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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. At that age, I loved Abeka's Health, Safety and Manners book, plus their Songs We Enjoy CD. I also quite like their Spelling, but I have a very natural speller.
  2. Is James Avery expensive jewelry store stuff? They are sterling silver, in the $40 on up range.
  3. My first guess would be menstrual-related. I've had all sorts of new pains in peri-menopause. Did you know there's a stabby one? I do now. I would perhaps try to define the nature of the pain and google that with menstrual pain. ((hugs)) random pains are so annoying.
  4. In Texas, as of May 31, Youth Sports are allowed. https://gov.texas.gov/uploads/files/organization/opentexas/OpenTexas-Checklist-Youth-Sports-Operators.pdf https://gov.texas.gov/uploads/files/organization/opentexas/OpenTexas-Checklist-Youth-Sports-Families.pdf
  5. So our countertop microwave is dying. It was just a Walmart microwave. I would like to buy something that won't die so soon (we've had it a couple of years). I do want it to be a countertop style. Does not have to be big since there are only three of us. I want a popcorn button. Don't care about color. Any suggestions?
  6. My dd had to register in March for fall classes. Thus far, she registered for all classes assuming they would be in person. If they change their minds and go online, she will probably restructure all her classes and drop many and add others. She has, for instances, plans to take Chemistry and Biology in the fall. That will be a fat no if they decide to go online. However, I think they will be in person. (We live in Texas.) I can tell you that her summer class, a drawing class in July, is going to be in person. I suspect they will require masks and 6 ft. between people but it is a small class also. She hated the online stuff.
  7. I didn't like the connections between letters with HWOT, but I just re-wrote them the way I preferred in the book, right next to their version. So I kept using HWOT. You could do the same, and just add slant. (I am a lefty and taught a lefty so we don't care about slant.)
  8. Yes! Not to derail my own thread, but YES! I am still staying home 98 percent of the time, but knowing that I CAN go somewhere just perks up my mood. Our numbers have actually started to go up a little here because of a meat plant hotspot, so we just decided that dh (our grocery shopper) should start ordering groceries online and doing curbside pickup rather than go to the store. But, like today was my dd's last final exam, so we went to Whataburger Drive Thru for lunch and ate in the car. Then we were going to go, masked, to Plato's Closet, but decided against it and went to the bayfront park instead and sat in the car and stared at the water and the birds. But it was nice knowing that we could go somewhere, even if we didn't. And... the YWCA is opening Monday. Yay! We're going to try a couple water classes and see how things go. Masked, even in Aqua Zumba. Should be interesting.
  9. Never any more. At some point, I thought, this is my face. What am I teaching my daughter if it isn't good enough? And also, men don't wear make up, and their faces are good enough. I want to help normalize makeup-less women. And then I just started really enjoying not having makeup slide off my face due to oily skin, and no raccoon look other than what comes naturally. Not that I judge anyone else for their makeup choices.
  10. It's been a couple years since we did Algebra 2, but I want to say that your problem isn't super unusual. I would just throw out problems that I thought were unfair. Or if I felt my student should know how to do something that was on the test, I would allow corrections. I wouldn't make my own tests, but I would just feel free to make judgment calls on this stuff. MUS is great, but does occasionally require modifying. Oh, also sometimes I would put formulas on test or re-word certain problems if I felt it wasn't clear. You don't have to do that 90 percent of the time or anything, but yes, occasionally.
  11. I know they were trying to be funny, but I just kept thinking about alcoholism and that the younger a person starts to drink, the more likely it will be a problem. So I didn't enjoy it a whole lot. To be fair, alcoholism runs in dh's family, so it's a tender topic.
  12. Okay, so I am hearing from you all that choir singing is an absolute no. I take this to mean that congregations singing during church are a no for the same reason? I am wondering about corporate prayer, when we all say the Lord's Prayer, for instance. Is that a no for similar reasons? What will church look like? Just one person in the front speaking? I'm just trying to wrap my head around this. I am sensing that online church will go on much longer than I had thought. Can one person sing up front into a microphone or would that be bad?
  13. I agree with that (are you in Texas?). Get in now. My dh has a dentist appointment today.
  14. I like the trellis idea to shade the windows. And you can keep them short enough so that you don't block your view from the windows of the sky (I like to see sky from my windows). Not a gardener, but I do live in south Texas, and the afternoon heat just fries stuff. Do you need to think about adding some more shade for the front side of the garden bed to block some of the harshest sun? Like full sun for 12 hours would burn stuff here, especially with the afternoon sun.
  15. That is the textbook used in my daughter's college class. US History to 1865. It was fine. Not too bad.
  16. I would think she decided to mow the lawn. No judgements about anyone.
  17. It sounds to me like you both had Covid. And I remember that news about Covid toes. It was about some kids having a weird toe thing as one of their covid symptoms. Interesting.
  18. I vote new lampshade. My dd re-did her room, and we got a pretty shade from Walmart that completely updated her lamp. I would choose one that works well with the colors in your room.
  19. Still fairly low numbers. Movie theaters have not re-opened, even though they're allowed. Hair salons can open as of May 8. Dh and dd have been wanting haircuts, but we know there will probably be a rush and a long line (people have to wait outside) so they are going to wait on haircuts for awhile still. Plus you have to masked up which is good, but I'm confused how one can gets one's hair cut with mask ties on your head. Perhaps the over-the-ear masks would be better for this outing? Still staying home. Now that I'm allowed to go out, the desire to go anywhere that's actually open is low. Our local playhouse did a curbside pickup this weekend of food from their concession stand, and they had about three different actors in costume to bring the food to the car (only one brought food to the car. I'm just saying they had three different people doing food runs). That was a nice change of pace from staying home.
  20. I would look at the college he would most likely attend (if he goes to college). See what their admission requirements are, and work backwards from there to see what is needed. How did he do on his SATs? My dd's school had minimum scores in math and english to not need remedial classses. His scores on the math section, especially, would affect my suggestions for math. My dd needed Mathusee Algebra 2 and also a good chunk of Mathusee PreCal (I actually skipped ahead to cover some PreCal stuff before the SAT and then went back afterward to do the chapters we skipped. My dd took her SAT in October and also December of her senior year to have the most math knowledge.) If he already scored well enough to place at college level in Math ( I think it was 570? Or 540? on the math section of the SAT), then I would suggest him doing the Mathusee Algebra 2 and calling it good. You will probably need to be a resource for him, as in not just hand him the videos and let him teach himself. MUS was very good for my dd but she absolutely could not have done it without me to clarify and explain some things now and again.
  21. In defense of Seton, I like some of their English workbooks. I like Composition for Young Catholics and their High School Grammar for Catholic Students. If I had discovered them earlier, I may have used their English for previous grades as well.
  22. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Sounds like Latin is the way to go.
  23. If I were you, I would probably look at the different curriculum kits offered by various publishers to figure out what I want. Timberdoodle.com has nice, eclectic kits. Shopchristianliberty.com has relatively inexpensive curriculum kits to dip your toe in. Abeka and BJU would have kits. If Catholic, there's Setonbooks.com and Catholic Heritage Curricula. Personally, I love Abeka Phonics for 1st grade reading. Writing with Ease is great for Copywork. Singapore Math is fantastic for 1st and 4th grade. The Sentence Family and Grammar Tales and Schoolhouse Rock would be really cute and fun for grammar for the 4th grader. Lakeshore Learning Center also has some cute dry-erase writing cards called "Ready to Write Prompt Box." Mosdos Press has good literature textbooks for 4th and 7th grade. A Reason for Writing is great for 4th grade cursive practice. You just have to explore to see what fits your family. Enjoy!
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