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Sorry, this is a brag...


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My 6yo dd just won 1st place in the Mid Atlantic Regional Fleadh competition for Irish fiddle in the 12 and under age group. We never expected her to win and only did the competition for the experience and to hear other kids play because she has so few peers in our area. All the other competitors were at least 9 or 10 and most were 11-13yo.


We will now be vacationing in Ireland in August so she can compete in the All Ireland competition. Another benefit to the day was that a wonderful fiddler/teacher heard her play and asked to teach her though it would be a 2.5 hour drive. Our lives are just crazy right now. Who would have thought we'd be here now when she asked to learn violin at 2.5yo?

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:party: :party: Wow!!! That is AWESOME!! That's amazing that she beat out kids that much older than her. You must be so proud. Your daughter is an amazing little girl to have so much emotional maturity to be able to handle that situation and to perform so well under those kinds of pressures and anxieties. I say you have every right to brag! :) hehe Way to go mom! :) You've got a special little girl there. :)

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:party: :party: Wow!!! That is AWESOME!! That's amazing that she beat out kids that much older than her. You must be so proud. Your daughter is an amazing little girl to have so much emotional maturity to be able to handle that situation and to perform so well under those kinds of pressures and anxieties. I say you have every right to brag! :) hehe Way to go mom! :) You've got a special little girl there. :)


My dd is very emotionally mature for her age but to her it was really just another performance with lots of people watching and that is where she loves to be...probably gave her an advantage over kids who get nervous. Her response to winning was, "Wow! What a big trophy. Now can we go swimming at the hotel pool?"


I don't think she even realizes the magnitude of what she accomplished but that is just fine with me.

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Very cool! Congratulations! How does one get into Irish fiddling? How do you find a teacher for that? My dd wants to start violin, maybe I should look into fiddling--she's got Irish blood and loves Irish music!


My dd started Suzuki violin at 3yo. I would definitely recommend classical training prior to beginning fiddle. There's a big difference in posture and intonation with the classically trained kids. Also, the Suzuki method is a perfect starting point because they learn by ear and develop wonderful skills. Most Irish music is taught by ear and passed down from person to person.


My dd got started in Irish fiddling when I took her to a concert given by the Sligo fiddler Kevin Burke (check him out on youtube if you like Irish music because he is amazing) at 4.75 yo. She fell in love with the music and begged me to buy her a "How to Play Celtic Fiddle" DVD at the concert so I did. A few days later, I plugged in the DVD and handed her the fiddle and left to get some work done. About 5 minutes later she came in to show me she could play the first song.


The next day she learned the next song in the same amount of time so I began to search for a teacher. I contacted the local Irish Society through their email and they gave me the number of a fiddle teacher in the area. That's how we started.

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We do Irish Dance although ds has never gotten into feising. He does participate in a dance company, but just doesn't want to add the competition side...but, being involved with all those other families, I really understand your excitement at this opportunity!!!


Definitely an achievement to celebrate!!

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It is so nice to have a place to go where others appreciate your child's achievements...I mean in addition to Grammy and Poppop. We have had a lot of nay-sayers as far as my dd's music (she can't be that talented kind of comments and questioning the time she puts into it especially)and it is really wonderful to have people be positive about her.


I told the person who is probably my longest friend here and she said, "That's nice. I have to go right now but I'll call you back later." That was at 8am this morning. Pretty much the reason why I don't share with her much anymore.


Thank you!!

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My dd is very emotionally mature for her age but to her it was really just another performance with lots of people watching and that is where she loves to be...probably gave her an advantage over kids who get nervous. Her response to winning was, "Wow! What a big trophy. Now can we go swimming at the hotel pool?"


I don't think she even realizes the magnitude of what she accomplished but that is just fine with me.



Wow!! That's fantastic!! It sounds like she is a natural performer. I'm sure she will go very far!! That is a definite plus that she doesn't get nervous. I know when I performed at musical contests before judges I would tense up a lot and I had to purpose to relax so that I didn't mess up. That is so wonderful that she is going to Ireland. What an amazing experience!! I wish her all the best. :) Please let us know how it goes over there. I would love to follow her progress. :)




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Very cool. You should post a YouTube video of it. My little boy loves to see other kids doing cool stuff!


We weren't allowed to videotape during the competition but I have posted videos to youtube of her playing before. We have many relatives who live far away and it was the easiest way I found to share with them. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=ptmom343 The newer videos have her playing with her brothers and she's in a green dress.

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I had to look at your youtube videos! Wonderful! I love it when siblings play together. Our dds are about the same age and mine is also into music in a big way. She plays Suzuki viola.


Your dd is SO ADORABLE by the way!





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have the full ensemble! I just love to see siblings dancing and playing together! What a great model for our disconnected society.


:iagree: That would be so cool. If only dancing were a bit bigger in our immediate area. The kids want a bass player so they can really "rock" the music. LOL

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