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I am officially a...

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Congrats!! Did you publish something or are you writing for a company? My degree is in technical communications and I was a tech writer for several years before becoming a SAHM and then a homeschool mom. Writing is near and dear to my heart. I loved my job!


I've been publishing articles for a tiny e-zine for a few months, and they're finally able to pay for some of them. I can't believe how validating it feels. I mean, as long as I was writing for free...well...it still wasn't quite REAL.

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I've been publishing articles for a tiny e-zine for a few months, and they're finally able to pay for some of them. I can't believe how validating it feels. I mean, as long as I was writing for free...well...it still wasn't quite REAL.


I feel ya there! Some of the freelance work I have done since quitting full time work has been less than satisfying for the same reasons. I am so glad they are paying you now! That is great! You will have to link us to some of your articles! :)

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Well...y'all know the new e-zine TOS is putting out? Molly's Digest? It's about saving $, making things yourself. I've done some articles on decorating and sewing, mostly. Either the Sept or Oct issue is supposed to be w/ a Depression-era theme. I wrote an article about my Grand Dad for that one--that was a lot of fun.


I'm working on Nov & Dec now. Mostly decorating stuff still, but I'm writing a piece about writing for Dec.


I don't think there's a way to link it; it's a paid e-zine, but here's a blip about one article:



Something Old, Something New --A Mama Who Sews: Aubrey shares two up-cycled sewing projects --a twirly skirt, made by sewing old ties together and a cute girl's sundress, transformed from a man's button-down shirt! Find out what you may be missing by not being a “Mama who sewsâ€!

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