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Guess who was just here!

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When we first moved into this neighborhood some guy in a rusted pickup truck tried to sell us......get this.....



Fresh Shrimp



in Oklahoma. Now, I'm no Geography major, but I just didn't realize that Oklahoma was so close to the ocean!



Or was that lake shrimp? :tongue_smilie:

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He was at our door yesterday too! I politely declined...I can't blame him though -- it's a tough economy. Just trying to make a decent buck.


The best fish we have ever eaten outside of Seattle was sold out of a high-cube truck. The owner drove spent his time selling mainly on military-bases around the pacific northwest and into the northern plains and mountain states. He picked up his stock from the fishing vessels in Alaska where the fillets were flash-frozen on-board. He then drove it down through Canada and sold at the various military bases in Washington, Montana, Wyoming and North Dakota. The halibut was supremo...

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When we first moved into this neighborhood some guy in a rusted pickup truck tried to sell us......get this.....



Fresh Shrimp



in Oklahoma. Now, I'm no Geography major, but I just didn't realize that Oklahoma was so close to the ocean!



Or was that lake shrimp? :tongue_smilie:

A friend of ours drives down to Georgia every weekend and picks up a truckload of shrimp. He drives back the same day and sells the shrimp, from his truck, throughout the next few days (he usually sells out in 2). It's surprising a. how much money he makes and b. how many people he knows that do this else where. There is actually a chance that the guy you saw had done much the same thing (although not to Georgia).

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A friend of ours drives down to Georgia every weekend and picks up a truckload of shrimp. He drives back the same day and sells the shrimp, from his truck, throughout the next few days (he usually sells out in 2). It's surprising a. how much money he makes and b. how many people he knows that do this else where. There is actually a chance that the guy you saw had done much the same thing (although not to Georgia).


Yep, I know a guy who does this with fish and another who does it with produce like oranges. They make thier living in one week of hard work a month. :0)


They live simply and the other parent carries the medical benefits, it works for them.

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It is a 21 hour drive from GA to OK ad another 5 for the ocean. He must have gone to Texas for his shrimp.

I figured as much, lol. Our friend used to go all the way to Florida, but decided GA shrimp was just as good and way less driving. I don't know why he doesn't shoot for NC or SC, or even southern/coastal VA. But then, I don't really know where you can shrimp, lol.

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I've read some of the threads about the "meat in the back of the truck man" (lol, by the way :lol: ) but we did buy from one once, and it was very good meat! Yum!


There are reputable, legitimate companies that sell good quality meat (and sometimes other food) from the back of a truck. We had a friend in Baltimore who owned a business doing this, and the meat was fabulous. I bought meat here once expecting the same quality, and I was very disappointed.

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My dh came home a little over a month ago, with a box of meat from a truck. Granted he was a customer's house and they buy from Schwanns too, so this was a real food delivery service. He did not have a spiel like I've heard before and actually the meat is really good.


I was pleasantly surprised but that didn't stop me from laughing my butt off when he came home with it.


We have fresh shrimp thawing in the fridge. Dh came home with fresh shrimp a couple of weeks ago, bought from a truck. We're close to the coast so that didn't seem odd. Boil it up and yum! There's crawfish for sale on about five corners down here, but I'm not brave enough to eat that.

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There are reputable, legitimate companies that sell good quality meat (and sometimes other food) from the back of a truck. We had a friend in Baltimore who owned a business doing this, and the meat was fabulous. I bought meat here once expecting the same quality, and I was very disappointed.


and that's how he hooked me into buying from him. The meat was EXCELLENT! Since then he stopped selling Omaha brand so it's not as good and we still buy from him but not as much.

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It's occured to me that we eat a lot of food from the backs of trucks. Around here, the best barbeque is from a camper looking thing this guy tows around. He can be hard to find, doesn't have a regular spot, but the guy's a fantastic cook. We also get a lot of our seafood from another guy, in another camper. Cooked while you wait, caught that morning. Then there's all the veggie stands... way better produce. Lol, it never even occured to me that people might think that was wierd. If you're ever out this way and see the "Sho'nuff" truck, stop and try the food. The owner/operator is really nice.

Edited by lionfamily1999
your you're can't believe I used the wrong one
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