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Can I brag?

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Aug 26, 2009, I weighed the heaviest I have ever weighed. I had come to the realization that I was just feeling sorry for myself. Sure, the reason I initially gained weight was not my fault. Sure, my health and physical issues aren't my fault. Sure, the depression and such that goes with these things is justifiable. However, was I just going to keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger? In 15 years, I had gained almost 100 pounds! How many more did I plan to allow to take up residence on me?


So Aug 26th, I decided my life was gonna change. On Aug 26th, I was pushing a size 20. I didn't HAVE any size 20s but I had 18s I couldn't fit into and others I was miserable in. I spent a lot of time in adjustable waist clothing.


Anyway, so this morning, there was a pair of size 16 capris calling my name. I thought today was a bad day to try them. I mean, I'm holding water (TOM) and the scale wasn't kind at all this morning. But I slipped them on anyway.


AND THEY FIT! Well! So I go and grab two more things (a pair of jeans and a pair of shorts) in size 16. They too fit! There is no roll of fat over the tops, there is no inappropriate tightness. They are just perfect fitting!


Well, so this is over the top exciting so I text one friend, call another. I'm bouncing around the house (good thing I seem to be getting over this stupid swine flu).


But the news gets better.


My daughter had gained a good bit of weight due to being on steroids. She's in remission now, for awhile, but hasn't lost the weight. She also was pushing a higher size (not quite as much as I was though). Well, so she decides to try a size lower and THEY FIT! And FIT WELL!


Now, my son isn't left out of this. He actually got HIS moment last week. He doesn't usually wear shorts but we were going tadpole hunting so he grabbed a pair thinking he could handle them being tight for an hour two. BUT THEY FIT! And FIT WELL! He was excited.


At the time, I thought he had an advantage over us. I mean, HE is still growing, so we're all losing a little weight but he's growing FAST (almost 2 inches in less than 2 months!).


But here we all are, the Incredible Shrinking Family :)


AND we get more excitement today! The family who gave us the treadmill is giving us a Nordic Track!


Anyway, a little work and it is SO worth it. This is the smallest clothing size I've been in 8 years. WOW :)

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Thank y'all SO much :)


I am so happy about my accomplishment, and it has so gotten me excited about where we're going from here.


As for what we're doing. I did use a jumpstart program. But mostly, we're eating healthy (salads, veggies, lean meats, certain fruits, certain grains, etc). We "cheat" some but the idea is to do it within reason. For example, a smaller piece of a fatter cut of meat or special peanut butter instead of the lean meat. Try to match calories/fat/sugar/carb when we go off our basics plan. The "plan" also includes digestive enzymes, omega3s, probiotics.


I DO want to add more exercise. I read and agree with Dr H (from the Biggest Loser). I would like to come up with 2 or 3 exercise sessions most days. We have a lot of options: several BeachBody videos, the Walk Away the Pounds videos, the treadmill, the Nordic Track, the rebounder, Wii programs, etc. We'll just do the best we can :) BTW, Dr H was right about something else: The more you do, the more you WANT to do. :)

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