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I know there is a social group for American Idol, but

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Yep, I'm just so sad to see Danny go.


:crying: I'm so bummed. I checked here first before I go watch it on DVR because if Danny was gone I wasn't going to watch it anymore. So, I'm done. Yall saved me some time tonight. I hope Adam doesn't win, he's just annoying.

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I do have some hope for Kris winning next week. Did you hear Ryan Seacrest say that only 1 million votes separated the top two? Maybe if enough of the people that voted for Danny vote for Kris, it will make a difference.


I am very sad for Danny, but I finally decided that I do like Kris' singing style better. I would buy a Danny Gokey album, though. :)

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I agree with Rhonda. If all the people who voted for Danny now vote for Kris, then Kris has a chance of winning. I don't see people who supported Danny (me) voting for Adam.


I was very sad to see Danny go. I will definitely be hoping for a Kris win now that Danny is gone.

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I agree with Rhonda. If all the people who voted for Danny now vote for Kris, then Kris has a chance of winning. I don't see people who supported Danny (me) voting for Adam.


I was very sad to see Danny go. I will definitely be hoping for a Kris win now that Danny is gone.


You said everything I was planning to so. So, :iagree:.

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I too am hoping that Kris will get a lot of the votes from Danny fans (like myself) and have a chance at winning.


I am sad to see Danny go. :crying: He was my favorite from the beginning.


Kris has become a second favorite for me the past few weeks...so now he's my top choice.


And what was up with Simon saying next week will be a Ding Dong?? (Is that really the word he used?)

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And what was up with Simon saying next week will be a Ding Dong?? (Is that really the word he used?)




I only started watching AI about a month ago an my original ardor for Adam has - faded. I don't think that I could listen to an entire album of him wailing!


Danny was great but Kris is my favorite!


I almost want Adam to win as I think that Kris would have more input into his album than he would if he were the *winner*. I lurrrve David Cook but his album was not what I had hoped for.

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I am very sad for Danny, but I finally decided that I do like Kris' singing style better. I would buy a Danny Gokey album, though. :)




This is how my daughter and I feel. In the beginning, we both loved Danny the most. Then Chris just started to get better and better. I would buy a Danny Gokey download as well. As for Adam, I think he has talent. Lots of it. I just don't like that kind of music or singing. I am sorta surprised he appeals to so many. I would think he would have a certain niche group.

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Okay, I am going against the flow. I LOVE Adam and I am pulling for him. I was not a huge fan of DG. I thinkt here are just too many like him out there. I am sure he is sitting today going over the details of a record contract. He will be out there to buy and be a fan of. As will Kris and Adam, no matter who wins.

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Okay, I am going against the flow. I LOVE Adam and I am pulling for him. I was not a huge fan of DG. I thinkt here are just too many like him out there. I am sure he is sitting today going over the details of a record contract. He will be out there to buy and be a fan of. As will Kris and Adam, no matter who wins.


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Ok this is my opinion on the top three. Adam is a great performer, not necessarily the best singer, in his last performance the last song sounded more like screaming not singing to me. Still Adam can sing good when he sings and does not scream. Danny is an awesome singer, but needs to step it up a bit in the performance area and that will come in time. Kris has a great balance of singing and performance., he has great style and class. They are all so talented, just in different ways.

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Kris has been my favorite since we first saw him. I love his style of music and his kind of voice.


Adam, however, totally should win this based on his uniqueness, his individuality, his voice range (WOW!!!), his showmanship. He's a talent on a different level, imho.


Both guys seem so ... nice! ... too. It's pleasant to have a final two of "nice guys." Although when I think back - both Davids seemed nice - and Jordin Sparks and Blake Whatshisname were also very nice kids. So, maybe it's not all that unusual. lol America must like the nice guys. lol

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Okay, I am going against the flow. I LOVE Adam and I am pulling for him. I was not a huge fan of DG. I thinkt here are just too many like him out there. I am sure he is sitting today going over the details of a record contract. He will be out there to buy and be a fan of. As will Kris and Adam, no matter who wins.

:iagree:love, love, LOVE Adam!!

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Yes, I am so happy that Kris made it!!! He has been my favorite since country week. I think he's gotten better and better since then, and never really got credit for it from the judges-- I always love the talented, heartfelt underdog who's underestimated by the judges (i.e. Elliott Yamin!).


I think Kris has an excellent chance of winning next week. Adam is polarizing-- many people love his, but there are many people who really dislike it, as well. I agree that many Danny fans will vote for Kris, which would more than make up those million votes that separated them this week (assuming Adam was even the one who was ahead.) So in my opinion it's a toss up, and it will really depend how well they each do next week.

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