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Exercise is harmful to my health

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A week and a half after starting Couch to 5K and following the plan exactly, I got couched again from what my DH calls runner's knee. It's been 3 days and I still hurt. I got hurt with physical exercise in Tae Kwon Do class. I got hurt trying to follow exercise DVDs. And now I'm hurt again. I hate exercise.


So I've had a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup today and also have a Kit Kat waiting in the kitchen for after dinner.

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Where was I just reading/hearing yesterday that woman are more susceptible to knee injuries than men?


I stick to gentle walking on the treadmill. I've heard that exercise bikes can be good for bad knees (according to my dh's orthopedic surgeon), but when I ride my exercise bike for a few days I get dizzy spells that last for days.


I hate vigorous exercise. Sometimes I'll follow a gentle abs dvd. The more I hear, the more it seems that walking at a pace just fast enough to maybe give you a slight sweat is the way to go. (And if it's a treadmill you can watch movies at the same time.)

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I just finished 4 months of physical therapy for my knees in June.


I workout at a gym and swim a lot, but now I'm careful about what I do. I don't want to make my knees any worse. The PT said that I should never do leg curls or extensions again and I have to be careful about squats and lunges. I shouldn't do anything that is high impact or even medium impact. I do better on the treadmill than I do on bikes.


Swimming is fine as long as I swim my way. I do a kind of modified scissor/froggie kick most of the time and that doesn't hurt me at all. When I'm using a kickboard, I just push backwards with my heels. Flutter kicks kill my knees.

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The more I hear, the more it seems that walking at a pace just fast enough to maybe give you a slight sweat is the way to go. (And if it's a treadmill you can watch movies at the same time.)




I lose weight when I walk. I found that using an infant as a weight for some light strength training works well for me. I gain when I do anything more vigorous.


In addition to gaining weight, vigorous exercise makes me exceedingly cranky and causes me to fall into depression. I stay far away from vigorous exercise. I'd rather be overweight.

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I feel for you! I get shinsplints even thinking about jogging. :glare:


Walking fast is the way to go. To step it up a notch, raise the incline on a treadmill (It's good for the bottom too :D) and speed it up/slow it down in intervals. You can do this outside too; just look for some hills.

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If I even look at an exercise DVD I get hurt! I have muscle problems - my muscles are always tight. Walking is the best exercise for me because as I go, my muscles will gradually release. For other exercises, I have to be religious about stretching both before and after the work-out. And since I don't like to take the time to stretch, I tend to stick to walking!

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Thanks ladies. I do think I'm going to give up the C5K and just walk. I have great New Balance running shoes with a great arch support. I was stretching before, during and after walking/running. So I'm going to take this as a sign. It's a bummer really though, I was feeling pretty darn good about myself running those 60 second intervals. I didn't think I could even do that much when I started.

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I used to run, but I've seen so many people come through our surgery center to fix their bad knees and hips as a result of running...AND they've gained weight because they've dropped the exercise. I'm now a dedicated walker. And, it controls my weight just the same; it just takes longer is all.

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Welcome to my world.


I have managed to hurt nearly every body part from my head (concussion) to my feet (I have a problem with a bone in my foot that requires surgery). Lets not even discuss my shoulder and my knee.


My only form of exercise is swimming.


Swimming is the best. No stress on the joints. Relaxing. I could swim laps for hours.

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Vacuuming is enough exercise for me. I get exercise and the floor looks clean afterwards. Two for the price of one.





I agree - but only with my Kirby with a transmission. Did you know vacuum cleaners are HEAVY? I was vacuuming my mom's house with her hoover and seriously broke a sweat! Makes the Kirby all that much more appreciated!

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So I've had a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup today and also have a Kit Kat waiting in the kitchen for after dinner.


So, did you do two sets of 8 reps w/ a candy bar in each hand before eating? ;)


Take it easy on yourself. I hurt my knee when I was trying to so a similar thing (running in small intervals) on a treadmill. It hurt long enough that I actually ended up going to a dr. because I was afraid of permanently damaging it. It was fine, but took a few weeks to actually feel better.


When you mentioned arch supports in your shoes, it reminded me of an interview I heard a few months ago on the Bob Edwards radio show. He talked w/ Christopher McDougall who recently published a book called "Born to Run". Some of the author's contentions are that running is natural for humans, the human foot is built correctly to support us, & that all our 'scientifically advanced' running shoes are actually causing more harm than good. This link explains a bit about the book. I thought it was an intriguing idea & may try to learn more if I take up running again.


For some fun while you're recuperating from your knee injury, I think this looks like totally awesome treadmill exercising. It would be kind of fun to just break out doing this in the gym. For me, though, it would be a major accident waiting to happen. :lol:

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