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"no voices," anyone else not listen to music much anymore?

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I play the trumpet, a bit of piano, and used to enjoy listening to music.


Now, after children, it takes hours of quiet before I can enjoy music or even want to listen to music or want any kind of noise.


I enjoy music at church, but do not listen at home or in the car until the required quiet time of at least an hour, usually 2 or 3, has passed.


Anyone else?

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Well, for me I LOVE music with a passion and wish I could listen to it all the time with headphones on to drown out the t.v. set that is constantly on! :) hehe My husband always has something on in the backround and many times he will have the news on t.v., the radio on the news and be watching videos on the computer ALL AT THE SAME TIME!! It drives me absolutely loopy. I don't know how he can stand it! I always feel like I'm going crazy with all those voices talking at the same time. I relish the quiet when everyone is bed. I have a bad habit of staying up late just to have some downtime before I have to deal with "voices" again, but I like to have music on during those times as the music soothes my soul and makes me feel better. But I do like some absolute quiet too at times.


Sheesh, I'm just looking over my post here... what a roundabout way of saying "yes me too!" Jeez, I really do talk too much! :rolleyes:

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I went through a phase where I was "off" music, but I'm back.


I understand the need for *quiet* and have a few hours after my kids go to bed before I turn in for peace and silence. I need a few hours of quiet every day to reset.


I enjoy music as more of an active occupation. I rarely listen to music in the background. During the day, I tend to listen with my kids. My older children studying piano has reinvigorated my love for classical music.


I also listen to more contemporary music while I exercise.


Having the quiet time at night, helps me enjoy listening during the day.

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I play the trumpet, a bit of piano, and used to enjoy listening to music.


Now, after children, it takes hours of quiet before I can enjoy music or even want to listen to music or want any kind of noise.


I enjoy music at church, but do not listen at home or in the car until the required quiet time of at least an hour, usually 2 or 3, has passed.


Anyone else?


I'm pretty much that way after having kids, too. I just don't like having a lot of noise going on in the house. We live in an apartment, and with three kids, that's a lot going on in a small space. I don't like filling it up even more with music, if that makes any sense. The only time I really play music is when I am working hard around the house, as a way to keep motivated.

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I have found that my son's piano music and daughters' ballet music is just what I need. I don't listen to much else around the house....the classicals and hymns are soothing and still enjoyable. Some classical music is even "upbeat". Sometimes you can see my kids "dancing" to hymns like "I'll Fly Away". Can be amusing!! In the car, we use it to practice for Junior Choir and our Special music singing practice for church.


Of course, quietness can be a blessing around 2:00 in the afternoon!

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The only time I listen to music is usually when no one else is around. The others don't like the same music as I do. It would be less than once a week.

I listen to pop music in the car with my teenagers- I enjoy maybe half of it and it's a fun bond. If I drive alone, I don't listen to anything unless I have just bought a CD that I am enraptured with.

I quit the band I was playing in for 2.5 years, this month. I had had enough of band politics.

Sometimes I sing just for the heck of it. The other day I thought up a tune and worked it out on the piano and wrote it down.

Music seems to weave in and out of my life intermittently, but we don't play canned music much at all during the day.

I do like silence. I would certainly rather have nothing on than listen to anything just for the sake of some noise in the background. However, I do compromise with my teens in the car because I dont want to alienate myself from them, and I actually do enjoy some of it.

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My husband always has something on in the backround and many times he will have the news on t.v., the radio on the news and be watching videos on the computer ALL AT THE SAME TIME!! It drives me absolutely loopy. I don't know how he can stand it!


That's totally me :lol:


I really don't like silence. It's weird and... so darn quiet! :tongue_smilie:

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I used music as an emotional crutch when I was a teenager. That need is gone. While I do enjoy it as background in the car when I am alone, I never listen at home.


The music I love best is hearing my oldest son play the piano. He plays pop and oldies. I really appreciate hearing some of those great tunes without the words. The words drag me down.


Come to think of it, it is like voices in my head. I do prefer quiet in the house.

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Now, after children, it takes hours of quiet before I can enjoy music or even want to listen to music or want any kind of noise.





Right there with you! My husband sometimes remarks how strange it is that I don't listen to music anymore. He would like us to crank up the house stereo system more often . . .

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Now, after children, it takes hours of quiet before I can enjoy music or even want to listen to music or want any kind of noise.


I enjoy music at church, but do not listen at home or in the car until the required quiet time of at least an hour, usually 2 or 3, has passed.


Anyone else?


I'm with you. Most of the time, I prefer road sounds over the radio/CD in the car...and I'm an extrovert who likes/needs people and noise. It's really weird to covet quiet time when you've hated quietness all your life.

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I love the quiet. Always have. Must have been the father who demanded perfect quiet in a house occupied by 3 kids (born 1 year apart - me + 2 brothers), and let us know, in a not so quiet way, when we were making 'noise'.:tongue_smilie: Luckily, we grew up in the South where we could play outdoors all year and the daylight hours were long.


I hate going to certain stores because of the loud, erratic, just-plain-lousy music which blasts throughout. Wal-Mart, our local Kroger. Maybe they don't realize it causes some of their shoppers to hurry through the stores, spending less in the process. But now that I think of it like that, maybe I should be grateful for that grating music. It saves me money. ;)


When our 6 dc were young, I craved quiet so I never listened to music much. Dh would blast his music (rock 'n roll) when he could. But it wasn't until we began listening to Classical music that I actually started tuning in the radio or playing CD's at various times during the day. I find I can actually enjoy music if it's Beethoven or Bach or Telleman or someone like that. I also enjoy listening to a Bluegrass station on Sunday afternoons when I cook. Otherwise, it's quiet. I think age must have something to do with it, too. (I'm 53.)



Edited by ksva
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Yes, pregnancy caused me to first switch to classical stations, then to talk radio solely, then to nothing. I have continued to not listen for most of my years since then. I can occasionally stand a little music, but not often.... I am slowly beginning to be able to expand the types of music I listen to again, but I can't stand much of anything....

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We love music here. All kinds. We got an awesome set of speakers for our computer at Christmas time. We have iTunes, and love to choose radio stations. We also have lots of music on our computer and we burn discs for the car. I've exposed my kids to just about all the music on the planet, just a little of the hard stuff and rap, gotta have the bad with the good to appreciate real music!:D They can pick out Buddy Holly, Nat King Cole, Gershwin the list goes on. The other night in the car my 6 yr. old ds was so excited to hear the Nutcracker Suite come on, he exclaimed, "Hey, it's Tchaikovsky". He also has been singing Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire". Priceless, really!:lol:

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That's totally me :lol:


I really don't like silence. It's weird and... so darn quiet! :tongue_smilie:


LOL Do you have a big (or maybe a noisy latin) family?? My husband comes from a big family and extended family lived all in the same house with him and his parents. He also is from the capitol of his country and it is very noisy there. I think that is the reason that he has to have backround noise on all the time. His father is the same way. When we go to visit him, he turns the radio on at night when he goes to bed and puts on talk radio to sleep to. Unfortunately he is going deaf so he puts it really loud and none of the rest of us can sleep. :tongue_smilie:

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Oh, I thought I was alone. I love music.... many kinds and I used to drive with it a bit loud & even sing along.


Now that I have kids.... it is just noise & competition. I get tired of turning it up & down. I also find myself listening to the QUIET when I am driving alone.


I do listen to news radio at times, but that is because we have dropped out of the TV world mostly. So, I grab some talk radio during errands, etc. I think another influence has been the pitiful choice of music these days. I just don't like much of it & tend to pop in the CDs. We also use errand time for SOTW and books on tape... school on wheels!


yes, you are not alone. :001_smile: I am trying to "recondition" myself to it b/c I miss it. Ahh, but such calm & beauty in a little bit of silence. It can be a bit of a rest!

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Now, after children, it takes hours of quiet before I can enjoy music or even want to listen to music or want any kind of noise.

:iagree:I find it easier to tolerate recorded music when I've reached 'that point' Don't know why! I find it really hard sometimes to listen to my DH playing when I'm needing to wind down.

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