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Good news/bad news about the Detroit Marathon today . . .

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I've posted before that I ran in a relay. There were five of us of on the team and we each took a leg ranging in length from 3 - 7 miles. I had the 6 mile leg that ran from Windsor, Ontario, under the tunnel and back into the US. It was a REALLY cool leg to run. Gorgeous water views most of the way (well, except when we were underwater in the tunnel!! LOL). There were a lot more inclines than I was prepared for, but I did well! I got a personal best time for that distance and was really happy!!


But, at mile 12, I saw a man go down and the EMTs come. My leg of the relay ended at 12.1 miles, so I watched to see what happened. The marathon staff was wonderful at clearing the way to allow them space to work on him - they had to perform CPR. I came home and read the headlines that he died. I feel like I've been socked in the gut. I'm just so sad for his family. He was only 32.


Additionally, TWO more men died at the finish line. I know that this happens in marathons, but THREE in one race? Kinda' took the wind out of my sails and makes me realize what's really important.

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Very well done, Jennifer! I am sorry for the sad and unnerving part of your experience, but I am so glad for you, especially after your worries on Friday.




Good job! And holy cow! I knew running a marathon was a bit unwise and hard on your body, but I didn't know people died from it!


Actually, studies show that 1/67000 to 1/100,000 marathon runners die from running. So, it's a pretty safe sport. Most deaths are from some sort of underlying health condition (usually heart) that they didn't know about until they dropped dead. This does make me want to get a complete heart workup before my half marathon in January!




What a jolt that must be!


Thanks. It really was.

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Actually, studies show that 1/67000 to 1/100,000 marathon runners die from running. So, it's a pretty safe sport. Most deaths are from some sort of underlying health condition (usually heart) that they didn't know about until they dropped dead. This does make me want to get a complete heart workup before my half marathon in January!




Thanks. It really was.


This reminds me of the guy who DIED during the stress test at DH's hospital. They shocked him back, popped him into the cardiac cath lab, opened what they needed to open, etc...


While talking to the doc afterward, the guy said he was going to sue the hospital for doing the stress test! He didn't get that if the same thing had happened anywhere else, he'd be really, really dead. Not just hospital dead. :tongue_smilie:

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This reminds me of the guy who DIED during the stress test at DH's hospital. They shocked him back, popped him into the cardiac cath lab, opened what they needed to open, etc...


While talking to the doc afterward, the guy said he was going to sue the hospital for doing the stress test! He didn't get that if the same thing had happened anywhere else, he'd be really, really dead. Not just hospital dead. :tongue_smilie:


Oh my GOODNESS!!!!! Seriously??? He should be thanking his lucky stars that he "died" at the hospital!!! What a blessing. It's too bad he couldn't see it like that.

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Congrats to you! It is very sad about that man. A 23yo man died last weekend in the Baltimore Marathon in MD. He collapsed at the 25mi. marker and died at the hospital I think. 23? My dh said it happens at almost all marathons.


Apparently the deaths here this morning were ages 32, 26 and 65. So sad! I hadn't heard that about the 23 yo at the Baltimore Marathon. I did read that the deaths at marathons almost always happen during the last 2 miles.


This is the first death in the Detroit Marathon since 1994. I guess they made up for lost time today, unfortunately. I think it's quite rare, actually. But when it happens, it makes the news. I have to wonder why there were THREE today?! It was cold. Most deaths happen in the heat. I will be watching the news to see what happened.



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Sorry you had witnessed something so awful.


Congrats on the race. You are still my hero:D. I can't get my legs to go more than 11min miles. My ds started jrotc and good golly he is always running minimum 1/4mile+ ahead of me. We plan to run the Cotton Row Run together next year and my goal is to do it in 30 min or less. Any hints on getting a better stride?

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When I hear about a death like that, I always think about a man who died on the field at Estrella War a couple of years ago. He was in his early 40's and dropped of a heart attack or some such. The general conclusion I make of such deaths---sudden, in the midst of doing something one loves--is that it's a pretty good way to go. These people died while doing something they loved doing. Yes, it's sad when people die young, and hard on their families, but still...not sad for how they died, yk?

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This is a shot of the start! 19,500 people!





This was a shot from where I got to run across to Detroit. My leg started in Windsor. Doesn't Detroit look pretty from Windsor?




My team. I'm the gargantuan one in the middle! I didn't realize how much taller I was than my team until I saw these pictures!!


Thank you everyone for sympathizing with and congratulating me!!! It's been such and odd day emotionally.

Edited by Jennifer in MI
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