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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. Well, I have re-thought my idea of browsing at Half Price Books. The statisticians locally forecast that if we can just keep up the good work, Covid will burn itself out by end of May in our area. Also, they emphasized how really, really, really important masks, hand washing and social distancing will be as the economy is opening up. So I will drop off the Goodwill stuff, browse only if there's few people there (on Sunday not Saturday since Saturday is the busiest day for "contact" in the area according to cell phone data). And maybe we'll just do Sonic in the car at the beach every weekend. It was lovely.
  2. https://members.classicalconversations.com/article/copywork-dictation-and-narration-beginners
  3. Nothing. Occasional texting. In March, they facetimed a couple times. Since then, nothing. I'm actually hoping that my dd gets together with her bff soon since Texas is opening up so it's allowed. My dd is a homebody and has been binge-watching Grey's Anatomy in her free time.
  4. Slippers: 2 pairs, Flip Flops: 5 pairs, Crocs: 8 pairs, Dress Shoes: 2 pairs, Casual "Comfort Mocs": 2 pairs, Sneakers: 2 pairs, Boots: 1 pair, Sandals: 1 pair Hmm. But I mostly wear Crocs, mainly the navy blue ones. I don't wear my flip flops because of lack of arch support but I can't bring myself to get rid of them.
  5. (Let me preface this by saying that I live in a county with very low numbers. Like zero new cases for many days and when we do have new cases, it's 1 or 2. Once it was 5. Then zero again. And they have opened up testing to just about anyone.) Texas Peeps, with the opening of several more businesses, where are you going to go this weekend? I was looking forward to possibly dropping off stuff at Goodwill and then browsing inside, but I am not sure it will be open. One thing we will for sure do is get Drive Thru Sonic and park at the beach parking lot, eat and drink Sonic, and stare at the water. But we do this anyway on occasion. Still it's very nice. We don't generally get out of the car anyway, because we don't like to get sand in the car and then everywhere else. I know Plato's Closet will definitely be open, and while it would be fun to go, I anticipate lines, and I loathe lines, so we will wait on that most likely. No other plans because I don't think anything's going to really be open yet. Movie theaters are staying closed, and that's okay because there's nothing I want to see there anyway. We don't like to eat out in restaurants. And I don't really browse in stores except for Goodwill. Oh! Maybe Half Price Books. That could be fun. I do browse there.
  6. Your DD11 would like The Sentence Family. https://www.rainbowresource.com/product/058940/Sentence-Family.html
  7. Well, I've always thought it interesting that in topology, a doughnut is the same as a coffee cup.
  8. In 3rd grade, we used copywork from Writing with Ease. And maybe an Evan Moor book about Sentences. Plus a hamburger visual about structures of paragraphs/papers. That's it. Copywork was by far the most writing instruction. They are so young in third grade.
  9. A nice cardigan. My 76 year old mother wears cardigans even in the summer, so a cardigan is always a good gift.
  10. How are her research paper skills? My dd has had a huge amount of research papers to write already in her freshman year.
  11. I would look at the university(s) she is wanting to attend and see what their math requirements are for English majors. Then I would plan that last math class accordingly. For instance, I believe College Algebra would be required of English majors at my dd's school, and so she would have at least needed to get through Mathusee PreCalculus to not have to take any remedial math and to just take the one College Algebra. Another for instance, my dd was going into Nursing and would need to be "College Algebra" ready (with an adequate math score on her SATs, which she got by getting through much of MUS PreCal before her SATs) but her required math was Statistics. So I added a Statistics class to our homeschool so she would at least have some familiarity with it before college. HTH!
  12. Ha ha I was going to say, don't all toddlers do this? I have very distinct memories of my toddler screaming "I do not need a nap!" at the top of her lungs and sobbing. Yes, my dear, you obviously do.
  13. Oh, just for some anecdotes, my dd once got a rash that, in hindsight, was caused by trying on yoga pants at the ballet store. Something in the fabric. It set off a chain of rashes. Zyrtec and special diaper cream were what kicked that eventually. Also, for my dd with sensitive skin, any elastic and any non-cotton fabric could cause rashes. So I would highly recommend underwear and clothing with encased elastic and only 100% cotton clothes for a good long while.
  14. Contact dermatitis? Have you tried the benadryl cream? Not just the oral stuff but the cream that you rub in on the spot? https://www.walmart.com/ip/Benadryl-Original-Strength-Itch-Relief-Cream-Topical-Analgesic-1-oz/10294032 If that doesn't work, Dessitin might kick it. (We've had lots of rashes in our household.)
  15. Thanks, Hive. I decided to try and slowly build up my tolerance. It was actually very helpful to hear that others had dealt with this issue and built up tolerance. I am telling myself that I can breathe (and it's true), and it's working. So thanks, y'all! Appreciate it!
  16. I thought of this, but I'm not sure it would provide the protection? Because in many of the pictures, the mannequins are wearing face masks under them
  17. I am asking for ideas. I believe in face masks. I have been sewing face masks for my family and extended family. I used the pattern from Craft Passion which has the most room I can find around the nose and mouth. However, I am extremely claustrophobic and cannot wear them. Covering my nose and mouth, especially with something close to them and me breathing my hot breath -- it triggers me. I can't do it. So... I have currently ordered a nonfunctional as far as safety but adhering to the letter of what I believe will soon be the law, a sort of fishing sun hat that has a piece of fabric across the face, where the part in front of the mouth is mesh. It won't be here until next week and I suspect it will still trigger me. My next option that I plan on trying is one of those sun hats that has a big veil of mosquito netting so it won't be close to my face at all. That might work. I realize it doesn't work for virus protection, but I am thinking that might be too lofty a goal for someone who can't wear a regular face mask. But, for instance, our state parks are now open and you must wear a face mask. Also several nearby towns require face masks and a fine if you don't. I wrote my county judge asking for an exception for people with claustrophobia, but I don't know if that will be successful. Any thoughts, other than get over my claustrophobia (which won't happen)?
  18. Well, it's been awhile since I've had provera, but I can tell you that when I started bcp after no periods for quite awhile, I bled for a month and a half. So, possibly normal?
  19. We haven't had satellite in years, because when it's stormy, it goes out. And since we live in hurricane country, that's the most important time to have the Weather Channel. So no satellite for us. We love fiber optic.
  20. Locally (south Texas), they are using convalescent plasma with success. (antibodies from people that had Covid and recovered). The infectious disease doctor has said that his goal is to give it to patients on the first day they are in the hospital, and he did meet this goal with the fifth patient (if I recall correctly). That person was out of the hospital in five days, rather than two or three weeks. So he is very pleased. https://www.kristv.com/news/local-news/plasma-from-recovered-covid-19-patients-helping-others
  21. I'm going to check, but I think that they have "closed" the border between Louisiana and Texas, so that might be a problem if he's driving. Also, make reservations ahead of time because I don't know if all hotels are open. Here's a link to an article about it: https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/coronavirus/article_b7a0a1b2-7ab0-11ea-8860-5b76079e25e5.html
  22. Yes. I definitely like it better than no new shows. I missed SNL, so I'm glad they're Zooming back. Some good skits, some bad ones. Typical. But I love them.
  23. I suppose it may happen in some places, but I live in south Texas, and our numbers are low and our curve is pretty flat. The university has rescheduled spring graduation for early August, and the local school district is rescheduling high school graduations for late July. So I think here, things will open up for fall.
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