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Leaving for the States in a couple of days.. a packing question

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Time for our annual trip back home. I think I have things mostly organized, at least in my head (haven't started physically packing yet).


How it usually works, going to the States we have very little luggage (if anyone needs something from here let me know, lol). Coming back we max out our luggage allowance, mainly on books. In the past I have usually just bought really cheap luggage from Goodwill for the extra pieces, I mean we go with maybe five bags and come back with ten plus carry-ons, kwim? I'm wondering this year if I should maybe take a couple of empty pieces, or maybe take nested suitcases -- would that be really weird? Raise a flag? I don't want to keep buying luggage, even if it isn't expensive.


We have also in the past packed boxes as some of our luggage, like boxes of books. Maybe we could do that again, but it isn't as convenient to haul around and actually the boxes take a pretty good beating; and they usually come out at the end with damage to the corners/edges (makes you wonder what the other luggage goes through). Even if I tape the edges/corners well, that doesn't guard against the entire corner being crushed in. Maybe I need to work on packing them better?

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I would double check the price of checked baggage. It has really gone up and the price for bags over fifty pounds has REALLY increased.


I don't' think it will raise any red flags to take empty suitcases. We usually just really spread out our stuff to all the suitcases then condense down to have the empty suitcases. I do this because that way if a bag gets lost in transit we all at least have one change of clothes in each suitcase.


ETA: I really like the nesting idea!

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Kate, I've done well to have totally soft bags that I put inside another bag for the trip over. Think of something like a military seabag. I actually love these bags because they are so light themselves that it's hard to overpack them.


The thing that you might run into with nesting bags is that the weight of two suitcases might not leave much allowance for stuff in the inner bag. I don't think that most airlines would take issue with lightly packed bags.


You might want to check on the boxes. I seem to remember some additional restriction on boxes as luggage last time I flew. Maybe because it was difficult to inspect?

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I don't know how strict customs would be, but can't see that nested suitcases would be a problem.


We've used large plastic containers that we tie with cable ties in the past. I don't know what they're called in the States - here we call them plastic ammo boxes. They're thicker than normal storage boxes, so can take a bit more of a hammering - and useful for general storage at the other end.


If you get a strong container, you could drill small holes into it to secure the lid with the cable ties if there aren't convenient holes. Your books would be safer than in regular cardboard boxes.


Just have an extra supply of cable ties taped into the lid of the box for inspections.

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We always take nested suitcases, one carry-on and one inside another checked upon entering the US. One carry-on and two checked going out. We've never been hassled. We remove all tags on newly purchased items and we don't carry out huge numbers of any one item. We also observe the weight limits very carefully. We've also been know to wear and pack our worn-out and too-small clothing into the US, where it is disposed of appropriately to make room for newer items on the return.

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I would double check the price of checked baggage. It has really gone up and the price for bags over fifty pounds has REALLY increased.


We were fined for a suitcase of books which was above 23kg (around fifty pounds) on a flight between Brussels and London in January. We were well below our limit as a family, but had to pay an excessive amount per kg for the one heavy bag (there wasn't time to repack at the airport, else I would have!)


It seems it depends on the airport (rather than airline) as the baggage limit is 34kg at Heathrow (per item, given that as a family we were well within our total baggage limit of 80kg), so we didn't expect the charge at Brussels airport.

Edited by Hannah
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Hannah, we had the same trouble at O'Hare airport years ago -- we were under our total weight limit, but over the limit per bag in some cases. I felt like we were on the Price is Right where they have to shift the tags around then go run and punch the buzzer to see if they got it right, and if not run back to switch again.. we basically had to open all our luggage right there in the airport to shift everything around until we got the weights right.


After that we got a luggage scale to weigh all our pieces at home before even going to the airport, which has been great. Last year I did pretty good, we were a hair over on a couple of pieces but the check-in guy let it slide. My parents drop us off and I always have them bring a duffel bag in case I have to take anything out and leave it behind, but with the scale I haven't had anything like that happen in years, thankfully.


Thanks for the other comments as well. I think I'll try packing the clothes in smaller suitcases and then nest inside larger ones and see how that works out. Last year I was lucky to find a couple of luggage sets at Goodwill, so I've got some good candidates for that. I'm trying to minimize even the clothes this year -- I always end up taking stuff that never gets worn -- I'd rather do more laundry there.

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They are getting quite picky about each bag vs. all bags divided by the total number.


In the old days we used to just use trunks for every trans-Atlantic flight. Each of us could have 2 footlocker type trunks. I have also used army duffle bags, which are easy to roll up, very light weight, and can be stored in a trunk.




Hannah, we had the same trouble at O'Hare airport years ago -- we were under our total weight limit, but over the limit per bag in some cases. I felt like we were on the Price is Right where they have to shift the tags around then go run and punch the buzzer to see if they got it right, and if not run back to switch again.. we basically had to open all our luggage right there in the airport to shift everything around until we got the weights right.


After that we got a luggage scale to weigh all our pieces at home before even going to the airport, which has been great. Last year I did pretty good, we were a hair over on a couple of pieces but the check-in guy let it slide. My parents drop us off and I always have them bring a duffel bag in case I have to take anything out and leave it behind, but with the scale I haven't had anything like that happen in years, thankfully.


Thanks for the other comments as well. I think I'll try packing the clothes in smaller suitcases and then nest inside larger ones and see how that works out. Last year I was lucky to find a couple of luggage sets at Goodwill, so I've got some good candidates for that. I'm trying to minimize even the clothes this year -- I always end up taking stuff that never gets worn -- I'd rather do more laundry there.

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We just found out our total weight limit is 44lbs per person. period. unless we want to pay the fees. We are going to take a rubbermaid bin and duct tape it along with our luggage.
Really? Which airline are you using? We're on Delta, and I just checked it's still two bags at 50 lbs each, but I noticed that flights to/from Europe are now only one bag each. Maybe the two-bag thing is on its way out globally, which will totally kill me, lol. I noticed that the extra bag fee ($50) is roughly what it would cost me to send the same weight in books via media mail, so maybe we would just suck it up and pay for extra luggage if it comes to that. I don't want to think about that, lol :(


In the old days we used to just use trunks for every trans-Atlantic flight. Each of us could have 2 footlocker type trunks. I have also used army duffle bags, which are easy to roll up, very light weight, and can be stored in a trunk.

Yes! We used to use these monster-sized suitcases, we'd have, like, two pieces of luggage total but of an enormous size. I hate to think how many backs we must have ruined for the airport staff...
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Could you bring some Turkish Delight w/pistachios? The box that my mom brought back from Dubai when you met her was the best I ever tasted. I'd be happy to pay you for it and the postage, or maybe meet you somewhere and pick it up! (Where are you guys going to be in the states?)


Have a safe trip!

BTW, my mom was telling my boys about how beautiful it was out on the desert at night and about the calls to prayer, etc... I have a bunch of boys dying to visit. If we ever win the lottery, we'll come see you!

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Could you bring some Turkish Delight w/pistachios? The box that my mom brought back from Dubai when you met her was the best I ever tasted. I'd be happy to pay you for it and the postage, or maybe meet you somewhere and pick it up! (Where are you guys going to be in the states?)
Hmm.. did she just buy it in like a regular store (like a grocery store) or was it a specialty store? I don't remember her buying anything like that while she was with us. If you could get more details, like the brand/box name and where she got it, then I'll know if I have time to get it or not. We'll be in Kentucky most of the time, with probably 3-4 days in Chicago; I'm happy to send it to you by mail also.


BTW, my mom was telling my boys about how beautiful it was out on the desert at night and about the calls to prayer, etc... I have a bunch of boys dying to visit. If we ever win the lottery, we'll come see you!
Always welcome! We met up with that same friend who hosted us for a similar outing last year-I meant to post a picture for you, but never got around to it. I actually don't go to Abu Dhabi much anymore -- too much traffic and noise for me, I love the peace and quiet of Ras al-Khaimah. We sometimes are faced with the possibility of moving back there, but I'm hoping we can manage to stay here. Dh has started having to spend two days there a week (one overnight), I've been conflicted on that because I don't like being separated, but even he is happier here so for the time being looks like we'll stay put. Tell your mom she has to come back so she can see a different part of the UAE!


...and let me know more details about the turkish delight. You can pm or email me: filfilksq@yahoo.com


I've travelled with empty suitcases before - it's never been a problem.

Thanks, Laura, I'm just a bit paranoid. We already get all the extra, supposedly "random" searches, so I didn't want to add anything weird/off that might make it worse, kwim?
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They are getting very picky about weight. Last time I flew I had to literally move a sweatshirt from one suitcase to another to satisfy restrictions. Most airlines, especially out of the USA, won't use a system of total bags=total weight, it is a true per bag limit.


Before you fly I would check on non-standard luggage items ie boxes, tubs, footlockers etc. You might find them rejected (even if you are willing to pay extra) there are also sometimes restrictions on size of bag.

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Time for our annual trip back home. I think I have things mostly organized, at least in my head (haven't started physically packing yet).


How it usually works, going to the States we have very little luggage (if anyone needs something from here let me know, lol). Coming back we max out our luggage allowance, mainly on books. In the past I have usually just bought really cheap luggage from Goodwill for the extra pieces, I mean we go with maybe five bags and come back with ten plus carry-ons, kwim? I'm wondering this year if I should maybe take a couple of empty pieces, or maybe take nested suitcases -- would that be really weird? Raise a flag? I don't want to keep buying luggage, even if it isn't expensive.


We have also in the past packed boxes as some of our luggage, like boxes of books. Maybe we could do that again, but it isn't as convenient to haul around and actually the boxes take a pretty good beating; and they usually come out at the end with damage to the corners/edges (makes you wonder what the other luggage goes through). Even if I tape the edges/corners well, that doesn't guard against the entire corner being crushed in. Maybe I need to work on packing them better?


We do it exactly the same way. We take just enough clothing for the first couple days as we don't have cold weather clothes here (especially for the kids, who have outgrown them in a years time) and we buy at Goodwill. We also max out our luggage on return - we can bring back 12 pieces - and at least 3 will be absolutely JAMMED with books. We also get all our luggage at a thriftstore. We have taken empty pieces back home on ocassion and nested - didn't throw any flags for us.


Have a great visit!

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If someone is a super frequent flyer, for Continental a Platinum level, you aren't charged for overweight bags. This is the one time I'm grateful for all of dh's travel!


Another sneaky way to get books home is to pack them in your carry-ons. It's heavy to lug but if you don't have to switch planes or you have wheels, it's a great place to stash the weight. If you have kids who don't need the legroom and can have the bags under their seats this is a good alternative because the heavy bags can't go in the overhead bins.


Have a good trip!

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Another sneaky way to get books home is to pack them in your carry-ons. It's heavy to lug but if you don't have to switch planes or you have wheels, it's a great place to stash the weight. If you have kids who don't need the legroom and can have the bags under their seats this is a good alternative because the heavy bags can't go in the overhead bins.


I flew on Air France from San Francisco to Paris CDG a few months ago. I packed my carry-on ever so carefully to make sure that it followed the rules about size, and also made very sure that it was under the 50 lb. limit. I was doing fine until the actual weigh-in...when they made me set my handbag on the scale along *with* my carry-on bag. Tipped me over the 50 lb. limit, and I had to check my carry-on. Blah! :thumbdown:

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Yes, the bags are per bag, not total per person. I find airlines to be awful, but what's the alternative on a long international journey? Sigh.


I second the suggestion for duffel bags, but maybe have a big back, with the smaller one full of stuff, instead of a totally empty suitcase bumping along.


Good luck with Customs. I was feeling delighted to be home last time, but I had less than a stellar "welcome home." (I broke no laws, by the way, and was not found to have done anything wrong.)

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I flew on Air France from San Francisco to Paris CDG a few months ago. I packed my carry-on ever so carefully to make sure that it followed the rules about size, and also made very sure that it was under the 50 lb. limit. I was doing fine until the actual weigh-in...when they made me set my handbag on the scale along *with* my carry-on bag. Tipped me over the 50 lb. limit, and I had to check my carry-on. Blah! :thumbdown:


Wow! I've never had a carry-on weighed. In fact, dh usually doesn't see a counter person at all when he flies international because he doesn't check bags and he preprints the boarding pass. If they made him weigh his briefcase and carry-on, he'd definitely be over the limit because his briefcase is always jam-packed.

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Wow! I've never had a carry-on weighed. In fact, dh usually doesn't see a counter person at all when he flies international because he doesn't check bags and he preprints the boarding pass. If they made him weigh his briefcase and carry-on, he'd definitely be over the limit because his briefcase is always jam-packed.

I saw the scales in Amsterdam, I think, but I was never asked to weigh my bags or prove they fit in the box.

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Well we made it here! Harrowing journey, though. We were late getting to the Dubai airport, I'm standing in this huge line at passport control with half an hour to get to the gate; me and kids literally ran to the gate and got in just as gates were closing. (Dh didn't come with us, he'll be joining us later.) Well, we all got seated then there was a long delay. Apparently a woman got on and as she was seated got a phone call/sms that her husband had had a heart attack and she had to get off. So of course they had to find her luggage in the belly of the plane, and she disembarked so fast she left behind her carry-ons which had to be found (not simple since they don't always have tags, the staff were pulling things out and asking who they belonged to).


So we left about an hour late, arrived in Atlanta late, and I had, like, 45 minutes to get off the plane, get our luggage, get through customs and passport control and get to a different concourse for our next flight. Again, literally running, and we were the last to board.


But all worth it, of course -- it is so green, it literally cools my eyes just to look at all the grass and trees. I went to a library sale today and the checkout lady asked me, "Aren't you hot?!" (in my headscarf and long clothes) and I said, "Lady, you ain't seen hot!" lol.


Thanks again for everyone's comments. I ended up nesting some suitcases, and we'll probably use a couple of carry-ons as checked-in bags going back filled with heavy books. No trouble at customs, thankfully, except they took my kids' cold meds.



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