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Work out weight loss Videos and diets advice.

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Ok, well I haven't found something that works for me but I think that is because I really haven't been totally committed to the cause just yet. I would like to lose about 35 lb. My hubby though is using P90 with success so far. He has lost at least 25 lbs and is sticking with it. He was in the upper 200 lb range and with 25 lbs gone people are definitely noticing the difference. I think P90X is more sculpt and muscles whereas P90 is targeted at weight loss.



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From what I have found, there is really no specific "trick" or "diet" to lose weight. Basically, calories in must be less than calories out to lose weight. Having said that, you can lose weight eating processed, artificially sweetened food. But, you probably won't be as healthy (in my research anyway) as if you are are eating quality raw veggies, and good whole grains.


What I have done is look up a calorie calculator on the net. Set a reasonable goal - 1 - 2lbs per week, then find out how many calories can eat in a day (say 1200). Then look up diabetic exchanges, the old style. Find out what the portions are for that calorie load. Set your food accordingly. For example, one serving of meat is about 1 oz. Fresh veggies are generally 1 cup and cooked veggies are 1/2 cup. Make a meal plan and spread out the calories over the day. Get rid of all processed foods, caffeine, sugar, white flour,sodas etc. That alone should help.

For workouts, I'd start with walking and stretching. It is easy, gentle and will get you moving. Drink lots of water. Be gentle with yourself and move in the direction you want to go for your health.

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What work outs and diets have you tried and have REALLY worked?


Low-carb. Doesn't have to be something as restrictive as the induction phase of Atkins. Could be as simple as first cutting out sugar and corn syrup, next cutting out white starchy carbs (white bread, pasta, etc.) while making sure you are eating plenty of protein and *healthy* fats for energy, and lots of veggies for vitamins and fiber. But if you're looking for a more specific plan or program, then my favorite is Life Without Bread by Allan and Lutz. It is simple to follow, and very very effective.


As far as exercise goes, if you're starting from inactive, you might begin with a walking program and a few simple body-weight exercises (squats, push-ups, crunches). This could be quite simple at first. You want to build up gradually to avoid injury. Others will probably have more advice about specific videos or books. I asked about this recently, so you could check that thread too: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=134888


(Regarding healthy fats -- my personal definition is a little bit different than many people's. Vegetable oils are comprised of long-chain fatty acids which can be difficult for the body to burn, and consequently get stored (they're also rancid, too high in omega-6, etc.). Short and medium chain fatty acids are better, and you get those from dairy (butter) and tropical oils such as coconut and palm. Absolutely avoid margarine and shortening and anything else hydrogenated. Olive oil is fine.)


Good luck to you on this journey! :grouphug:

Edited by GretaLynne
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CollageVideo.com has a wonderful exercise video catalog. They break it up into levels and activities. I personally like Leslie Sansone's walking videos for beginners. They also have some new exercise videos specifically for plus-size women (Shapely Girl and Plus-Size Pilates) that are supposed to be really good.

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The one thing I always recommend is lots of fiber. They have clear Benefiber that you can put in your water and can't even taste it. I read in Womans World that Tara from the last seasons Biggest Loser did this a lot to curb her cravings. The artcilce says that fiber is a great way to trick your body into releasing the apptetite controlling hormone leptin.

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I have been tracking my calories with http://www.fitday.com for the past week. I really like it.


I have done Atkins, but I couldn't stay on that diet long-term and all the weight came back very quickly.


I have had good luck using the diet on http://www.hillbillyhousewife.com , but it was hard to keep up long-term.


I have also had good luck with doing many 300-400 calorie mini-meals during the day.


Fat Loss 4 Idiots worked, but that diet isn't meant for long-term and it's hard to work out at the gym when you're on it.


Now I'm just tracking my foods on fitday and making sure that I eat less than 2000 calories/day, so I will always have a calorie deficit. I also input my activities. I've only been doing this for one week, but I can feel a difference. I have a lot more energy. I'm hoping this will get my last 10 pounds off.

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I went to the thrift shop and bought a low-carb cookbook (500 Low-Carb Recipes) for 1.99 and a Walk Away the Pounds video for .99. The video is real low impact, doesn't take a lot of room, no weird routines, and no laying on the floor. It is completely doable! You can add weights after you build up endurance, but I haven't. When/If I decide to I will go back to the thrift shop to buy some. If you don't have a thrift shop close you could try some cook books and /or work out videos at your library.


BTW, I don't use any of the fake sugar substitutes suggested in the cookbook. I either use agave syrup, brown rice syrup, or real sugar. I just don't trust the sugar substitutes.


I just started getting back in shape a couple of months ago and I still have a ways to go. I want the changes I make to be sustainable.

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We looked at P90X and it just looked way to hard. We settled for P90 and have been doing that for almost a year. There is nothing magical about it that is different from any other workout video. My dh has done very well on it but he really limits his calories and does double workouts. I have lost some weight but I rarely do extra and my eating habits could be better. We slacked alot over the summer so I gained back most of the 10 pounds that I lost and dh gained about 10-15. We are back at it again.

One problem I had was to not breathing while I exercised so make sure you breath. I know that sounds obvious but you would be amazed how much I hold my breath even in daily activities. If you commit to exercising regularly (we do it 6 times/week), watch your calories and eat healthy you will lose weight. It is a constant battle.

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Weight loss is 70-80% diet so you need to find an eating plan that works for you. What about Weight Watchers or something with accountability? If you can't find something with accountability then try tracking your food intake.


For exercise make sure you include weight training in your routine to boast your metabolism. Also, I just read an article that stated that while cardio burns calories while you are working out, after weight training you body continues to burn extra calories for upto 24 hours. Yahoo! So you need both cardio and weight training for long-term weight maintenance.


Good luck!

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As far as workouts I would say, whatever you would stick to. We have had nordic tracs, step aerobics with Kari Anderson Videos, Treadmill, running, all of which I have interchanged and/or did for a year or so. right now I am doing a Jillian Michaels videos, one that is aerobic intervals and the other is weights and aerobic, and they are truly kick @$$. I also walk with dh in the evening and run a couple times a week.

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I've had great success with:


1. The NoS diet (free) found at http://www.nosdiet.com This "program" provides just enough structure to keep eating under control but enough freedom to "have it your way" and eat the foods you enjoy. I am finding this to be a lifelong way of eating with nary a desire to stray.


2. For exercise, I've been using Peggy Brill's The Core Program: Fifteen Minutes to Change Your Life. This program is not DVD-based which I find very helpful on a daily basis. It does have photos of every exercise being performed.


I like this book very much because it has 3 levels of fitness: foundation, intermediate, and advanced. Because I had been suffering from various injuries in my neck, elbows, and ankles, I bought the book with the hope to one day be able to finish the first level without aggravating my injuries. I've been soooo successful, though, that I am now (6+ months) later working out on the advanced level. :-) The exercises are adapted through the levels; the workout does NOT get longer, you just get stronger--a big plus for me.



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I agree- find exercise you enjoy and/or can commit to, and go from there.


I'm a huge fan of Walk Away the Pounds as a low-impact, easy, in-home exercise program for when you're just starting out. You can start w/ a gentle 1 mile workout and build from there (Buy DVD's that have multiple workouts) Exercising 30-45 minutes 5x a week & eating a lower calorie diet helped me to lose 50lbs. For me, there was no magic other than moving more and eating less. The hardest part is starting...just take one step, then another.



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