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I'm looking for a really good Bible study...

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I want one that has me reading passages and then analyzing them and applying the insights to my life.


I don't want one about overcoming something terrible (abuse, alcoholism, dysfunctional family...)


I don't want a daily devotional...I want to read and answer questions.


Does anyone have a really good suggestion for me?



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Our small group just finished Beth Moore's "It's Tough Being A Woman"--a study of Esther. I had more than one God-moment. Powerful stuff!


Right now I'm going through "When the Good News Gets Even Better" which has a LOT of reading. It's exploring the Gospel through Jewish eyes and gives a different perspective. But this doesn't have as much personal application (at least so far.)

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You want one of the Bible studies by John MacArthur.


Here's a link to one on Amazon:



The covers are all the same, and he has one for (I think) every book of the Bible. Each book is less than $10, I think. I've seen them in every Christian bookstore I've visited, but if yours doesn't carry them you can order them on Amazon.


You read the passage, read notes on historical context, Jewish traditions, etc., and then answer questions. Each section is fairly short, but if a section is too long for your devotional time, it's simple to shorten it.


Excellent Bible studies!

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Have you thought about Bible Study Fellowship? It's a fantastic study that meets all the criteria you described. I participated for 11 years and found it even more helpful than any of the Bible classes I took in college.


Not sure if you are looking for a Bible study group or not (BSF is one), but in case it fits the bill:



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Our small group just finished Beth Moore's "It's Tough Being A Woman"--a study of Esther. I had more than one God-moment. Powerful stuff!


Right now I'm going through "When the Good News Gets Even Better" which has a LOT of reading. It's exploring the Gospel through Jewish eyes and gives a different perspective. But this doesn't have as much personal application (at least so far.)


Double amen to the Esther study. The first 2 weeks were a little blah - but the rest really rocked my boat. Good, good in depth study. The videos are awesome also.

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You want one of the Bible studies by John MacArthur.


Here's a link to one on Amazon:



The covers are all the same, and he has one for (I think) every book of the Bible. Each book is less than $10, I think. I've seen them in every Christian bookstore I've visited, but if yours doesn't carry them you can order them on Amazon.


You read the passage, read notes on historical context, Jewish traditions, etc., and then answer questions. Each section is fairly short, but if a section is too long for your devotional time, it's simple to shorten it.


Excellent Bible studies!




I just finished the "Fundamentals of the Faith" study, which is the study that Grace Community (MacArthur's church) uses as the curriculum for their membership class. The main reason I took the class was because it was the only Bible study my church was offering during the day over the summer. I'm glad that it was, because I might have overlooked it as too basic. I have been a Christian since 1st grade and learned a TON...even after attending Christian school for 12 years, consistent church attendance and Bible study membership. It really flips through the Scriptures, so I did it in front of the computer using the Blue Letter Bible website so that I could use all of their language and dictionary tools. If his other studies are anything like this one, I'm ready to get another one.

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I'm definitely going to keep my eye on this thread! I LOVE Bible studies where I read, answer questions, and apply it to my life. My DH doesnt understand why I like answering the questions, but I think it helps me to dwell on it and understand it better. I've been looking for a good one for a while now.

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Explorers is just like BSF and CBS but can be done at home. (It actually was started by a former BSF member.)




I highly, highly recommend Bible Study Fellowship, Community Bible Study, or Kay Arthur's materials and classes. I have been impressed with the teaching and with the depth of the materials for all three organizations.


Another option are the NavPress Bible LifeChange series of Bible studies are very in-depth as well.

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Tracy, which Precept upon Precept ones do you mean? The ones with audio to listen to? Are there any that are just workbook type instead? I'm not sure on her site which ones you mean. Thanks!



The ones I like are actually called, "Precept Upon Precept." They are mainly on individual books of the Bible (some books are in several parts), but several are topical studies. You can order audio or video along with the workbook, if you want to hear teaching for each week of study that you do.


I would suggest ordering Kay's book, "How to Study Your Bible." In this book she explains clearly what inductive study is. It will show you how to do the various things that the Precept Upon Precept workbooks require, such as marking key words, locating terms of conclusion and result, etc.


You may find that Precept Upon Precept classes are offered in some churches in your area. Only leaders trained by Precept Ministries are allowed to teach them, but you are free to order the workbooks and do them yourself. I am a trained Precept instructor, and I would be happy to help you if you need it.


Here is a link to the part of her store that lists the Precept Upon Precept materials.





What you are looking for are the Precept Upon Precept workbooks, and if you desire, the audio or video to accompany each workbook. Precept Upon Precept studies generally take about 5 hours of homework each week, and the workbooks vary in the number of lessons in each workbook. I've personally been working through the 10 workbook series called Kings and Prophets. I spent several years doing New Testament studies, and for the past 5 years or so I've been doing mainly Old Testament ones.




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I want one that has me reading passages and then analyzing them and applying the insights to my life.


I don't want one about overcoming something terrible (abuse, alcoholism, dysfunctional family...)


I don't want a daily devotional...I want to read and answer questions.

After I answer the questions on my own, I want a guide to read that will help me check to see if I've actually caught on to the themes that the writer hoped I would!

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Thanks, Tracy. I saw that part of the site but wasn't sure if the audio/videos were necessary or if I could just get the wkbks. So that was helpful. I am familiar with inductive study-dd does Kay's children's series. I did another type of her studies (Lord, Only You Can Change Me) and didn't like it at all (it's one of the few ever that I really did NOT like) but the Precepts looks very different and very good. Thanks for the help! Oh, yes, and do I need the Leader's Guide? If not, will I be lost w/out any answers?

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Thanks, Tracy. I saw that part of the site but wasn't sure if the audio/videos were necessary or if I could just get the wkbks. So that was helpful. I am familiar with inductive study-dd does Kay's children's series. I did another type of her studies (Lord, Only You Can Change Me) and didn't like it at all (it's one of the few ever that I really did NOT like) but the Precepts looks very different and very good. Thanks for the help! Oh, yes, and do I need the Leader's Guide? If not, will I be lost w/out any answers?



The leader's guides don't give answers to the questions; they are just teaching helps for instructors. I think they only sell them to trained instructors anyway. Years ago we had teacher's tapes to use. We had a cassette tape for each lesson that we taught. Those actually had some of the answers, but they have changed to guides which don't give teachers as much info. You wouldn't believe the hours I sat transcribing by hand those tapes!! :tongue_smilie:


You won't be lost without answers. Sometimes it is hard to figure out the right answer, but most of the time you can. These studies are intense but so worth it. I think you can even call Precept ministries for help if you get stuck. The people there are so kind and helpful.


As far as the audio--they are really good. Kay is an excellent teacher, and you will be blessed by hearing her. But you don't have to have them. I used to use them all the time, but lately I don't. I'm sure I would enjoy them though. There is the cost factor too. Precept ministries used to let us rent them, but they don't do that anymore.


If you are familar with the kid's series, then you are in great shape to start Precept Upon Precept. Inductive study methods are used in each; it is just cranked up several notches for the adult studies. And you can make it as intense as you want. You can do a lot or a little, depending on your time and interest.


No Bible study compares, in my opinion. They are just awesome. It is a lot of work, but wow--you will learn so much Bible. I think they recommend Titus or 2 Timothy as good courses for beginners. Romans will blow your socks off, and Leviticus was pure pleasure for me. Judges was really good too. They're all good. Trust me. :D




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I would suggest finding a Biet Midrash Bible Study ("what does the Word of the Lord say to me today?). The problem that I find with most workbook type studies is that they are looking for specific answers rather than alllowing the text to speak to you directly.

The Navigators have a good approach- read the Word, observe, apply.

Becky Tirabassi has a book: Change Your Life (I think) that describes how to actively read and apply the Word.

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I would suggest finding a Biet Midrash Bible Study ("what does the Word of the Lord say to me today?). The problem that I find with most workbook type studies is that they are looking for specific answers rather than alllowing the text to speak to you directly.

The Navigators have a good approach- read the Word, observe, apply.

Becky Tirabassi has a book: Change Your Life (I think) that describes how to actively read and apply the Word.


That is the nice thing about the Precept Upon Precept studies--since they use the inductive method, you are largely letting the text speak for itself through observation, interpretation, and then application. Of course, many times there is only one right answer (as far as observation and interpretation are concerned) when dealing with scripture, but the inductive method is used so that the student can learn to study the Bible for herself. Commentaries are used, but the recommendation is that they be used only after the student has thoroughly analyzed the text for herself. Then, of course, it is good to check one's conclusions with the cloud of witnesses that has gone before ;)




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That is the nice thing about the Precept Upon Precept studies--since they use the inductive method, you are largely letting the text speak for itself through observation, interpretation, and then application. Of course, many times there is only one right answer (as far as observation and interpretation are concerned) when dealing with scripture, but the inductive method is used so that the student can learn to study the Bible for herself. Commentaries are used, but the recommendation is that they be used only after the student has thoroughly analyzed the text for herself. Then, of course, it is good to check one's conclusions with the cloud of witnesses that has gone before ;)





Tracy, do you use the Inductive study Bible also? Dh bought it for me for my b-day. Each book of the Bible has a guide to tell you how to study that particular book, and I like it, but I know the Precept upon Precept study goes much deeper. I was mainly wondering if you do all of your marking in your own Bible or if you use the worksheets they offer? I'm kind of anal about things like that, and I wonder what everyone else does if they have that Bible. I have the Precept Upon Precept on John and need to start it, but I've been just enjoying doing shorter studies of the different books of the Bible from the Inductive study Bible for now.

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Tracy, do you use the Inductive study Bible also? Dh bought it for me for my b-day. Each book of the Bible has a guide to tell you how to study that particular book, and I like it, but I know the Precept upon Precept study goes much deeper. I was mainly wondering if you do all of your marking in your own Bible or if you use the worksheets they offer? I'm kind of anal about things like that, and I wonder what everyone else does if they have that Bible. I have the Precept Upon Precept on John and need to start it, but I've been just enjoying doing shorter studies of the different books of the Bible from the Inductive study Bible for now.


I do have that Bible, and I do mark in it, but mainly for the OT studies. I write in my Bible like crazy, with loads of notes in the margins. I write my commentary notes in there too, to explain any difficult passages and to just jot down study notes. I am basically creating my own study Bible.


For the NT studies, I generally use the worksheets because there is a lot more marking for those studies, I have found. The main things I write in the NT portion of my Bible are word study helps, important notes, and cross references.


It's a great Bible. Mine is falling apart though. The cover came loose. Dh has taped it up with strapping tape; I don't want a new one because I have so much written in this one! :D





I've not used her study helps in the Bible much though, mainly because I just do the Precept Upon Precept studies instead.

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I completely agree with the recommendations for Precept upon Precept studies. They are amazing! Try to find a church that is having a class, as they are a little more difficult to do without the accountability of the group. I have done many of them and they have all been so rich and meaty! Nothing beats studying the Word inductively.



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Another vote for Community Bible Study.

Also, they have an excellent homeschool program.

Your kids (1st-8th grade) study the same books/passages as you do and have the same memory verses (but obviously different/easier questions)



Big CBS fan here; we're taking a break while the kids are little - they were getting sick so often that I couldn't commit. I can't wait to go back and go through their h/s program.


Last fall, I found the Following God series and did Life Principle from Kings of the Old Testament. If you go on CBD and type in Following God, a ton will come up (just make sure you're looking at the right series). I'm not a Beth Moore fan, but everyone around me was doing her studies and this was SUCH a nice change. It was much deeper for me and didn't focus on "issues" as much as it just went into the Word and applications for my life.

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Thank you so much for all the wonderful recommendations! I am keeping a list of them all!!


I ordered a Precept upon Precept study today (1 Thess.) and will only have to wait 3-5 days for it. YEA!


Thank you again for all the fabulous recommendations...


Yay! Have fun! (I'm having visions of ordering the Revelation studies! :D )

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I'm going through a Precept study on Psalm 119. It's not your typical Precept study- less homework! - but very insightful and we've made lots of application with it. Check out the website: www.precept.org. The title of this inductive study is "Sweeter than Chocolate". It's deep.

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