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WHY, why did I buy so much homeschool stuff!!!

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I was just fine, conservative actually, in my home school buying until I started frequenting this board. Now, it's just scary.:D My eye starts to twitch, my hand shakes and I see my Paypal ID in my sleep. I'm over-planned and over-purchased this year and I can't wait for school to start. I can joke about it but some of the suggestions have really moved our homeschooling in a different direction the "feels" right. But I definitely feel your pain. I am going to have the most amazing ancient's resource sale in June.:tongue_smilie:

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I was just fine, conservative actually, in my home school buying until I started frequenting this board. Now, it's just scary.:D My eye starts to twitch, my hand shakes and I see my Paypal ID in my sleep. I'm over-planned and over-purchased this year and I can't wait for school to start. I can joke about it but some of the suggestions have really moved our homeschooling in a different direction the "feels" right. But I definitely feel your pain. I am going to have the most amazing ancient's resource sale in June.:tongue_smilie:


TOG makes me TWITCH! I think if I used that curricula I would go insane with all the books needed for each year just for history/lit!! SL was bad enough with the 2 full programs that I had (but never used the whole SL year).


NEW homeschoolers beware!


OH and PLEASE, buy used homeschool resources whenever possible (to save you $$ and save other homeschoolers from drowning in their books)!

Edited by MIch elle
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I have sooo much stuff. And it's just 2nd grade and preschool! Ack!


We're going to start on Monday (we've been hs-ing for 2 years now) and with all the stuff I have, I think we'll need to homeschool for 10 hours a day. Egads. I'm going to use a timer to keep myself on track.


It's just that I love everything we have and can't even begin to imagine what thing to drop. I guess I'll decide 2 weeks from now what can be dropped...:001_unsure:

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I'm using TOG for the first time...and salivating at all the books! I still have to get Diva's science, latin, logic, and exchange her math. But, in the province I live in, I get reimbursed or have the ability to get purchase orders up to a certain amt, so I'm waiting for the funding to kick in.

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Guest Cindie2dds
I'm in the same boat. I mean, how many phonics books does a 5 year old need? Well according to our school room, uh, 9? :blushing:


:lol: :iagree: I am in the exact same boat and laughing with you. I just sold two sets of workbooks and still have three more sets here, plus a phonics pad (expensive miss ~ especially since they prefer starfall.com) and I'm looking at an entirely different LA/Phonics. She's 5.5! Grrr.... I need to find something and stick with it.

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LOL - you crack me up, Michelle! I did that last year. I had so much stuff that I never got to - or that I used once and stopped using - it wasn't even funny! This year has been better.


I think you'll be in my shoes after you've been homeschooling 10 + years :lol:!! I'm warning you, NOW. :D


I KNOW your house is bigger than mine! :001_tt2:


I lost my bid on ebay for The Learnables Spanish 1 so I'll be borrowing it from a friend! (Although, I own The Learnables French 1 & 2!) I'm proud of ME for borrowing it!

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I buy used, but then I have the excuse that I can get more, you know, just to review it. I need to look at things to decide not to use them!


I am on a selling spree. I am also on a simplifying one, fingers crossed. I have been really mad at myself for three weeks now for having piles of stuff that didn't work, wasn't what I thought it would be, was too hard or too easy, was too complicated, etc. I had enough the other day and took an afternoon off school to take most of it to the local consignment store, where it isn't glaring at me any more.


The really sad thing is that I am buying back the stuff I sold three years ago to replace it all. Live and learn, I guess.

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I'm in deep too, especially considering I started out thinking I was going to do Ambelside Online and use all the free online books. Then I decided to go in a more classical route, and I realized how ADD I am. I can't make up my mind from day to day what I am going to do. Now I have five differnt phonics programs, two different Latin programs and three different spelling programs, not to mention math. At least I am buying used :D. School starts in 2 weeks, so hopefully I'll have it straightened out by then (fingers crossed).

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TOG makes me TWITCH! I think if I used that curricula I would go insane with all the books needed for each year just for history/lit!! SL was bad enough with the 2 full programs that I had (but never used the whole SL year).


NEW homeschoolers beware!


OH and PLEASE, buy used homeschool resources whenever possible (to save you $$ and save other homeschoolers from drowning in their books)!


You don't understand (isn't that what we all say?)! I'm combining TOG with my old SL Alt. 7 but the best part comes from Mcconnellboys' ancient history list.:D I have never bought used until the boards. I coudn't do what I've done this year at new prices. Ugh! My dh had to reinforce all my bookshelves. Someone should really warn a person about what happens when you've homeschooled just long enough to leave the box. I feel like Goldilocks, "This curriculum is too big", "this curriculum is too small", "oh this curriculum is just right...and this one...and this one...and this one." Of course the only way you know that is if you buy them all.:tongue_smilie:

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I feel like Goldilocks, "This curriculum is too big", "this curriculum is too small", "oh this curriculum is just right...and this one...and this one...and this one." Of course the only way you know that is if you buy them all.:tongue_smilie:



:smilielol5: :smilielol5:

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It's overwhelming! I've sold a TON, gave away a TON and still I have too much :lol:


And guess what? I STILL love to look at and buy books - UGH! Although I've DRASTICALLY cut back.


Anybody in the same boat? :tongue_smilie:


Definitely in the same boat here...I have such a tough time making decisions based on the very slim samples some products allow you to see online...so I have to buy them and actually look through them...then, I like to have a few things that the kids can select from, so that they can be involved in selecting their stuff from my preselections... The kids have really enjoyed what we have been using, but there has to be a better way!! :lol:

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My three started back to ps this week and I'm in the process of purging. (Well, I would be if I wasn't sitting here at the computer:lol:) My weakness was writing curricula. I think I own one of every single hs curriculum ever written. Wish some of it would have rubbed off on the eldest. Maybe you have to actually *use* it.


Looking at all the things we never got to is making me a little paranoid. I have to keep reminding myself that we did enough.


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I'm using TOG for the first time...and salivating at all the books! I still have to get Diva's science, latin, logic, and exchange her math. But, in the province I live in, I get reimbursed or have the ability to get purchase orders up to a certain amt, so I'm waiting for the funding to kick in.



Hehe mine kicked in Monday and now I need a brand new bookshelf to hold it all. The last of the used books I bought arrived the other day, then there is the ones I bought direct here on Monday, and now awaiting the stuff I ordered. Not to mention the TONS of materials I already owned. I am buried in homeschool materials and loving every minute of it (of course ask again in November how I feel about it all when the novelty wears off) lol

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I think if I had 11 more kids, I'd be fine. Or was willing to hs every day for the next 20 years. I am so glad to hear that I'm not alone--and that the reasons are so similar. Most of my friends buy one packaged curriculum and they're done. Or, even more disconcerting, they use an online curriculum and even get their computers for free.



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Wanna hear something worse??? For over a year, we've been using K12. I had lots of stuff we've barely used or never used. A couple of months ago I began culling out materials. I gave stuff away and sold some stuff. Just recently, I sold some books and materials at very low prices just to get them out of my house. Many of the books had been sitting on my shelf for over 2 years never used! And now that some of K12 isn't working for dd11, I'm having to purchase new stuff. And I now wish I had not sold some of those books!! I'm having to repurchase. Oh man!!

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Oh, you need at LEAST 5 phonics programs. Maybe a few online reading memberships too.


Math? Math is so important and you gotta be sure that you cover it well, you should have at least 5 math programs. Don't forget the closet full of manipulatives!


Art? You can get by with 3 curriculums, as long as you get lots of other art books and supplies.


Books? Oh, don't get me started, I've always been a BOOK FANATIC. I have been stocking up on books of all kinds. Enough so that our household is low on food every week. I have introduced my daughter to Ramen noodles this month. (I must allocate funds better in the future.)

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WHAT? Nobody ever told me this! I thought it was enough to have bookshelves sagging with the weight of all the curricula & that osmosis would do the rest whenever the kids walked past.


Osmosis! That is what I have been waiting for? When does that kick in? (Please tell me it is in year 4!)


You know, it is WAY more fun to plan and research than execute. Really. Oh, and I am convinced that you need at least 3 phonics curricula for EACH child you are trying to teach to read or have taught in the past, because it is cumulative.

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Any of you ladies are more than welcome to send your unwanted books to me!!! (I think a couple of MIch elle's already live at my house, actually...)


Don't throw tomatoes...I got lucky. My son's learning style is exactly the same as mine, so it's quite easy to choose stuff that works for us :) We could always use extra books, though!

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