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Vote: Is pluto a planet? Can W be a vowel?

Do you think Pluto is a planet? Can W be a vowel?  

  1. 1. Do you think Pluto is a planet? Can W be a vowel?

    • Pluto is a planet, W can be a vowel.
    • Pluto is a planet, W is not a vowel.
    • Pluto is a planet, Iâ??m not sure about W.
    • Pluto is not a planet, W can be a vowel.
    • Pluto is not a planet, W is not a vowel.
    • Pluto is not a planet, Iâ??m not sure about W.
    • Iâ??m not sure about Pluto, W can be a vowel.
    • Iâ??m not sure about Pluto, W is not a vowel
    • Iâ??m not sure about either of them, please quit confusing me!
    • other

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Pluto and W, important questions for our day, just interested to see people's thoughts.


I personally haven't investigated Pluto enough to know, but I moved into the W can be a vowel camp after a few years of phonics research and tutoring.


Here's some threads if you need to read before voting.


W can be a vowel?


Pluto isn't a planet?

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hmpf.......people are always trying to change my comfortable little world.


Yes, next thing you know they'll be claiming that the world really is flat, just when you had gotten used to the fact that it was a giant ball spinning around and speeding through space while orbiting the sun.

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I understand the argument that if you let Pluto be a planet, and then all the other little lumps of similar size have to be planets, too. So I would like to have a very exclusive solar system. Let's let Pluto in, but leave all the other little semi-planets out. That way, we can still proudly boast that our solar system has 9 planets, and the mnemonic device won't need to be changed (I like Pizza better than Noodles, anyway "My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas" vs. "...Just Served Us Noodles")


I haven't studied the dual purpose of W, so had to vote uncertain. OTOH, on the BJU Phonics Songs CDs (K and 1st grade), the song goes

Vowels, vowels A, E, I, O, U

Sometimes Y and sometimes W

Vowels A, E, I, O, U.


If it rhymes, it must be true, right?:D

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In the science book I bought 3 years ago it says Pluto is a planet, so Pluto is a planet. :tongue_smilie:


Now this Venn Diagram proves W is not a vowel. It may want to be a vowel, it may hang out with the vowels, but it.is.not.a.vowel.




I know I'm right and they're wrong, because I'm always right, just like my ds. :tongue_smilie:

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I say Pluto is not a planet, it is star, although some prefer the term dwarf planet. And I don't consider W a vowel ever. It can act like one at times, but it's not.


Just my thoughts!;)



Then, technically, Jupiter is not a planet either from my understanding...rather it's an unlit star. As long as no one creates a spark....

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As far as I'm concerned, Pluto is a planet (it messes up the memory otherwise!), and W works together with vowels to form digraphs, but is not a vowel by itself.


hmpf.......people are always trying to change my comfortable little world.






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Pluto is my planet (Scorpio)! I can't lose my planet. To heck with the scientists.;)


As for W... I must crawl out from under my rock more often, because this is the first I'm hearing about this! Did they change "a e i o u and sometimes y" to "a e i o u and sometimes y and occasionally w"?? :confused:

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Now this Venn Diagram proves W is not a vowel. It may want to be a vowel, it may hang out with the vowels, but it.is.not.a.vowel.




I love the Venn Diagram even if it's wrong!





As for W... I must crawl out from under my rock more often, because this is the first I'm hearing about this! Did they change "a e i o u and sometimes y" to "a e i o u and sometimes y and occasionally w"?? :confused:


No, it used to be that W was routinely taught as a sometimes vowel, it's been dropped in more recent phonics programs.


Noah Webster said it could have "the power of a vowel," and older phonics programs and a few homeschool programs teach it as a vowel, I don't know of a single mainstream school program that teaches it.


Here's the reasoning that I think is the most convincing for it being a vowel:


ai/ay mail pay

oi/oy foil toy

ei/ey vein they

i is changing to y


eu/ew europe few

ou/ow out how

au/aw pause lawn

u is changing to w


Its name is "double u."

Edited by ElizabethB
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Pluto isn't a planet. Denial only works so long. HA! I think it is cool. I'll teach my kids that we grew up believing their were 9 but that scientists were wrong and now there are only 8.


I believe w is a vowel. That was how I was taught from the time I was in K and others reasoning supports my thoughts so I won't reiterate.

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No, it used to be that W was routinely taught as a sometimes vowel, it's been dropped in more recent phonics programs.


Noah Webster said it could have "the power of a vowel," and older phonics programs and a few homeschool programs teach it as a vowel, I don't know of a single mainstream school program that teaches it.


Here's the reasoning that I think is the most convincing for it being a vowel:


ai/ay mail pay

oi/oy foil toy

ei/ey vein they

i is changing to y


eu/ew europe few

ou/ow out how

au/aw pause lawn

u is changing to w


Its name is "double u."


Ah, thank you, Elizabeth! I am convinced. :)


Still refusing to give up Pluto, though.;)

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Ah, thank you, Elizabeth! I am convinced. :)


Still refusing to give up Pluto, though.;)


I haven't given up on Pluto yet, either. I did manage to vote maybe, I'm working my way up to it!


You came into the W camp pretty quickly, it took me a while, I'm slow to accept change.

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I haven't given up on Pluto yet, either. I did manage to vote maybe, I'm working my way up to it!


You came into the W camp pretty quickly, it took me a while, I'm slow to accept change.


I know! But last night after reading this thread I did a bit of on-line investigating, and that plus the posts here gave me pause... I can definitely see it!

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I know a woman on another site (not a homeschooling site) who is an astrophysicist. The reason they had to stop calling Pluto a planet is that if Pluto fits the bill then so do *hundreds* of other small asteroids/planetoids. It's easier to leave Pluto out than include all of the others.

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