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The curriculum buying fun is over...


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I *heart* Dave Ramsey. About two months into dating my now husband he had DR on in the truck. I listened to it when he ran into a store real quick on an errand and we talked about the guy for the rest of the drive. I remember talking about how I was going to buy DR's book, Kevin told me that DR would say I should get the book from the library. It just clicked with me! I read the book, got on a budget, and was totally committed to being debt-free. It took Kevin a little bit longer to get on board but now we're both living frugal and happy! It's great to have financial peace.


I recommend checking out LLNOE.com for some great DR forums.

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Can someone suggest where a Dave Ramsey newbie should start? He has so many books....it's overwhelming and I'm not sure what I really need to get started. My husband does not understand how you can have a budget if our bills are never the same amount from month to month and neither is his income? I'm sure it can be done....will Dave Ramsey teach us how? Thanks!

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My husband has discovered Dave Ramsey.


Ultimately this is a good good thing. We're not as far as we ought to be, but we're huge DR people and feel so much better where we are now. My solution was to pick up some extra at home work and I get to keep the extra for extra hsing stuff.

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I love Dave Ramsey! You comment made me laugh out loud. The good thing about being on a budget is that you have no guilt when making curriculum purchases... that is, if you can actually stay on a budget! It's well worth the effort though. Financial Peace University is well worth attending as well!!! FPU was the key to buckling down and getting out of debt. In fact, I'm going to attend another one in October.

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Can someone suggest where a Dave Ramsey newbie should start? He has so many books....it's overwhelming and I'm not sure what I really need to get started. My husband does not understand how you can have a budget if our bills are never the same amount from month to month and neither is his income? I'm sure it can be done....will Dave Ramsey teach us how? Thanks!


Start with Total Money Makeover. It will tell you everything you need to know to start and has lots of inspiring stories of people who have paid off insane amounts of money and are now debt free.


As for the irregular income, we have that as well, and we have a master budget based off our lowest possible income and then we maintain a list of items in order of importance that get paid if our check comes in over budget. DR actually has an irregular bugdeting form on his website and he explains how to use it in both the book and at Financial Peace University, which is so worth it if you can attend. HTH!

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:lol: (I so feel your pain...my dh discovered him in February and within hours, put me on a budget. :eek:)


We're doing Dave's Financial Peace University at our church, starting September 20th. UPS has been here 3 times this week!:lol: I know that sort of defeats the purpose, but I need to make sure we have everything we need.

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We're DR heads...but I started homeschooling after we became debt-free, so now I have some flexible money.. although I'm still using his monthly "school" envelope money for hs books (instead of the monthly fundraising, t-shirts, parties, ice-cream socials for ps), so haven't gone over budget.

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My husband has discovered Dave Ramsey.





Tell him it is going to have to come out or the entertainment budget or you need a curriculum envelope:D


We went through FPU and got some great advice but we do not use the program exclusively. The newness may wear off and he may cut you some slack.....if not nail your stuff down or he may start selling it!!!

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Can someone suggest where a Dave Ramsey newbie should start? He has so many books....it's overwhelming and I'm not sure what I really need to get started. My husband does not understand how you can have a budget if our bills are never the same amount from month to month and neither is his income? I'm sure it can be done....will Dave Ramsey teach us how? Thanks!


I agree with the previous poster. The best book to start with is The Total Money Makeover. We also have an irregular income and what works best for us is to work off of the previous months income. This only works though if you are able to save one month to start with. We started after taxes which really helped. We also do not use actual envelopes but I develop a spreadsheet each month and keep all recipes.

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