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Not sure how to get out of the dumps

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FIrst of all, I do get some SADD but it has been managable most years without medication or anything much. But this year, I am having the worse return of my arthritis problems in 12 years, a husband who is travelling a lot, and complete uncertainty if we will be moving next summer and where to if we are. On top of that, I am 46 so I bet I am getting more problems with my hormones too. I also have been having some early waking insomnia issues.


Now I should be happy. Fall is my favorite season. But I am tired and unhappy. I think the thing that broke the camel's back was the very strong return of bad arthritis. I had it mostly under control for 12 years with some downturns that would go away quickly with steroids or another medicine. This time the steroid only helped a little bit and I am supposed to reduce it already tomorrow. I guess I am afraid that it won't get manageable again.

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I use 5htp to get out of the dumps. It's pretty cheap and you can take as much as you need to feel better although you shouldn't take it while on SSRIs.


A friend of mine found relief from joint pain by sipping raw apple cider vinegar in water through the day. Might be worth a try to see if it will give you some relief from the pain.

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Talk to your doctor about what you posted here. You both can decide if antidepressants might be something appropriate to try for you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with needing them, no more so than needing steroids to treat your arthritis. There are also advantages for some people with chronic pain issues, in that antidepressants can help with chronic pain, as well. Having your serotonin/dopamine/norepinephrine balanced does remarkable things for your ability to sleep, as well as enabling you to help yourself out of a funk. If you have peri/menopausal issues happening, there is a good chance that there are other chemical imbalances at play. I am not a psych doc, nor do I play one on the interwebz ;) I just urge you to speak to your primary care provider about these issues.

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When I'm feeling all dumpy and blue I like to attempt a beehive or pig tails and then put on a few pounds of makeup. Granted, I would not recommend leaving the house looking like that and most of the time I shower once I've admired myself :p , but for some reason a little game of dress up makes it a little better for me.


Then, there's the debate forum on Myspace, or arguing with my uncle on facebook... sometimes I like to watch a sappy movie...... oh, and having a tea party with my boys.


Then there's the dungeon of despair... if I'm there, then I write. I write it all down (and sometimes burn it afterwards. I purge my emotions onto paper. That doesn't make me feel happy, more like cored out/worn out/emptied... but it does help me sleep and through the next few days I grow gradually away from all the boogies I burned, until one day I forget to wake up angry, sad and depressed.


Or you could go find a post that it's okay to vent on and take it all out on another poster :lol:

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Get your vit D levels checked asap. That can effect depression AND bone pain.



This and natural progesterone are helping me more than I thought they would. I went to a nutritionist (as she was way cheaper than the doctor) and I am feeling pretty good about the upcoming winter.


I know how it feels, though,... :grouphug: to you!

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I've struggled with non-situational "depression" for many years. When I really got down to my actual symptoms, though, it was more that I was easily overwhelmed and exhausted and didn't find joy in the little things. I finally went and had my testosterone (and other hormones checked). One little testosterone pellet every six months and I'm feeling very good. When my pellet is dissolved, it is very obvious, and I'm back in that office for another one. Just another thought for you, as it was the one thing that helped me when I had ruled out everything else.

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Get your vit D levels checked asap. That can effect depression AND bone pain.


I do have low Vit. d and am already on a megadose of this. VIt. d is often low in people with autoimmune arthritis. I take 50,000 iu once a month.


I too have autoimmune arthritis and low vit. D. I was feeling the way you are until I fixed the vit. D. My arthritis is there still but the fatigue and down in the dumps feeling is gone.


Are you also taking 1,000 IU daily on top of the 50,000 IU once a month?? Are you sure your vit. D has been elevated?


Once you feel up to it, starting exercising makes a person feel better as well. It can be as simple as a daily walk. Some other 'pick-me-ups' that I like: give yourself a pedicure, manicure, new hair cut, new outfit, clean your house and organize some drawers, get a dvd of an old show that you use to love....etc. Just make sure you have some "me time". Even if it's only 15 min/day at first.


HTH :grouphug:

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Get your vit D levels checked asap. That can effect depression AND bone pain.


I do have low Vit. d and am already on a megadose of this. VIt. d is often low in people with autoimmune arthritis. I take 50,000 iu once a month.


Chris, do you get your levels checked? I have low vitamin D and had severe bone pain - like acid coursing through my bones. I take 10,000 iu daily. (So that's 70,000 iu a week.) For some reason, my vitamin D has gone up but doesn't stay up without the daily dose - but I get checked every 3 months to make sure my levels are ok.

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When I'm feeling all dumpy and blue I like to attempt a beehive or pig tails and then put on a few pounds of makeup. Granted, I would not recommend leaving the house looking like that and most of the time I shower once I've admired myself :p , but for some reason a little game of dress up makes it a little better for me.


Then, there's the debate forum on Myspace, or arguing with my uncle on facebook... sometimes I like to watch a sappy movie...... oh, and having a tea party with my boys.


Then there's the dungeon of despair... if I'm there, then I write. I write it all down (and sometimes burn it afterwards. I purge my emotions onto paper. That doesn't make me feel happy, more like cored out/worn out/emptied... but it does help me sleep and through the next few days I grow gradually away from all the boogies I burned, until one day I forget to wake up angry, sad and depressed.


Or you could go find a post that it's okay to vent on and take it all out on another poster :lol:


This was so hilarious it cheered me up!! And I wasn't even the one who was depressed!

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FIrst of all, I do get some SADD but it has been managable most years without medication or anything much. But this year, I am having the worse return of my arthritis problems in 12 years, a husband who is travelling a lot, and complete uncertainty if we will be moving next summer and where to if we are. On top of that, I am 46 so I bet I am getting more problems with my hormones too. I also have been having some early waking insomnia issues.


Now I should be happy. Fall is my favorite season. But I am tired and unhappy. I think the thing that broke the camel's back was the very strong return of bad arthritis. I had it mostly under control for 12 years with some downturns that would go away quickly with steroids or another medicine. This time the steroid only helped a little bit and I am supposed to reduce it already tomorrow. I guess I am afraid that it won't get manageable again.




I am having the worst arthritis pain I have EVER had. My fingers are actually bent and I can't turn my head because my neck is stuck...so I know how you feel there. I am on loads of motrin....it is not helping...sigh...


I think the steroids might be affecting your mood on top of the pain/ stress part. I can not take any types of those drugs because they bring on depression (as does any hormone therapies...ugh!)


I am praying for you Chris...sometimes we just need to lean on him, know people are praying for us...and keep on keeping on....At least that is what I am trying to do....




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If you have never tried it, get yourself on a simple and easy routine. Try iTunes free podcasts from yoga download if you have an ipod, they are 20-30 minute routines and are very good. For a rundown of the poses just google yoga poses and you will probably get a listing of all the basics. Plus the podcasts I mentioned often have a slideshow of the poses to go with them.


Do try the supplements, etc. others suggested if they make sense to you. But, if I could do only one thing for my overall health and well-being, this would be it.

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Get your vit D levels checked asap. That can effect depression AND bone pain.


I do have low Vit. d and am already on a megadose of this. VIt. d is often low in people with autoimmune arthritis. I take 50,000 iu once a month.


I wonder about tweaking this a bit. A friend was taking 15,000iu daily for a couple of weeks to get her levels up to where she could maintain them with 3000-5000iu daily. Is it possible that your dosage needs altering? Also, I'd check out SAM-e -- helps with general depression, but especially if you've got joint pain. 5-HTP is also a great choice, but doesn't have the added benefit to joints. I understand they can be used together, though.



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