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Sunday headaches

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caffeine? or rather, less than usual or on a different schedule?

or do you stay up unusually late on Saturday night?


I was thinking the same thing. If I drink less coffee on a Saturday, I don't get a headache until Sunday, so it could even be something you're doing (or not doing) on the Saturday that's affecting you.

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I find church stressful....even though I love to go to church. I worry my kids won't behave or we'll be late or my clothes don't look right or whatever....

Then I get a headache when we get home and the stress is relieved...


It could be stress...or the relief of stress...



Oh, I just take a few motrin as as soon as I get in the car to come home and that seems to work for me....

Edited by Mommyfaithe
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I stopped having Sunday headaches once I stopped spending several hours in church. When I go now, it's just for an hour and then I leave. I'm not sure if it was just the extra time or my brain struggling to getting around all the logical inconsistencies of conservative theology.

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Oh, I like the theory about church being stressful. I've noticed that if I spend a couple hours with one specific friend (doesn't matter whose house we're at), I end up with a headache a few hours later. For some reason, being around her is more work than being around other people....

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It may very well be perfumes/colognes/body sprays that are causing your headache, although usually you would start getting the headache while in church not many hours later.

Are you worrying about the week to come? Sundays are a reflective time for me-to see how the last week went and what I need or should do in the coming week.

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Oh, something just occured to me....maybe it's all the perfume/hairproduct smells flying around. I don't wear perfume because it gives me a headache. I don't notice any one in particular with a strong scent...but perhaps??



This is what I was going to suggest. My DH gets this way sometimes, taking a Benadryl before leaving the house usually helps.

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Oh, something just occured to me....maybe it's all the perfume/hairproduct smells flying around. I don't wear perfume because it gives me a headache. I don't notice any one in particular with a strong scent...but perhaps??
Yes. My mom gets headaches from attending meetings. See if you notice a scent right when you walk in the door.
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Sounds like a stress letdown headache. I get these on the weekend if I don't find something to keep me busy. I usually get busy getting everything planned and ready for the new week. That helps me by giving me peace of mind that we know what we need to do for school etc. for the coming week. I also have to be sure I don't sleep in and miss my early cup of coffee since that will give me a weekend headache too.

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Maybe you need the Sunday Afternoon Nap. (yes, capitalized! It's a BIG event!)


There really is something about working 6 days and resting on the 7th. I find that even when I really, really want to be active on Sunday, I'm just dog tired. I really need that one day a week to be still.


Maybe your body needs the nap?

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My dad used to get headaches every Sunday; and, for years, my son got headaches on Friday. We never figured out why. :confused:


Hmmm! My husband gets headaches every Saturday. Part of me was afraid it was some sort of hidden physiological reaction to being around the family on Saturday. I was getting slightly insulted by his headaches!


But maybe this happens to people a lot. Or maybe it's the eggs he eats only on Saturday. This is worth exploring.

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Stressed...not any more so than the rest of the week ;)


Food triggers? Not likely. I'm one of those people that have cold cereal for breakfast every. single. day.


However, after my whining about my headache, I went to small group this evening, and someone in the class apparently BATHED in perfume before coming...and I had a full fledged migraine by the time I got home. :glare:

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