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New neighbors

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We have new neighbors moving in...I am trying to come out of my shell and talk to people more. Was thinking about going over there with a gift of food or something but then, thinking that they don't know me, maybe they wouldn't want to eat food from a stranger you know? Can you think of anything I could bring over or any ice breakers besides introducing myself? I am a bit scared, but I remember when we built our first house,how the neighbor lady came over with a meal and it was so apprieciated at the time. I want to be like that!:D:confused::D

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I mean really.....if you were trying to poison them....well....they know where you live, LOL! I think it is always a good thing to get to know your neighbors.....


I live in hillbilly land....and my neighbors brought beer when I moved in LOL......

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We will be getting new neighbors soon as well and I am in exactly the same spot as you. I am very shy one-on-one and just don't know what to say. I am thinking of taking a gift over as well. Thinking about a jar of my homemade hot cocoa powder (it will be getting cold here soon). If I can find some very inexpensive mugs, I may include those. I don't know if the people are from out of town or not -- if so, I plan to get some maps of the area for them. If not, I am thinking of gathering some coupons for our area. I make homemade bread, so I was thinking of that. I don't know what to do if I steer clear of homemade items, so I'm interested in suggestions as well.

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I mean really.....if you were trying to poison them....well....they know where you live, LOL! I think it is always a good thing to get to know your neighbors.....


I live in hillbilly land....and my neighbors brought beer when I moved in LOL......


I agree. Real food during the time you are trying to get settled into a new house is sooooo good. Also, take chocolate!


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I mean really.....if you were trying to poison them....well....they know where you live, LOL! I think it is always a good thing to get to know your neighbors.....


I live in hillbilly land....and my neighbors brought beer when I moved in LOL......



:lol: This made me laugh. Thank you!


To OP, food is nice. Always helping to people in the middle of a move.

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I mean really.....if you were trying to poison them....well....they know where you live, LOL! I think it is always a good thing to get to know your neighbors.....


I live in hillbilly land....and my neighbors brought beer when I moved in LOL......




The poisoning and the beer! :lol:


A casserole - everyone needs to eat.....we had folks ask if they could have a local pizza place bring dinner the next night --that was nice. A loaf of bread and some yummy spread...SO many different ways to be welcoming and appropriate. Go for it!:001_smile:

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I usually take some kind of bread like banana or zucchini. I avoid nuts because of allergies. It is nice to have something to snack on while moving that is somewhat healthy.


I also put my phone number on a sticky note and attach it. I let them know that they can call for a cup of sugar or a candle in a storm if they need it.

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Now I must say.....I have never thought of someone who gave me food as being 'unsanitary'.....really I haven't. Maybe that is why my neighbor brought over beer.....to kill all those germs from the other food I had received from the 'unsanitary' neighbors, LOLOLOLOLOL!

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can be a good compromise.


Most people will eat fruit. Besides, one simply rinses fruit, regardless of the giver.


A fruit basket you throw together yourself can be really special. Cheap but really high quality baskets can usually be acquired from thrift stores. You can wrap some of the fruit and add some wrapped candies or nuts for added color and interest. Flowers (real or fake), add interest too.


BC (before children), I did quite a bit of that "Martha Stewart" stuff. Now folks are lucky to get a jar of jam with a post-it note.

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We moved a lot due to the military, and we almost always elected to live off-base.


At one duty station a neighbor left a small basket with cookies and a handwritten "things of interest" list for us - it included the local pizza delivery number and coupon, the location and hours of the library, quick landmark-style directions to the best grocery store with a recent coupon flyer, how to get to the Blockbuster video store LOL, and a newpaper cutting of the local movie theater with times. It was perfect :)

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