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Medical question -- can anyone help?

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I am going to do my best to attempt to explain my situation, although it's going to be difficult. Here is what is going on:


2 nights ago I was waking up several times because my foot was hurting. It was hurting on the side of my instep just below the top of my foot. By the time it was morning it was hurting so much that it was very difficult to walk. I had not knowing done anything to hurt my foot the day before. However, I have had some strange things that happen to my foot on a fairly consistent basis. Sometimes I step on my foot and feel a horrible pain like someone pinched me so very hard that it makes me want to scream. Sometimes it even leaves a bit of a little discoloration, like a blood vessel has broke -- that's what it feels like. Sometimes I get charley horses in that foot, etc.


Moving on---- throughout the day yesterday my foot progressively felt better and I was walking on it. I had to go to dance practice last night (think a bit of ballet but nothing ridiculously strenuous) and thought maybe I shouldn't dance on it. However, when I got to dance it seems fine and I did dance. It felt okay and I had just a slight bit of pain/strain every now and again. When I took my ballet shoes off I saw that it was swollen at the point it had been hurting. Fast forward to 2am last night. I woke up from a dead sleep in PAIN!! I could not lay it on the bed or touch it or walk or anything. I was very scared so I hobbled out to the computer to look up info on blood clots (I know I am ridiculous) -- couldn't think of anything else at that point. Found nothing remotely like the symptoms I was experiencing. Hobbled back in and laid there. However, the pain was too bad so I woke my hubby (never do this) and he got me an ice pack and had me take Ibuprofen. After 25 minutes I took the ice pack off and then spen the next hour or more attempting to find a position in which I could sleep and not hurt so much. In the morning, some of the pain had subsided and I am able to hobble without serious painfulness. However, it is still swollen and hurts. I am not moving it.


I have now been sitting at the computer with my foot resting on the floor beneath me. I've been here about an hour and a half or more. Noticed my foot getting cold. Looked at it and it's swollen and a bit purplish/blue -- like my circulation is not good (which it's not normally anyway). I can feel and see the lump on my foot. It is not red or hot.


What can this be??? Just a broken blood vessel somehow?? A pinched nerve?? A stress fracture??? A blood clot? I'm just insane??? Do any of you have any idea what is going on?? I don't know if it's worth trying to see a doctor tomorrow or not.


Thanks everyone,


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I've had blood clots in my legs and it sounds very much like what you are describing. Yes, it's painful enough to wake you up, gets swollen...everything you have described.

In fact,. when I called my doctor's office to describe what was happening, the nurse on call suggested I go to an e.r. to have an ultrasound of my leg.

By the time I got to the hospital, I could not wear my shoes and it was painful to walk.

Not trying to alarm you, but if you think it could be a blood clot, you really should get it seen sooner rather than later.

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Alright you all have me freaked out once again!! It was too late to call a doctor tonight, so I am planning to call tomorrow morning. I haven't said a thing to my hubby about a blood clot because he even thinks I'm crazy that I don't remember twisting it or something. He never thinks of serious things.


But really, could it be a blood clot? It seems so unlikely. No redness, small lump. Can someone please tell me what the symptoms of a blood clot really are???? Sophia? Would the lump move? I still have pain and my foot is cold and sometimes looks purplish from poor circulation, but really, that is something I struggle with on a regular basis.


I'm afraid to go to sleep now!

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Alright you all have me freaked out once again!! It was too late to call a doctor tonight, so I am planning to call tomorrow morning. I haven't said a thing to my hubby about a blood clot because he even thinks I'm crazy that I don't remember twisting it or something. He never thinks of serious things.


But really, could it be a blood clot? It seems so unlikely. No redness, small lump. Can someone please tell me what the symptoms of a blood clot really are???? Sophia? Would the lump move? I still have pain and my foot is cold and sometimes looks purplish from poor circulation, but really, that is something I struggle with on a regular basis.


I'm afraid to go to sleep now!


Sent you a pm.

You know when I first felt the symptoms in my leg, I thought I was imagining things and went to sleep, pretended it was better in the morning, and then an hour later...it clearly was not. Hope you get in to have it scanned this morning.:grouphug:

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I seriously doubt it is a blood clot!


See a Dr., of course, but you probably strained a ligament.




ETA: I just saw that your foot is purplish and cold? You do need to get in and have an ultrasound. Keep us posted, hopefully you're getting in TOdAY.

Edited by BalanceSeeker
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Lovely ladies,

I am headed to the doctor in about 25 minutes. I am so happy to be getting in now. I had a horrible night again last night with the foot. When I described a few of the symptoms to the office person this morning, she said it sounded like gout, which I had not thought of before. Gout is hereditary and I know an uncle had it and possibly a grandparent. I'm praying that it will be determined quickly today (and hopefully without spending a small fortune on numerous tests). I'll let you know when I get back!

Blessings to you all!


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