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Hanging it out there! (female content)

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Okay ladies (gents if you've happened here you may either quickly hit your back button or act like you did if you meet me IRL!)...I am so flippin' tired of a female problem I have that I'm willing to put it here in hopes that someone, somehow will have a perfect solution. I actually have this suspicion that I've asked this before. But, not on the new board, where the format can just keep this thing moving...or not.


(gulp..okay, here it is...ashamed001.gif)



My booKs itch. No. I mean they ITCH. Almost constantly, though I do experience some mild improvements at the very beginning of the cycle and in summertime when the air is more humid. But, people, this is way worse than a stinking navel. What's happening here requires me to sneak into the stacks at the library so that I can reach in, down, up, under to get at the things. I am reluctant to drive any car but my Westfalia owing to the fact that I am "taller" in that car than most, which affords me opportunities to, um, expose myself without really exposing myself, if you kwim. I have tried each of the following with zero improvement: moisturizers, increased water consumption, hormone cream, cotton bras, wireless bras, wired bras, no bras, fragrance free everything.


There is no rash and absolutely nothing visible that would cause this itch, but it's so bad that by this time of the winter, I begin to see the beginnings of calluses around the..um..yeah, that part. Indeed, the itching seems most intense right around the hot button. In the shower, I have taken to using a soft nail brush, but no amount of scratching really seems to relieve me for long. It is definitely hormone/cycle related and the only thing I can figure is that it has to do with the mild swelling that occurs every month in conjunction with my period. I think it was Alphabet Pam who once reminded me, either privately or on an old post, that itching and pain are cousins. So, okay. Maybe that's a clue.


But, dadgummit, this drives me bonkers. If no one has any answers, maybe someone can at least relate to this dilemma and tell me that I'm not just some wacked out perimenopausal crazy head. whacky115.gif

Meanwhile, no looking for me in among the library stacks, and if you pass me in your car, keep your eyes on the road!





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Have you tried any Goldbond lotions or powders? I haven't experienced this myself, and I am hoping that I never do :eek: I'm so sorry- I know how embarassing this must be though- I have other itch issues :o apparently I am sensitive to toilet tissue and I have to use it sparingly or else I am doing an itchy dance until I can take a shower :o

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You may have some sort of yeast thing going on. Go to the pharmacy and get an antifungal cream used to treat athelete's foot. I think the generic is called micronozole or something like that (ask at the window). Try spreading that lightly once a day and see if it helps.

I'm so not a dr., but I've had this help before.

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My mom had this except on her face and neck. I know that is not where yours is but she had Hodigyns(sp) and they did not know until she had to go to the hospital because she could not breathe. Some of the signs are constantly itching and the such. I can remember that in my high school years, her itch becaume so hard for her to deal with that she scrated her face raw. Please get it looked at and maybe ask for a blood test. I don't want to scare you, and this is probably isn't it, but do ask or go to your Dr.



Mary H

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I know exactly what you're talking about. I have had this since last fall. I live in a very cold climate in a very old house that has very low humidity during the winter. I haven't noticed it being cycle related but I'll watch for that. I've tried everything you've tried, plus the OTC yeast creams.

I understand what you're going through!

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From an autoimmune disease I have. I know how miserable, frustrating, embarrassing etc. this is

The following helps me

Don' t scratch, scratching makes it worse.

run a humidifier in the house

take fish oil

take baths in Aveeno Oatmeal bath (great stuff)

use Gold Bond Medicated anti itch powder.

Use a really good quality lotion my favorite is Bath and Body warm vanilla sugar.

If none of this or other suggestions help I would consult a doctor

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I know exactly what you're talking about. I have had this since last fall. I live in a very cold climate in a very old house that has very low humidity during the winter. I haven't noticed it being cycle related but I'll watch for that. I've tried everything you've tried, plus the OTC yeast creams.

I understand what you're going through!



Okay, so we're not crazy, huh!? Wanna go for a ride in my car? ;)


Seriously, would you mind putting here or PMing me your age? I've been thinking for some time now that this is related to hormone shifts in mature women. It's been going on for a good while with me (sad to say)...and by that I mean several years. But, it seems to be getting worse, and certainly no better. (Sorry for that bad news.) But, I just have to believe it's more about tissue and hormone changes than any "-itis" as would be the case with a yeast infection. I notice that you are a grandmother, so I'm just curious how we match up, age wise. BTW, I'm 45.



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My mom had this except on her face and neck. I know that is not where yours is but she had Hodigyns(sp) and they did not know until she had to go to the hospital because she could not breathe. Some of the signs are constantly itching and the such. I can remember that in my high school years, her itch becaume so hard for her to deal with that she scrated her face raw. Please get it looked at and maybe ask for a blood test. I don't want to scare you, and this is probably isn't it, but do ask or go to your Dr.



Mary H



Thank you for the nudge. I am due for a host of exams, all doctor related, and this is the year to get them done...so point taken. That said, I did have blood work done two years ago and did not find anything too off (and, yes, this was happening then). I also just read up a bit on Hodgkins and the only similar symptom is the itching. Well, yes also night sweats, but those are also very related to my cycle and not, I think, to anything else. I also have certainly NOT had a 10% loss of body weight. I don't want to wish that on myself, but gee.


See how I love to self diagnose?! :sneaky2:


Anyway, a sincere thanks for this tip...and I'm sorry about your Mom.



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Okay, so we're not crazy, huh!? Wanna go for a ride in my car? ;)


Seriously, would you mind putting here or PMing me your age? I've been thinking for some time now that this is related to hormone shifts in mature women. It's been going on for a good while with me (sad to say)...and by that I mean several years. But, it seems to be getting worse, and certainly no better. (Sorry for that bad news.) But, I just have to believe it's more about tissue and hormone changes than any "-itis" as would be the case with a yeast infection. I notice that you are a grandmother, so I'm just curious how we match up, age wise. BTW, I'm 45.




And while I don't itch there, the "eczema" on my hands is cycle & hormonal related. I never dealt with eczema until I started getting pregnant. It went completely away when I first went on thyroid meds, but came back the next time I was pregnant. The doctors have checked my thyroid numbers and they are fine, so they won't increase my dose. But...they cycle part is that it clears up almost completely towards the end of my cycle and gets progressively worse until my next cycle (about the week before I start it's horrible and embarrassing). The doctors I've seen think I'm nuts.


Anyway, this is to support your "cyclical dry skin/itching" theory, even though I don't itch there :ohmy:.


I hope you find some relief!

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I would try the lowest strength you can get and just see if you can get some relief. If you find that it works, you can also mix a little hydrocortisone cream into another cream to make it less strong. There are also pain relieving creams like Lanacaine that while you wouldn't want to use them daily, you may be able to get a little relief at the worst points.


Sometimes you can just use a little cream to get the itch under control and then taper off. If you can get enough relief from a cream to stop scratching and damaging the skin, it may have a chance to heal a little.




If you prefer a more natural way: I would try compresses of oatmeal in the shower. After you shower but before you get out..rinse of entirely and then use oatmeal. Grind oatmeal in a food processor or blender until powdery. Put the oatmeal in a very fine mesh bag or old sock. Use that to rub the area in the shower and hold it on the hot spots. Rinse the oatmeal off as lightly as possible to leave a silky residue.


Tea tree oil has a lot of benefit to the skin.


Aloe Vera gel is wonderful for skin irritation.


Have you tried any diaper rash remedies? They are designed for babies so they are very gentle, and help in a warm moist environment. A&D ointment, or any other cream without Zinc Oxide would be easy to rub in without the white mess every where. A&D would be very good to try before you take a shower, to moisturize while you take a shower. It would protect the skin from the 'drying' water and the heat would make it absorb faster/better.


Chamomile tea bags have similar reports to sooth the skin.


One pregnancy cure for mastitis pain is to put fresh cabbage leaves in the bra. If heat (hot shower) makes the itching worse, this may be a way to cool the skin and get a little natural breast health also.


You can follow up with an Aveeno oatmeal lotion. (My favorite lotion BTW)




My first instincts are things you have already tried: moisturizers, anti fungals... but have you considered an allergy to cotton? Even when you went braless, were you wearing a cotton shirt?


Have you seen a doctor? A dermatologist can possibly diagnose an underlying skin condition.

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Your Welcome and that is ok about my mom she went home to be with the Lord in 1996. She did not lose any weight though, she stayed her weight. When she was diagnosed, she had to stay in the hospital quite a long time because of this. The tumer was so big that she had to have cemo and the such. She did not die then just later after she got out and went to a convelesnt home. I will keep you in my thoughts. Hope they can find out what is wrong!!:grouphug:


Mary H

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And you're probably right that it's hormone related...I have started the hot flashes at night in the past few months. I just didn't associate this itch with hormones because dh has itchy skin in the winter and the onset of this was when the weather turned cooler.(And my legs and back are dry and itchy, too) But now that you mention it, I'm just finishing my period and I've been itch free since it started.

I asked my sister, who is 4 years older and has been having hot flashes for at least a year, and she has not experienced this...so my survey of one other person led me to believe it was winter weather. And they let me teach my children! Sheesh.

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Well, mine are itchy too just these last two winters and I'm only 29?:confused: I have taken to putting the cream on that you use when nursing because that's where mine is worst. I actually have permanant bruises from scractching so much.:ohmy: I thought I was just weird. Glad to know there are a couple of us! Maybe we should have a group hug!:grouphug:

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I too, have itchy booKs. Umm....I'm not sure how graphic to get here, but they only itch in the places that get sore when you nurse(though I'm not nursing and haven't for many years), kwim? It's a truly embarassing problem, but I did gather my courage and ask my doc about this. He told me it's eczema (sp?) and told me to put lotion on after my shower every night.




There's a problem with that....not to put too fine a point on it, lotion leaves an unpleasant taste in an intimate area. {color me red-faced and embarassed here!}

I've taken to using a little bit of olive oil on the area every night after my shower. Another thing that (I kid you not) seems to help when things are really bad, is folding up one of those Kleenex Lotion facial tissues, and wearing it in my bra over the affected area all day. I SO wish that I didn't have this problem! It's embarassing, and not a misery you can easily complain about in public, no matter how much you deserve sympathy for it!


Thanks for bringing it up...I feel so much less "alone" now!

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I agree about the hydrocortisone cream. Cortaid is the only thing that really relieves itching for me. Also, if you want an oil that has no unpleasant taste, try coconut oil, it has no taste or smell. It comes in a jar in solid form. The heat from your hands melts it. It is a wonderful moisturizer and can go anywhere, if you get my drift.:blushing:I keep a jar in our master bath at all times.

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Hydrocortisone? It's not my first choice. But, then, neither are calluses on my bing-bongs. Maybe I'll give that a try. Coconut oil and I are already good friends, but alas, it does nothing for my itchiness.


Tap -- what an information packed reply (too bad I'm out of rep for today). Not to trump my gratefulness for anyone else, but I so appreciate that you offered both OTC and natural suggestions. That's the way I like to tackle medical problems, no two ways about it. (Hey, wait, maybe that IS two ways!). I am not opposed to using some "conventional" helps. But, I sure do like to have the option of the chem-free choices. Like cabbage leaves?!? Man, I wish I could find a smiley for that! And, if I do try that option, you pals will be among the first to know.



"Hey, baby, guess what I've got hidden in here for you????......."








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LOL Doran, FTR I did try cabbage leaves after my 1st was born (I was 17 and didn't have ANY clue about bfing, LOL) and I was going through that VERY painful engorgement period. The frozen/cold cabbage leaves felt great, but they DID stink to high heaven, LOL.

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absolutely not a doc or incurring this problem, but along w/ hormones, I would suggest some sort of internal supplement. The fish oil sounds great.


a google search of 'itchy skin hormones menopause' will bring up a host of results that will likely offer more suggestions specific to your symptoms.




"Dry hair and skin: menopause often leads to dry, itchy skin and weak, thin hair that breaks often and that has lots of split ends. Flax seed oil and zinc (found in poultry, dairy, red meat, oysters and whole grains) can help restore your hair and skin’s healthy appearance, as can vitamin E"


this one seems pretty good:




i would also suggest going to an herbal store that has staff trained in dietary supplements and will consult w/ you. Some offer this for free.


the following would be interesting to check out :eek:




...or maybe not...!?! :)


Good luck!

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I would suggest some sort of internal supplement. The fish oil sounds great....


...menopause often leads to dry, itchy skin and weak, thin hair that breaks often and that has lots of split ends. Flax seed oil and zinc (found in poultry, dairy, red meat, oysters and whole grains) can help restore your hair and skin’s healthy appearance, as can vitamin E" ...




Oh, fish oil. That's another one I've tried. Carlson's, and it gave me fish burps. Ick. I still intend to finish the bottle I have, but I had to stop for awhile - it just got to be too much -- I don't hate much, but fishy taste, I hate that! Have not ever been real good about flax oil, so there's a possibility. The dietary recommendations are not lacking in my life. Acupuncture doesn't scare me. Well, that is assuming they wouldn't actually be putting any needles right THERE! shocked003.gif




Thanks, Peek-a-boo.



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