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Has anyone gone from supermom to lazymom while pregnant???

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So here I am pregnant with my sixth child and having a very rough pregnancy. I have had 5 other pregnancies that went relatively smooth. This one is giving me a hard time. I can hardly pull myself off of the couch. Has anyone else had easy/normal pregnancies and then have one that was super hard?? I need to know that I am not alone. I feel like such a lazy and horrible wife and mother. Please respond if you have had a similar experience. I am having a very hard time with this.


Thanks, Erin

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Pick me, pick me!


I've had seven pregnancies and they have all been a little different, but the ones that required me to be off my feet and rest---mercy! I nearly went mad. I don't like people doing things for me. I felt like a failure. I could reason all day long that I was doing the right thing but mentally I wasn't comfortable slowing down.


If I'm brutally honest, it has to do with my self-worth coming from accomplishing things. But we won't peel back that onion in this post. :tongue_smilie:


Take it easy, while you can. Then be super-duper mom when the time comes. :D You are doing good work, just not visibly.



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Well, I am on my eighth pregnancy and I am 38 years old. I can definitely say that this has been the toughest. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. It really threw me for a loop. I already was struggling with getting everything done and feeling inadequate etc. The thought of another baby to take care of was just too overwhelming for me to deal with. I am at thirty-four weeks right now and still don't know how it is all going to work. If I wasn't homeschooling, it would be doable, but I find it incredibly difficult to homeschool and keep up with my regular wifely/motherly duties now....how am I going to do it with another baby!

Physically, it has been challenging also. I was sick (as usual) for the first three months. This threw me all off with school. We did get behind......and this was supposed to be the year that things were so much better. I had planned, planned, planned all summer so that I would feel like we had a successful school year. I was NOT planning on getting pregnant. Everything hurts more and earlier than the other pregnancies. I have had a lot of braxton hicks contractions from early on and they are not mild. Actually, sometimes they are pretty uncomfortable! I am tired all the time, and have to rest constantly. I don't have enough energy to get the things done that need doing. So I usually feel like a failure by the end of the day. I like things clean and orderly....they seldom are. This drives me crazy and makes me very grumpy!

Well, I hope that makes you feel a little better; at least you are not alone:)


Just remember..."this too shall pass..."



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I am not a super mom - only 4 kids, but yes, I was so tired with pregancies esp the first 3 - 4 months. The kids read to me while I napped, they did my hair, watched educational videos, pretended all sorts of scenerios in skit format - whatever ideas I could muster so they could keep busy.


There is a supermom vitamin pill a friend of mine took for her 13th pregnancy - maybe you can look it up!

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How far along are you? could you be having twins?


I did hardly anything during my twin pregnancy. Early on I was so sick (morning sickness times 2!) that I laid around all the time. I remember wanting to go to a meeting one morning and laying on my bed looking at the clock, thinking, "If I got up now, I could still get there...if I got up now, I wouldn't be too late...if I got up now, I'd only be ten minutes late..." I continued thinking this until it was too late to go at all and I NEVER EVEN MOVED!

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As of now I am 18 weeks along. Due on Oct. 20th. That date feels like eternity!! I can say that I always get out of bed, but.... I am only migrating to the couch!!:tongue_smilie: It is not twins, I have already had 2 ultrasounds. I wish I could put the blame on that. How do I teach and take care of 5 kids plus clean and cook!! It really is not happening all that much. If I do a lot one day, then I am down and out for the next 2 days. It is really hard. I am so glad to see that I am not alone. Well not glad to see that others are also suffering, but glad to see that maybe I am still normal. Just miserably normal.


Thanks, Erin

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We always joked that I don't get morning sickness, I get sleeping sickness. I Had to nap every day. I would get up, go to work, come home and take a nap, cook dinner, go to bed. LOL I think I slept 10-12 hours a day. I usually sleep 5-6.



If you haven't already you may want to mention it to your doctor. They may want to check your iron and sugar levels just to be safe.


I hope all is fine, and you rebound soon. It is so hard to be out-of-sorts with your typical self!

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I wouldn't call yourself lazy mom - maybe you're just not getting enough sleep? I always thought it was mandatory to nap during pregnancy. Are you eating well, getting lots of fluids? Exercise? No stress?


My 2nd pregnancy had me feeling just worn-out the whole time, and I was only 25. Now I'm starting to wonder if having a 2 yr. old at the time was the factor. I fully expected this pregnancy to be the hardest, but so far, it has been the easiest, so I don't think it's age.


I think they are all different, and it starts in pregnancy. :)

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I'm 7 weeks along, and dealing with this now. It's been a rough few days. I sleep constantly. I was watching the House marathon yesterday, and I didn't make it through a single episode without falling asleep!


I did manage to cook dinner last night, and then went to bed at 8:30. Here it is, 5:30 and I'm up...for a little while.


I hope it passes. The morning sickness isn't too bad so far. Just a constant nausea that doesn't ever really pass.

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Not super-mom by any stretch of the imagination. With 4 of 4 I was so incredibly nauseated all. day. long. all 41 weeks (yes, the wee man was also late). I generally stayed on the couch when I was at home. When I was on-duty, well, let me just say that one can take care of patients whilst simultaneously vomiting and being utterly miserable.


Just do what you can; have your other kids do what they can; and talk to you doc/mid-wife about your symptoms and see if you need iron levels checked.

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and feeling more tired than with previous pregnancies. Of course, I'm going through chemo too (breast cancer) which I'm sure has something to do with it.

I wake up with lots of energy, but by 11am, I'm wiped and need to just sit. I'm only 25 weeks, so I've got a ways to go.


Take lots of vitamins, fruits and veggies. That should help.

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So here I am pregnant with my sixth child and having a very rough pregnancy. I have had 5 other pregnancies that went relatively smooth. This one is giving me a hard time. I can hardly pull myself off of the couch. Has anyone else had easy/normal pregnancies and then have one that was super hard?? I need to know that I am not alone. I feel like such a lazy and horrible wife and mother. Please respond if you have had a similar experience. I am having a very hard time with this.


Thanks, Erin


I was like this with my fourth child. The doctor said my iron was in the normal range but just a little on the low side. I asked if I could take an iron supplement to see if it would help and they said that was fine. After about 3 days on iron I felt like a whole new person. I picked up hemaplex(sp?) from the vitamin shop down the road and didn't suffer any ill side effects that can come with iron supplementation.

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I feel your pain! I'm in my 3rd month, trying to unpack from our move, was out of town for 2 weeks, all day morning sickness, horrible allergies making me sick, and 3 kids to teach and take care of,...not to mention the house to clean. I have been sleeping til almost 9am, when usually I'm up at 5:30-6. But, I'm not sleeping well at night and don't get to sleep (even if I am in bed) until maybe 2am. I try to nap with the kids who now ALL have to take naps, even the big ones. LOL. I know it will eventually fade, so hang in there!

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Dh and I just discussed this last night. I'm only on my third, right at the end of the second trimester, and I'm having a hard time of it. May has been a hard month for me emotionally for the past five years, but I've been closer to totally losing it this time than I remember being in the past - except when I was going through culture shock and first pregnancy at the same time.


I simply can't stand the fact that I'm not able to take care of things on the home-front without dh's help. He's got an intensive class this next two weeks (He spent all last week studying for it all day and working all evening) and I want so badly to just let him be a student and not "need" him during this time. For crying out loud, military wives do this kind of thing for months at a time when their men are deployed! But I can't. I just can't get by right now without imposing on him in the midst of his studies sometimes. It really makes me feel like a wimp. And I've only got two kids!


Plus, I'm so much more tired this time, bigger earlier, and hurting earlier. And my plan for taking one month off this summer (theoretically we school year-round) to plan for next year got squashed because I need to start early in order to take off after the baby comes. I'm really a bit scared about what things will be like in August with the heat, the homeschool, no family nearby, and everything else.


So, you're not alone. In fact, you're probably doing better than I am with more kids. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:



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I am so thankful for this thread. I thought I was the only one in the world pregnant and feeling like I have been run over by a truck! I am 40 years old and 17 weeks with #4. I had an only child for 10 1/2 years and then life changed soooo much! Now I have a 4yo, 2 yo, and due in Oct. I was the mom that did lots of projects, had house and self in order and now I feel like I just survive day to day. I am overweight and I know this doesn't help. I have a wonderful 14yo dd who helps alot, but I feel guilty for needing help.

Thank you all for being honest-somehow misery loves company huh?


Favorite Verse right now:

Isaiah 40:11

He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.

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I'm pregnant with #5 and I practically took 2 months off of homeschooling due to morning sickness and laziness. I'm 28 along now and got my energy back these past few weeks.


But boy oh boy!!! I'm always supermom with doing stuff with the kids...this time around, I feel so lazy! But I'm getting back into it and it feels good!!!


Hope that you get your energy back. We're catching up on school this whole summer because of my pregnancy. :tongue_smilie:


Liz in NC

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Every pregnancy is that way for me. My first was so hard, I wished for a miscarriage. I vowed never to do it again. Then my midwife convinced me that the first is usually the worst, that future pregnancies wouldn't be as bad. It wasn't as bad; it was worse. The morning sickness was worse and the postpartum depression was worse. By the time I had my third, I had figured out how to deal with some of it. It was the easiest because of that, until I was hit with vertigo instead. I felt like my body was trying to make me as miserable as possible and, if I was going to find solutions to my normal pregnancy ills, it would find something else to hit me with. Now I'm pregnant with my fourth with all the usual issues except the nausea is worse than normal, meaning I'll still get bouts of it and throw up occasionally despite my anti-nausea that works very well normally.


We've just learned to deal with it. I try to be happy with what I can do. I try to take advantage of the days that I feel better and not stress the days that I feel rotten. We've had MANY days where we haven't eaten until 8-8:30pm. I see it in a positive light...at least we didn't eat out that night.

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Reading through here, it looks like we're ALL forgetting one very important thing: besides learning about God, we're put on this earth to HELP EACH OTHER in our times of need. That also means that we must **be willing to accept that help**. I know this is tough. With my son, I was on bedrest for the last part of the pregnancy. I wasn't even allowed to make meals. When I told this to my 5yo dd (at the time), she said, "That's okay, Mommy, I can make my own lunch." And she did! She pulled out the pb&j and bread and made herself a sandwich!


My point: don't underestimate your kids and think they can't do anything without your help. You'll be amazed at what they CAN do when you let them!


Also, someone mentioned military wives and how they "do this all the time (without their husbands)." Well, you should keep in mind that they usually have neighbors or other military friends/wives or a Family Support Group that is there to help them.


2nd point: DON'T go it alone just 'cause "nobody does it right except me." That's just foolish pride. Give those who love you the opportunity to use their ministry gifts to minister to you and BE THANKFUL!;)


When I was preggo with ds I actually asked some born organized friends to come do some housecleaning. My husband was mortified because if Housekeeping was a class, I'd have a steady D! BUT, I knew it needed to be done and I couldn't do it. So they did. Yes, they made comments but more in the line of ,"Do you have someone you can call on to help you with this?" They truly had my best interests at heart.


Okay, I'm done giving my two cents...or more. HTH someone! :grouphug:

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WOW! Did I write this? I aslo am expecting my sixth baby and feel like I have absolutely NO energy! My 1st 4 went pretty smooth, the 5th one was a little rougher. I was "in labor" for the last 4 months of my pregnancy! Every evening beginning at about 6pm until about 10pm I would have mild contractions. That was not fun, and I am hoping that this will not be a repeat of that. Anyway, you are not alone, I feel like I am letting a lot of things slide just because I don't have the energy for it! Hope all goes well for you.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
Reading through here, it looks like we're ALL forgetting one very important thing: besides learning about God, we're put on this earth to HELP EACH OTHER in our times of need. That also means that we must **be willing to accept that help**. I know this is tough. With my son, I was on bedrest for the last part of the pregnancy. I wasn't even allowed to make meals. When I told this to my 5yo dd (at the time), she said, "That's okay, Mommy, I can make my own lunch." And she did! She pulled out the pb&j and bread and made herself a sandwich!


My point: don't underestimate your kids and think they can't do anything without your help. You'll be amazed at what they CAN do when you let them!


Also, someone mentioned military wives and how they "do this all the time (without their husbands)." Well, you should keep in mind that they usually have neighbors or other military friends/wives or a Family Support Group that is there to help them.


2nd point: DON'T go it alone just 'cause "nobody does it right except me." That's just foolish pride. Give those who love you the opportunity to use their ministry gifts to minister to you and BE THANKFUL!;)


When I was preggo with ds I actually asked some born organized friends to come do some housecleaning. My husband was mortified because if Housekeeping was a class, I'd have a steady D! BUT, I knew it needed to be done and I couldn't do it. So they did. Yes, they made comments but more in the line of ,"Do you have someone you can call on to help you with this?" They truly had my best interests at heart.


Okay, I'm done giving my two cents...or more. HTH someone! :grouphug:


That all sounds lovely, but the reality for many of us has been that you don't get help when you're expecting your fourth (or fifth, or sixth, etc) baby. Even from people in your family or in your church, the "you made your bed, now lie in it" vibe is palpable. Even if the pregnancy has complications. Even if financial disaster hits. You get a strong sense that nobody thinks you should be having that baby, although of course they are all 100% pro-life.


It was my reality with baby #4 and I've heard the same tale from many other moms.

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