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I am going to miss my ds so much and it is killing me.

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We move in 3 weeks. Due to a previously planned vacation, he will stay here and fly down a week later and stay for 3 weeks or so.


Then I have to put him on a plane and say good-bye. I am a MESS over this - I don't want to leave him. (For those who don't know he is staying here with his Dad and stepmother when we move to FL.)


I cried the first 2 weeks after we knew we were moving, but I thought I was better. Now I just don't want to do this and I keep sobbing.


We will see every 5-8 weeks, but weekend visits aren't going to fill the hole in our family that leaving him here is going to cause. I don't know how to even begin to explain it to his almost 3yo sister. He is closest to her and my 8yo son and neither are going to take this well.


Good thoughts and prayers please.

Edited by Renee in FL
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Just FYI:


No, I cannot make him go with us. He is 16yo and he can choose which parent he wants to live with.


Even if I could, I wouldn't make him go. He has to do what is right for him and staying here is the right thing for him to do. I can admit that, but it doesn't make it any easier.

Edited by Renee in FL
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Would it be possible to get Skype of something where you could show each other things while you talk occasionally? :grouphug:


We might do that. We communicate alot on facebook now - I imagine we'll do even more once we aren't here. We still have cell phones (left over from the business), so we can talk mobile-to-mobile for free. My Dad has agreed to take up some slack with transportation until he gets his license (next April.)


I have already planned visits for the rest of this year - the 3 weeks in July, Labor Day weekend, I am coming back here in Oct., and he'll go there Thanksgiving and the week after Christmas. January through March will be impossible for him to come to us (he plays varsity basketball), so we will have to make a monthly visit here (not everyone - I will come in January, dh will come another time, etc.)


We were planning this when he graduated, but that is still 2 years away - the situation just wouldn't allow us to wait.

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:grouphug: I know exactly how you feel. I just went through something similar with my son, I thought I was going to loose him forever and it hurts. All I can tell you is pray for your son to come back to you when "he's" ready and to give you the strength to bare this pain. You're blessed that he's 16 not 5 to where he can easily forget. I'm sure you have planted some roots with your 16 year-old that will continue to grow. Keep praying, he'll come back.

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