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Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea

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My dd11 and I just finished reading Anne of Green Gables. The ending had us sobbing! I had forgotten how sad it was. We also watched the tv miniseries with Megan Follows. I remembered it and got it though netflix. My dd11 loved it!


I have never read Anne of Avonlea. I do know she becomes a teacher and marries Gilbert Blythe. Would my dd11 enjoy this book as much as she did the first, or would it be too mature for her to relate to?

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She would love all 8 of them! I've read them over and over from age 10 to this summer!


Here are all of the titles:





I read the first 6 by the time I was 11 and adored them. I read my mom's copies and they're much too brittle now for my daughters, so we'll be replacing them.


I discovered books 7 and 8 when visiting friends of my grandparents one summer a couple of years after reading book 6! I was so excited! It was like a Tolkien fan discovering the story didn't end with The Return of the King. ;)


Then a few years after that I found the Emily of New Moon series and loved that *almost* as much.

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If my parents haven't thrown them out -- [aaack ! at the possibility !] -- I have prized copies of both Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea, each of which date from around 1910. Not first editions, but close. I bought these from a used bookstore in Houston in the 1960s.

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We just finished the audio book of Anne of green gables, tonight my ds10 and I sat down and watched the first half of the DVD (we also have the continuing story dvd to watch this weekend), and after finding the complete set at goodwill he started reading book 1 on his own. He is more into the story than dd9 is.

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Also good by the same author:


Pat of Silver Bush/Mistress Pat

Magic for Marigold

Emily of New Moon/Emily Climbs/Emily's Quest

Jane of Lantern Hill

The Story Girl/The Golden Road


A Tangled Web and The Blue Castle are also good but a bit more mature.


There are many collections of delightful short stories as well. Some of the short stories show up in an Anne book, a bit more fleshed out.

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I have a copy of Anne of Green Gables sitting on my bookshelf. It is going to be one of the first books I require my daughter to read in September.


I am keeping my fingers crossed she likes it. At the moment she is reading a lot of "young adult" books. The series she is reading would not be my first pick but it has 12 books and she reads nearly 100 pages each day so I shall not complain.

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I have read this entire series every year since I was 9! I LOVE these books!!! They are truly classics to me. I can whole-heartedly recommend them all. Your dd would love them!


I agree about the 3rd movie. Absolutely not even remotely like the books at all. Just the names Anne, Gilbert, Diana, Fred and people like that are all that the movie has in common with the books. The characters so completely change they aren't even similar with their book characters. I hated it.

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I have a copy of Anne of Green Gables sitting on my bookshelf. It is going to be one of the first books I require my daughter to read in September.


I am keeping my fingers crossed she likes it. At the moment she is reading a lot of "young adult" books. The series she is reading would not be my first pick but it has 12 books and she reads nearly 100 pages each day so I shall not complain.


Do you mind sharing what series this is?

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We are going thru them w/ dd 8 and 9, and they love them. if you are tired of reading aloud, http://www.librivox.org has several done that you can download and burn onto cd's. Anne of Windy Poplars is #4, where we are now, and that has Anne teaching at a high school and dealing w/ Pringles (this is where some of the 2 movie comes from). enjoy!

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I might even rank the "Emily" books right up there with the "Anne" books.


Chronicles of Avonlea and New Chronicles of Avonlea (I think is title of the second) are the more familiar story collections. Bantam (I think -- on the Starfire imprint ? ), some years ago, published a series of paperbacks containing Montgomery's "magazine stories". They are enjoyable to read. Many overlaps between these magazine stories and the separate novels. Surnames are recycled freely, even story theme elements.


What I don't recommend, actually, is that children read adult biographies of Montgomery. She underwent a very "steamy" episode during her young adulthood. Tame for today's public, but pretty strong for her era.


When Kiana says "mature" for those two books, that does not at all mean the content is inappropriate. Just that a younger child wouldn't be as interested. I would say the same for Montgomery's Kilmenny of the Orchard.


Also good by the same author:


Pat of Silver Bush/Mistress Pat

Magic for Marigold

Emily of New Moon/Emily Climbs/Emily's Quest

Jane of Lantern Hill

The Story Girl/The Golden Road


A Tangled Web and The Blue Castle are also good but a bit more mature.


There are many collections of delightful short stories as well. Some of the short stories show up in an Anne book, a bit more fleshed out.

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Oh, definitely read them all. They're absolutely marvelous. All of them. My own personal favorite is Rilla of Ingleside (Rilla is the youngest of Anne's children).


My daughter turned 11 recently and I've been saving these for her to read this year. I can't wait to get started!! :D



oh - and {{shiver}} at the mention of the 3rd Anne DVD. :scared: :ack2: :crying: and :cursing:!!!!

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