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What to do when you are toast

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but you still have "miles to go before you sleep?" I understand that sometimes it is better to just call it a night, but there are times when you can't. When you've just unloaded the car of all the frozen stuff from Costco and you can't walk away from it. . . or you just have to pay those bills because you've put it off too many times before. . . What do you do to get your second wind?

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I used to get a cup of coffee... but I have a terrible time falling asleep at night, so I only allow myself a cup of coffee in the morning...


I get the kids settled and take a power nap. Like someone mentioned, just 15-20 min. I doze off, I wake up, I feel a bit better. If you cannot do that, I also agree with putting on some music that you love.


Sometimes I used to keep bright lights around me...


I set up a pretty area at the table to sit and have a cup of tea and read something special... or just sip tea with a small cookie...

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I take 20 minutes for a gentle yoga routine (usually one that hits stress points like neck, shoulders, and back) or 10-15 minutes to meditate or stare at the wall if you like. Quieting my mind and kicking it off the hamster wheel usually gives me an extra boost. Lots of deep breathing. Amazing what actually getting oxygen to your brain will do for you.

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I ask for help.

I am sick with my first cold/flu of the season down here, and I went shopping with dh and just.could.not. carry the bags upstairs. The kids usually help, but normally just unpack, not put away. I called them and they did it all. DH made me toast for dinner (with garlic on top. Its what I wanted :) ) .


If there is no help around, I just put one foot in front of the other to do the absolute essentials. One moment at a time. Dh calls it "running on empty". A hot shower or a rest helps but sometimes I try and just push through to finish sooner so I can rest later.

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You've gotten so many good replies so far I just wanted to give you a :grouphug: and the support to know that you are not alone. I so know what you are feeling. With 2 special needs kids I practically live in that place of tiredness. For me, it mostly comes down to prayer. "God!! I need you to get through this day." "God, please give me strength. " "God,please make these kids go to sleep so I can crash." hehehe It seems I'm always crying out to Him and He always carries me through even when I'm certain I can go no more.


I really like the idea of a power nap if it is something that is doable for you. Doing a physical job in the house like sweeping floors or scrubbing bathrooms can help wake you up if your overly sleepy and it gets something ticked off your to do list at the same time. Jumping around or putting some music on and dancing will help wake you up and probably make you feel better too if only a little bit. :)


For me on those days, I just try to get my work done as early as possible so that I can put the kids to bed and crash. :)


I hope that you can find some restorative rest soon. :grouphug:




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If I'm exhausted and I still have something that absolutely must be done, I force myself to do it. When I do something to rejuvenate myself, I end up falling asleep instantly. (Although so far I have managed to avoid falling asleep while standing up.)


Sometimes I take a nap in the afternoon, but this is rare because a nap of less than 2 hours doesn't do me any good because afterward I am cranky and sleepy for about an hour. If I've told everyone not to disturb me, my naps naturally last for 3 hours. That's not a nap, really, it's a serious sleep session that I don't have time for.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Great advice, thank you.


I see power naps are a front-runner here!


As to coffee, I'm afraid that I hate the stuff. I think I'll have to stick to tea or better yet - chocolate for my caffeine fix!


Quite often I resort to the "just do it" trick while I rope the kids in to help me at the same time. Though sometimes that backfires. There are times when it is better to "just do it" by myself because if the kids fool around at all I just might bite their heads off!


Hmmm. I have never thought of a bath and then doing stuff afterwards. A bath usually relaxes me so that I become a wet noodle and fall asleep faster! Maybe a cool bath?


Swimmermom3 - do you follow a yoga tape? Or do you have a routine memorized? Anything you can recommend for someone who has never done yoga? (I have very tight muscles so I'm definitely not flexible!)

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As to coffee, I'm afraid that I hate the stuff. I think I'll have to stick to tea or better yet - chocolate for my caffeine fix!



Hmmm. I have never thought of a bath and then doing stuff afterwards. A bath usually relaxes me so that I become a wet noodle and fall asleep faster! Maybe a cool bath?

Raw cacao powder works great and is much healthier.


A very fast energizing shower is what I suggest... not anything relaxing. Then I just procrastinate or fall asleep... for good!

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If you don't like coffee, find a good hot chocolate mix or make some from scratch. That or a cup of tea. I find that a hot beverage calms me, the heat relaxes all of my chest/mouth/throat muscles that I don't realize I am clenching when I am stressed. And I feel like I've had a little treat.


When it's that pre-dinner time of day when all the kids are cranky, and I have reached my limit, sometimes I will declare quiet time until dh comes home or until dinner is ready. That means each kid is in a separate room playing with a quiet toy or reading a book, for 30 -45 minutes or so. I get a cup of coffee, and sit with a book or on my computer. After I have had a second to relax and a little bit of quiet to organize my thoughts, I can face things again.


My dh is a huge help too. If it's been a bad day, he will sometimes let me slink off to the bedroom and hide out while he makes dinner and deals with the madness.



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It's already been said, but I'll say it again - power nap!


"Eat something" is a close second. I don't know how many times I've been pushing through a tough day feeling at the end of my rope and realized that I'm just hungry! Have a sandwich.

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i promise myself chocolate. "just do this one thing, then you can have chocolate". sometimes i turn the kettle on so that as i'm doing whatever, i just KNOW tea is coming. (and after all, what is tea without chocolate?).


when i simply can't go one more step without sleeping, then i sleep. its the only time i can manage to sleep not at night, so if it happens, i know i really needed it.


if i have two things i simply need to get done, then sometimes i alternate five minutes at each and the things "race" themselves to see who will be done first. if i can fool my mind, then i can do just about anything.... for a few minutes and chocolate....


what a great thread!


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Serve caviar? :tongue_smilie:


I usually push through and do what absolutely has to be done and then call it quits. I sometimes have an entire month when I just have to do the next thing. But eventually a lull will come and then I SLEEP. I have had a monsterous month this last month. Yesterday, I slept most of the day and I spent most of today on the computer and doing paperwork. Hopefully, tomorrow I will feel rejuvenated enough to get back to my never ending to do list.

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