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If you let your pre K and K kids watch TV, what shows do you let them watch?

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Mine love watching Barney (gag!), Curious George, Elmo's World, and Dragon Tales but they are too young to understand that the shows are only on at certain times so I just put in 30ish min videos; then I don't feel like I have to finish school by a certain time so that a certain show will be on.


We like Richard Scarry videos (songs, abcs, #s) and Noodlebug (by the makers of the Babybug books).


My youngest loved Dragon Tales but that was about 8 years ago. I didn't know it was still on. The phrase "my squishy" has lived on in our house to this very day.

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One I haven't seen mentioned that my family love was Blue's Clue's although we didn't like it as much after Steve left the show. I have all the old ones on DVD though which I will give to my grandson when he is old enough.


My kids are all older but they like Animal Planet, National Geographic, The History Channel and some A&E. They have been watching these channels for quite a long time though so if your children are more mature than they might like them in the not too distant future.

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My kids can watch Noggin, Sprout, and PBS shows. I pretty much let them watch any of them on those channels....


We don't watch a ton of TV, but when we do, I feel okay about those choices. I do leave the TV on a digital music channel (toddler tunes) quite a bit as well so that they can have the TV "on", but they have to get creative (and usually dance a lot!) ;)

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Backyardigans! No clue what channel it's on, we just ended up buying the DVDs. It's the only kids' show my daughter watches.


My kids generally have preferred "real" tv - Dirty Jobs, Mythbusters, Animal Planet, et cetera - but this was the one kids' show they got hooked on. They were 2 and 7 when we began watching it; they are now a month shy of 4 and 9. It's definitely more geared towards the younger, but my older will watch it.


It's been a fabulous jumping point for my very imaginative daughter - she re-enacts many of the characters and scenes, coming up with alternative endings. She has even made the connection between some of the episodes and my older son's history and geography studies (Chichen Itza Pizza, Key to the Nile, and more).


The music is great, too. I discovered that each show has a music theme, and each of the episode's songs fit that genre of music. So a few years ago we ran with that and made up a music program of study using the shows as our base - we discovered a HUGE variety of genres, different artists, and random geographical and historical facts.


My daughter gets to watch one show most days, usually while I do spelling with my older child. There are two Backyardigans CDs out, and we listen to those in the morning (in lieu of actually watching the show, but she still feels like she IS watching it) while she plays.

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Mine get their TV almost exclusively at Grandma's, but my whole family adores The Backyardigans (Noggin, I know). The baby goes NUTS when the theme song comes on. I know he shouldn't watch TV, but it sure is cute to watch him light up when he hears it.


Even now I have lyrics from yesterday's show in my head: "Keep your antlers near the floor, so you can limbo through the door." LOL.


I don't know what else is on cable, so I can't give you a lot of direction on the edu-tainment front.

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