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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. :) I was discussing with dd11 last night some of the topics covered in FUFI, and she really got excited. Many of them are things that interest her. Plus, I bought several books at Goodwill yesterday that are related to FUFI topics. Looks like it was meant to be! Thanks to you guys for your input.
  2. I didn't read through all the posts, so excuse me if this was already mentioned. We really like http://www.amazon.com/Math-Williamson-Little-Hands-Series/dp/1885593082#reader_1885593082
  3. I was 22 and dh was 21 when we got married...pretty young, but not as young as my ds and his soon-to-be dw. He is 19 and she is 18. They are getting married this Saturday. :)
  4. When I read, I always "hear" every word and "see" every action in my mind, just like a movie in my brain.
  5. Usually my children wear pajamas, but I get dressed in regular clothes. It just makes *me* feel better to be dressed.
  6. This is a family favorite recipe for strawberry pie: http://www.cooks.com/rec/doc/0,1937,154170-242198,00.html
  7. Deleted my first post....I brought my own MIL issues to the table.:tongue_smilie: Just go ahead and let her be a proud grandma. She meant well.
  8. I have a daughter that same age, and I would tell her. I have been through two miscarriages (between the births of my oldest and said daughter). My oldest knew about both of them and was actually very supportive and helpful to me as I dealt with the pain and sadness. I am so sorry you are going through this. I will continue to pray for you and your family.:grouphug:
  9. I am so glad you all are okay. Good for you for holding the owners responsible!
  10. :DWell, I talked with dd11 and she agreed to go with FUFI this year. I am really excited! While I love Sonlight (and will be returning to it after this year), I am looking forward to a more relaxed schedule and more time to follow rabbit trails. I think it will breathe some fresh air into our homeschool. Plus, the Narnia series is one of my favorites. I can't wait to start planning!:)
  11. I let them play outside in the rain and also let my middle two stay up until 3:00 in the morning to play cards with their big brother who is on leave right now & getting married in a week.
  12. That is good. I hope it will be helpful and encouraging.
  13. :iagree: My dd4 is visually impaired and on the autism spectrum. I am still learning how to handle it. I try to keep my focus on my daughter and on how she is struggling, but some days I feel like I only think about how this affects me. Tell your friend to seek out parents of other Aspies IRL to support her. Online is great, but nothing beats real human contact.
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