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What is the name of your school?

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when it was 8th grade or below, we called it Crumbhaven Academy (for all the crumbs all over the place)


When we moved to high school, it became Ground Ivy Preparatory High School with the motto Parce-que des mauvaises herbes ne quittent jamais (because weeds never quit).


Don't know how it will look to college admissions.


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Alright, speaking of this very thing: Is there another word for Academy? Institute sounds like a mental hospital, conservatory is inaccurate. But I was really hoping to come up with something other than Academy.

Edited by Tangerine
I sound like a snot.
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Lesser Road Academy


Named after the poem, "The Road Not Taken" by Frost.


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth.


Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same.


And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.


I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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We began as "Freedom Learning Center." After a few years, my dds said they couldn't tell people they went to Freedom Learning Center, so we changed it to "Southeast San Diego Christian School." :-)


Then we moved to another part of Calif; the first year we were Blossom Valley Christian School, the following year Plantation Christian School, which was an umbrella school-kind-of-thing.


The name of your school, IMHO, should be something that your 13yo ds could say without blushing, lol, and it should sound "official" in case you ever have to actually use a school name, such as a college or job application.

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Warrior Boys Academy


Mascot- Mustang (I think this has something to do with the DoDD school that they went to when we first got to Germany.)


Warrior - somebody who takes part in a struggle or conflict


Silly and not all that creative but the boys picked it out. They liked the definition for warrior. Maybe it has something to do with what their dad does but I ended up liking it due to the part on struggle and conflict. Ty has an LD that he has struggled through and Ry is NVLD so in our day to day lives it does fit. :) Plus I like to think that the boys are being raised to be warriors in a sense and not just in a physical fighting sense.

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Ours is Liberty Christian School. I have no idea why I chose that name. COuld be that I was looking at the Christian Liberty Press catalog when I was filling out the private school affadavit and came to the place where I had to choose a name. I think it's kind of a lame name, but... it does kind of sound official. So, there you have it. Our school's name.

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I had just blogged about this today.... :001_smile:


This is part of my post...

Back quite a few years ago, I had the brilliant idea of officially naming our home school. I wanted to have a name to put on report cards, high school transcripts and diplomas when the time came. I also had seen it a few places on the web where people had smart or interesting names for their home schools to answer critics about whether home education could possibly be 'real' school. Now to be honest, a name doesn't mean much in the scope of anything. But I liked the idea nonetheless.


So I set about coming up with something clever, or so I thought. Lots of families just use their last name but that didn't curl my toes. There were several out there with a faith based theme, which I really liked, since we do this because we truly believe God wants us to do this. However I didn't have any inspiration around that type of name either. One day I was driving along and saw a sign someplace and it hit me! Not the sign, but a name. We live in NH, which is the "Granite State" and how do we get to the future except by traveling a path and often over a bridge when adversity (or a river) gets in our way. So thus... Granite Bridge Academy was born.

When DS applied to college, I liked having a school name at the top of his transcript. And when we gave him his diploma - it looked pretty snazzy there too.

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When I first took dd12 out of ps, she wanted to call us "Oceanside Girls Academy" - and she did, for a bit. Then the 2nd year, she decided she wanted to have the name of a medieval princess or something in it, but she couldn't settle on one that she liked... now, this year, we're nowhere near the ocean and are no longer just girls, as her brother started homeschooling with us - so, after some thought & discussions, the kids have decided on:


Taiga Faith Christian School


Taiga---> the biome in which we live, and a word that dd12 thought was very pretty. The rest is pretty obvious. :)


We haven't chosen a motto yet - workin' on it.


Colours = purple & black ~ a bit tongue in cheek with those..purple is dd12's fave colour and black is the closest thing to a colour that ds10 would "see". ;) (He's blind)


Mascot = the wolverine ~ an animal that lives in our province and is known for its "ferocity and strength out of proportion to its size" --- if you ever meet our kids, that will make all the sense in the world - they're both tiny, our son especially so, but neither lets that stop them in any way. :D


{and dd12 thinks it's extra cool because she loves the x-men character of the same name LOL}


Someone else said "we're not a school, we're a family" - and I quite agree..we have this stuff because the kids *want* it...if they weren't interested, we wouldn't have it...for ordering, I'd just use our family name. They like it though, so we run with it.

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I'm glad this thread came up today because I really want a name for our school. Logo, colors, mascot, all of it. Just for fun!


Lemme ask this...If you thought of a name, did you Google it to find out if it's really a school somewhere? I like one name, but when I googled it I find it's a real private school in another state. Does that matter? I'm thinking it might, but not sure...I don't want it to seem like we are claiming to attend that particular school.:confused:

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I'm glad this thread came up today because I really want a name for our school. Logo, colors, mascot, all of it. Just for fun!


Lemme ask this...If you thought of a name, did you Google it to find out if it's really a school somewhere? I like one name, but when I googled it I find it's a real private school in another state. Does that matter? I'm thinking it might, but not sure...I don't want it to seem like we are claiming to attend that particular school.:confused:

I did. It was a school for kids with behavioral disorders. In that case, I'll pass. But if it was just a regular old private school, I wouldn't discount it just because of that. Sort of like "James Madison" or "Lincoln" are used on umpteen schools.

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Guest RecumbentHeart
I'm glad this thread came up today because I really want a name for our school. Logo, colors, mascot, all of it. Just for fun!


Lemme ask this...If you thought of a name, did you Google it to find out if it's really a school somewhere? I like one name, but when I googled it I find it's a real private school in another state. Does that matter? I'm thinking it might, but not sure...I don't want it to seem like we are claiming to attend that particular school.:confused:


I Google everything :D


I'm still trying to think of a name. I have 3 years before I have to report but I found out recently that our state doesn't allow for name changes so I've got to come up with something good (or move before graduation :p ).


People with Latin in their school names, could you please translate it so I have one less thing to Google? :D Thanks.

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