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I enjoy taking pictures of nature and have been trying to get some nice photos now that I am in a completely new and different surrounding. While I have yet to get a great shot of a deer or bear or any other larger animal, I have managed to get some interesting pictures of some smaller animals. This is one of my newer and most favorite shots. I've read some other posts here by people who live in areas with abundant natural surroundings. Anyone else have some nature shots to share?

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I do!

Nature Girl took some flower photos at the Botanical Gardens by the American Indian Museum. I put them on my blog in a slideshow. Try to make it show up full screen--some are really good shots, esp for a 9yo with a simple camera! (Can you tell I'm proud?) I think the first one is particularly gorgeous, but I don't know a lot about photography (other than the Rule of Thirds, which she broke a lot! lol)

Under that post, there are some more photos that we (hubby and I) took at a marsh nearby. I like the dragonfly and the first one that shows the path thru the marsh.

oh, and your bug is gorgeous!

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Nature Girl does have some nice photos! My favorites are 1,4 and 20. Does she have her own camera. I'd like to get Doodle a camera, but not sure what is best. He will be 5 next week and was thinking of the new cameras especially for kids. I'm not sure though if they are actually worth it and take decent pictures.


Melanie--I LOVE the cow nose! Do you mind if I use that as my desktop wallpaper for awhile? I also like the first photo of the National Cemetery.


Thanks for sharing:D

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This is a photo of a bumblebee I was able to capture at the zoo 2 years ago. I love this photo! Your photo of the dragonfly is too cute! It reminds me of a similar one I have of a newborn praying mantis. Unfortunately it was one of the first pictures I took with my camera so it has a lot of grain. But I'll attach it just the same. I'd never seen one of these before. The photo makes him look big but he was a tiny little thing - about the size of my pinky nail.

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Nature Girl doesn't have her own camera. We just have a Kodak Easy Share C533. I don't particularly like it--it's very, very slow and I feel like I can't get really good close ups, but I don't know much about photography, like I said.

It sure is nice, having digital photography now, isn't it? NG can take all the pics she wants--we don't print many, but at least she can play around with the camera.

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I enjoy taking pictures of nature and have been trying to get some nice photos now that I am in a completely new and different surrounding. While I have yet to get a great shot of a deer or bear or any other larger animal, I have managed to get some interesting pictures of some smaller animals. This is one of my newer and most favorite shots. I've read some other posts here by people who live in areas with abundant natural surroundings. Anyone else have some nature shots to share?


I love it!

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Please forgive my ignorance, but what kind of bug is that??


I thought it was a dragonfly, but I was incorrect. According to information I found on the internet it is a damselfly.


Damselflies are similar to dragonflies, but the adults can be differentiated by the fact that the wings of most damselflies are held along, and parallel to, the body when at rest. Furthermore, the hindwing of the damselfly is essentially similar to the forewing, while the hindwing of the dragonfly broadens near the base, caudal to the connecting point at the body. Damselflies are also usually smaller, weaker fliers than dragonflies, and their eyes are separated.
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I like to bee photo too and am wondering about the blue color.


Chris--I don't know anything about photography either. I just enjoy taking pictures. My husband says I have a good eye. Someday I'd like to take a class. Right now I can only point and shoot.

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Kristi, the second photo is great. Love the wing color on that bugger. The green bug on the green leaf photo could be very useful in a lesson about animal camouflage.


Thanks :) Yes, it could be used as a camouflage lesson. Dh took that picture and at first and I didn't see it.

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Kristi, That one of the dragonfly (or whatever it is) is *amazing*! Did you use a telephoo lens, or how did you get so close? The face looks just like an alien or one of those robots from that I, Robot movie!:lol:


The spider on the leaf is pretty amazing too - never seen a spider like that (don't want to either).

Dh and I love taking nature pics. Here are some of our recent ones:













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I particularly like the damselfly. The detail on the face is terrific. What type of lens do you use, Doodle? The bumblebee and the dragonfly on the bike handle are favs as well. The coloring in these two is so nice. I will attempt to attach a couple of recent pics also.







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