one they tell you to in the video.


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Not really - I don't blog and I've never done it, lol! But the rest of my family has accts. If you follow the link, there's a cool video that walks you through the process - super easy. If you want to be able to hover and see the bar yourself (no one else will), copy and paste the code I added INSTEAD of the one they tell you to in the video.



Thanks! I haven't watched the video yet. I'll take a look at it!

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